



1Computer Information Library Clusters (计算机信息库集群),Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition (信息科学和技术百科全书,第四版),IGI Global. 20174399-4403

2Fu Yuhua. New Newton Mechanics and Related Problems (新牛顿力学及有关问题), LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016

viXra:1701.0624 see: http://www.vixra.org/pdf/1701.0624v1.pdf


4,中智学与事物发展的阶段划分,佛山科学技术学院学报社会科学版201504, 12-16

5Creating Generalized and Hybrid Set and Library with Neutrosophyand Quad-stage Method (中智学和四段式方法创建广义和混合集合以及库), Chapter 15, Handbook of Research on Generalized andHybrid Set Structures and Applications for Soft Computing (软计算中广义和混合集合结构的研究和应用手册), Sunil Jacob John, IGI Global, 2016, 308~320

6An Example of Guiding Scientific Research with PhilosophicalPrinciples Based on Uniqueness of Truth and Neutrosophy Deriving Newton'sSecond Law and the like (基于真理唯一性和中智学哲学原理导出牛顿第二定律等的实例), Critical Review, Volume X, 2015

7Unified Theory of Natural Science so far and FTL Problems (到目前为止的自然科学统一理论及超光速问题),Proceedings of the First International Conference on Superluminal andInstantaneous Physics, Editor: Florentin Smarandache. Education Publisher,2014, 58~82

8Fu Yuhua. Shortcomings and Applicable Scopes of Special andGeneral Relativity (狭义和广义相对论的缺陷及应用范围). See: Unsolved Problems in Special and GeneralRelativity. Edited by: Florentin Smarandache, Fu Yuhua and Zhao Fengjuan.Education Publishing, 2013. 81-103

9Fu Yuhua. New Explanation ofAdvance of Planetary Perihelion and Solar System’s Vortex Motion (行星近日点进动的新解释及太阳系涡旋运动). See:Unsolved Problems in Special and General Relativity. Edited by: FlorentinSmarandache, Fu Yuhua and Zhao Fengjuan. Education Publishing, 2013. 249-252

10Fu Yuhua, Closed and Symmetric Solution for Planetary MotionEquation of General Relativity (广义相对论行星运动方程的闭合对称解), see:http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/5336

11       Fu Yuhua, Neutrosophic Examples inPhysics (物理学中的中智学实例), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol.1, 2013, 26-33

12Fu Yuhua, Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Law of IncludedMultiple-Middle (泡利不相容原理及多中间状态定律), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol.6, 2014, 3-5

13Fu Yuhua, Examples of Neutrosophic Probability in Physics (物理学中的中智学概率实例), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,Vol.7, 2015, 32-34

14Fu Yuhua, Expanding Uncertainty Principle to Certainty-UncertaintyPrinciples with Neutrosophy and Quad-stage Method, Neutrosophic Sets andSystems, Vol.8, 2015, 11-14

15Fu Yuhua, Negating Four Color Theorem with Neutrosophy and Quadstage Method (应用中智学和四段式方法否定四色定理),Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol.8, 2015,66-69

16Fu Yuhua. Point Equation, Line Equation, Plane Equation etc and PointSolution, Line Solution, Plane Solution etc — Expanding Concepts of Equationand Solution with Neutrosophy and Quad-stage Method (点方程线方程面方程等及点解线解面解等应用中智学和四段式方法扩充方程和解的概念), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 11, 2016, 67~73

17Fu Yuhua. Expanding Comparative Literature into ComparativeSciences Clusters with Neutrosophy and Quad-stage Method (应用中智学和四段式方法扩充比较文学为比较科学集群), Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 12, 2016, 118~121

18Fu YuhuaErrors in Nobel Prize for Physics(1)──Strict Unified Theory Cannot be Existed (诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(1──严格意义的统一理论根本不存在,中国预印本服务系统),the general science journal (ISSN:1916-5382)


19Errors in Nobel Prize for Physics (2) ──Exist at Least SevenStates of Accelerating Expansion & Contraction and the Like in Universe,(诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(2──宇宙存在加速膨胀加速收缩等至少七种状态,中国预印本服务系统),viXra:1505.0022

20Fu Yuhua, Errors in Nobel Prize for Physics (3)──Conservation of EnergyLeads to Probability Conservation of Parity, Momentum and so on,(诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(3──能量守恒导致宇称和动量等概率性守恒,中国预印本服务系统)

See: http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/5425

21Fu Yuhua, Errors in Nobel Prize for Physics (4)──There is noStrict Symmetry in Nature, (诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(4──自然界根本不存在严格的对称性,中国预印本服务系统)


22Errors in Nobel Prize for Physics (5) ──Improper ExclusionPrinciple and Man-made Law (诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(5──无效的不相容原理以及人造规律的实现,中国预印本服务系统viXra:1505.0019

23Errors in Nobel Prize for Physics (6)──Improper HeisenbergUncertainty Principle,(诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(6──不正确的海森堡不确定性原理,中国预印本服务系统)

See: http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Unification%20Theories/Download/5734

24Errors in Nobel Prize for Physics (7) ──Improper SchrodingerEquation and Dirac Equation (诺贝尔物理奖中的错误(7──不完善的薛定谔方程和狄拉克方程,中国预印本服务系统), viXra:1505.0016

25Comparative Studies of Law of Conservation of Energy and LawClusters of Conservation of Generalized Energy—No.3 of Comparative PhysicsSeries Papers (能量守恒定律的比较研究及广义能量守恒定律集群比较物理学系列论文之三), viXra:1701.0531

26Comparative Studies of Laws of Conservation of Mass, Energy, andElecctric Charge, and Multiform Laws of Conservation of Energy and the like —No.2 of Comparative Chemistry Series Papers (能量,动量,动量矩三守恒定律的比较研究比较物理学系列论文之二), viXra:1612.0327

27Comparative Studies of Laws of Conservation of Energy, Momentumand Angular Momentum —No.2 of Comparative Physics Series Papers, viXra:1610.0100

28 Comparative Studies of Element Periodic Table and Tablesin Element Periodic Table —No.1 of Comparative Chemistry Series Papers, viXra:1609.0351

29, Comparative Studies of Law of Gravityand General Relativity—No.1 of Comparative Physics Series Papers, (万有引力定律和广义相对论的比较研究比较物理学系列论文之一),viXra:1609.0291

30, Unified Theory of Natural ScienceWritten on a T-Shirt (T恤衫上的自然科学统一理论), viXra:1512.0344


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