

Linux Journal | The Original Magazine of the Linux Community

IndieBox: for Gamers Who Miss Boxes!

There are lots of cool ideas on the Internet that never really make it outof the "startup" phase. IndieBox has been around only for a few months,but I really, really hope it catches on.

Here's the idea:

Every month, you get a Linux/Mac/Windows-compatible Indie game inthe mail. more>>

Non-Linux FOSS: a Virtualized Cisco Infrastructure?

We're all familiar with the idea of virtualized computers. Not onlyare they a great way to better utilize resources in a server room,but they also allow you to create and destroy servers in the blink of aneye. That's perfect for a lab or training environment. Unfortunately,it's always taken a rack of actual hardware to create a training labfor Cisco hardware. more>>

Linux Security Threats on the Rise

Every year, heck...every month, Linux is adopted by more companies andorganizations as an important if not primary component of their enterpriseplatform. And the more serious the hardware platform, the more likely it isto be running Linux. 60% of servers, 70% of Web servers and 95% of allsupercomputers are Linux-based! more>>

Android Candy: Oyster—Netflix for Books!

For avid readers who can't find the time to visit their local libraryor struggle to carry giant tomes of awesomeness around with them,eBooks have become a convenient way to consume books. Whether it's on aKindle, a Nook or in an app on your phone, eBooks are the ultimate inportability. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to find the bookyou want in a format you can read. more>>

Roll Your Own YouTube/Flickr with MediaGoblin

Everyone has wasted an afternoon on YouTube clicking through videos oftalking cats, screaming goats and bad-lip-reading renditions of popularmovies. Heck, there are plenty of YouTube videos of me doing odd andsilly things as well. (Does anyone remember 'Buntu Family Theater?) Forimportant family videos, however, I much prefer to control my owndata. more>>

Can We Stop Playing Card Games with Business?

A friend who works in one of the big banks recently told me that anynew-fangled approach to identity and payments is going to have a hard timegetting traction while credit cards continue to work as well as they do."Using credit cards is too easy, too normal, too entrenched in Business AsUsual", he said. They used to say the same thing about Windows. more>>

August 2014 Issue of Linux Journal: Programming

Chocolate in My Peanut Butter

Programming always has been that "thing" people did that I neverunderstood. more>>

Open-Source Space

As I write this, NASA has just passed another milestone in releasing itswork to the Open Source community. A press release came out announcingthe release on April 10, 2014, of a new catalog of NASA software thatis available as open source. This new catalog includes both older softwarethat was previously available, along with new software being released forthe first time. more>>

Silicon Mechanics Gives Back

Silicon Mechanics, Inc., announced this week that Wayne StateUniversity (WSU) is the recipient of the company’s 3rd Annual ResearchCluster Grant. This includes donation of a complete high-performancecompute cluster from Silicon Mechanics and several of its partners. more>>

Reglue: Opening Up the World to Deserving Kids, One Linux Computer at a Time

They say you never forget your first computer. For some of us, it was aCommodore 64 or an Apple IIe. For others, it was a Pentium 233 runningWindows 95. Regardless of the hardware, the fond memories of wonder andexcitement are universal. For me, I'll never forget the night my fatherbrought home our first computer, a Tandy 1000. more>>

diff -u: What's New in Kernel Development

Once in a while someone points out a POSIXviolation in Linux. Often theanswer is to fix the violation, but sometimes LinusTorvalds decides thatthe POSIX behavior is broken, in which case they keep the Linux behavior,but they might build an additional POSIX compatibility layer, even if thatlayer is slower and less efficient. more>>

Great Scott! It's Version 13!

No matter how much I love Plex, there's still nothing that comes closeto XBMC for usability when it comes to watching your network media on atelevision. I've probably written a dozen articles on Plex during the lastfew years, so you know that's tough for me to admit. more>>

Adminer—Better Than Awesome!

I've always loved PHPMyAdmin for managing MySQL databases. It's Web-based,fairly robust and as powerful as I've ever needed. Basically, it'sawesome. Today, however, I discovered something better than awesome:Adminer. Although it is conceptually identical to PHPMyAdmin, it is farsimpler and far more powerful. How can it be both? more>>

It Actually Is Rocket Science

I've never once made a model rocket. I've always wanted to, but apartfrom "tube with explodey rocket part", I really didn't know where tostart with designing. I recently found an open-source application thatshould help me with my lack of rocket science know-how: OpenRocket. more>>

Android Candy: Repix, Not Just Another Photo App

Apps like Instagram have made photo filters commonplace. I actuallydon't mind the vintage look for quick cell-phone snapshots, but a filtercan do only so much. At first glance, Repix is another one of those"make your photo cool" apps that does little more than add a border andchange saturation levels. more>>

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