


A-level blow as Baccalaureate given same rating as 5 A grades号外:A-level过时了,也给了IB国际文凭课程5A的等级

From Dailymail,UK


The credibility of A-levels received a fresh blow after it emerged that an alternative sixth form qualification is academically superior.这种非传统的中六(高中)毕业学历资历的出现,因其学术性超过了A-level课程,使得A-level的信誉受到了新的冲击。

The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas) has developed a new tariff system which gives the International Baccalaureate an A-level equivalence for the first time.大学及英国院校招生事务处(UCAS )已经开发了一种新的分数参照系统,第一次给了IB国际文凭课程和A-level课程等同的标准。

An IB score of 38 points out of a maximum of 45 - which is achieved by more than 200 pupils a year at Sevenoaks School in Kent alone - is deemed to be equivalent to a staggering five A grades at A-level.IB满分45分,英国肯特郡的塞文欧克斯学校每年有200多名学生取得了38分,相当于A-level课程中取得让世人震惊的5个A等级。

Oxford and Cambridge typically ask for 40 points which equates to five-and-half A grades.牛津和剑桥收生大都要求IB分数是40分,那相当于5.5个A等级。

A relatively modest IB score of 35 points is worth four-and-a-half A grades at A-level. 较普遍的IB分数35分就可跟A-level的4.5个A等级相媲美。

Even 30 IB points reflects three-and-a-half As at A-level which is enough to secure entry to most academically selective universities. And an IB pass is worth two As, according to the tariff being introduced in 2008.即使IB分数的30分(相当于3.5个A等级)就足以保证入读备受青睐的著名大学。参照2008年使用的标准,只要IB的合格就相当于有了2个A等级。

A report by Ucas justifies the huge number of points credited to the top end of the IB, claiming that "it is not the fault of an IB candidate (...) that the assessment system for GCE A-level does not recognise the difference between a good pass and a bare pass at grade A".一分UCAS的报告指出,出现大量IB的高分学生,“不是IB学生有什么问题,而是因为A-level不能反映其考试中的,高分通过的A等级和勉强通过A等级的区别。”

The new tariff will raise the prominence of the IB - which requires pupils to study both the humanities and the sciences - and provide a further nail in the coffin of A-levels.这个新的分数参照标准还会提高IB的声誉,因它要求IB的学生必须修读人文和科学学科,这样又给A-level的“棺材”上加了一根钉子。

A-levels 'dumbed down'

It demonstrates that the "gold standard" of A-levels has been dumbed down to such an extent that pupils now have to collect huge numbers just to achieve the same level as an IB.



Tory education spokesman David Willetts said: "This shows why people are losing confidence in the standard of A-level. The IB does seem to offer a rigour that is hard to get from A-levels now.保守党的教育发言人大卫.威利茨表示:“这就说明了为什么人们对A-level的标准失去了信心。IB好像更加严谨,这是A-level很难企及的。”

"It's important that children have the opportunity to do the IB as well as doing A-levels if that suits them better."“能够选择去读适合他们的课程,IB或者A-level,这样的机会对学生很重要。”

IB pupils typically study six subjects in the sixth form which include English and maths, a foreign language, a science, a social science such as history or geography and a creative subject such as drama or art.IB的学生通常在中六(高三)选择六个科目,英文、数学、外语、社会科学(比如,历史或者地理)和创意学科(比如,戏剧或艺术)。

They must also write a 4,000-word extended essay, pursue critical thinking courses and extra-curricular activities such as volunteering, Duke of Edinburgh awards and music lessons.他们还必须写一篇4000字的拓展性论文,修读批判性思维课程和参加课外活动,如义工,爱丁堡公爵奖和音乐课。

Rising numbers of state and independent schools are already turning their backs on A-levels amid rising concern over standards and taking up the IB.越来越多的公立学校和独立学校已经背弃了A-level,选择了IB课程,因为对A-level的学术标准日益增加。

Many believe that A-levels are no longer sufficiently stretching for the brightest pupils, leading to university admissions tutors being inundated with straight "A" applicants.许多人认为,A-levels课程不再能够凸显最聪明一类的学生,因为它导致大学招生导师被淹没在统统是“A”的申请人之中。

They are phasing in the IB along with A-levels while others aim to offer it as their sole sixth form qualification.所以,一些学校正逐步采用IB和A-level并轨,而另外一些学校的目标干脆是只提供IB课程和证书给他们中六的学生。

The number of state and independent schools registering to teach the IB in the United Kingdom has almost doubled from 45 in 2001 to 87 this year.从2001年至今,注册提供IB课程的公立学校和独立学校的数目由45所增至87所,几乎翻倍。

However numbers are expected to soar to 200 over the next few years due to the growing number of schools expressing interest to the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).越来越多的学校表达了对国际文凭组织(IBO)的兴趣。所以,这一数字在最近的几年内,预期很快就会飙升至200多。

But Dr John Dunford, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, insisted that A-levels are here to stay.但学校和学院领导协会的秘书长,约翰·邓福德博士,却坚持认为A-level课程仍然会继续保留。

Referring to the new IB tariff system, he said: "It could either make schools want to do them (IB's) more because they count for so many points or it could put schools off doing the IB because it suggests they're so difficult."他对新的IB参照系统的看法是:“因为(大学收生时)IB的分数可以换算成如此高的分数,所以这个参照可能会促使越来越多学校想推行IB课程;但也有可能,这个标准会让一些学校放弃推行IB,因为它暗示着IB课程很深。”



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