





Biceps Brachii肱二头肌

cable biceps curl滑轮胸前弯举;dumbbell biceps curl哑铃胸前弯举;incline dumbbell curl哑铃斜托弯举;machine biceps curl器械胸前弯举;seated preacher curl坐姿牧师凳弯举;stabilizing pushup平衡俯卧撑;standing biceps curl站式胸前弯举;swiss-ball seated curl平衡球坐姿弯举;zottman curl左特曼弯举。


angled prone curl角度俯卧弯举;angled prone reverse curl角度俯卧反握弯举;hammer curl锤式弯举;standing concentration curl站式单臂哑铃弯举;swiss-ball preacher curl平衡球弯举。


arnold press阿诺德推举;bar military press坐姿颈前推;bar upright row斜方肌拉力;cable front raise滑轮前平举;cable rear lateral raise俯身滑轮侧平举;cable side lateral raise滑轮侧平举;corkscrew螺旋运动;dumbbell lateral raise哑铃侧平举;dumbbell shoulder press哑铃肩膀推举;external rotation(no weights)肩关节向外转动(无重量);high pull高拉;machine lateral raise器械侧平举;machine rear raise器械三角肌后伸展;machine shoulder press器械肩膀推举;rear lateral raise俯身哑铃侧平举;seated reverse fly坐姿反向飞鸟;standing scarecrow站式螺旋运动;swiss-ball shoulder press平衡球肩膀推举;upright row直立划船。


alternating seated calf raise坐姿交互提踵;barbell standing calf raise站式哑铃交互提踵;calf raise提踵;dumbbell calf jump哑铃弹跳;single-leg standing calf raise站式单腿提踵。


barbell overhead squat杠铃过顶深蹲;dead lift提举;dumbbell front squat肩上哑铃深蹲;kettlebells side lunge壶铃侧弓步;kettlebells squat壶铃深蹲;lunging step up上下台阶;lying hip extension(no weights)仰卧臀屈伸(无重量);offset squat单腿侧深蹲;power clean高翻;side lunge杠铃侧蹲;superman超人(姿势);swiss-ball glute bridge平衡球架臀桥。


back raise提背;cable hamstring curl滑轮腿后腱弯举;decline leg curl倾斜腿弯举;good morning杠铃压肩俯身;machine leg curl器械腿弯举;reverse hyperextension方向腹背训练;swiss-ball leg curl平衡球腿弯举。


Latissimus Dorsi背阔肌

assisted pull-up助力引体向上;barbell bent-over row俯身杠铃划船;cable close grip pulldown滑轮颈前下拉;cable seated high row坐姿滑轮高位划船;cable straight arm pull-down滑轮单臂下拉;chinup反手引体向上;kettlebells bent-over-row壶铃前倾划船;lat pulldown坐姿滑轮下拉;machine lateral pull-down坐姿滑轮侧下拉;neutral-grip pullup宽握引体向上;one-arm row单臂划船;single-arm pulldown单臂下拉;t-bar bent-over row丁字架前倾划船。

Lower Back下背肌

bar squat杠深蹲;dumbbell romanian deadlift罗马尼亚哑铃提举;prone cobra眼镜蛇式俯卧;romanian barbell deadlift罗马尼亚杠铃提举;romanian deadlift罗马尼亚提举;zercher squat泽奇深蹲;


abdominal twist腹部弯曲;barbell side bend杠铃体侧举;cable torso rotation滑轮扭腰;cable woodchopper滑轮伐木;clam屈腿提身;crunch twist仰卧扭体;dumbbell side bend哑铃体侧屈;dumbbell torso twist哑铃扭腰;figure-8 crunch仰卧夹球扭腰;side crunch侧卧起身;standing oblique crunch站式斜身下拉;swiss-ball crunch平衡球仰卧起坐;swiss-ball oblique crunch平衡球侧卧起身;swiss-ball torso twist平衡球哑铃扭腰;twisting crunch仰卧扭体(保持);twisting windmill风车扭腰。


barbell bench press杠铃卧推;bosu kneeling pushup博苏膝式俯卧撑;cable chest flye滑轮扩胸;cable chest press滑轮卧推;cable crossover滑轮夹胸;deline close-grip bench press下斜式窄握卧推;dive-bomber pushup俯冲轰炸机式俯卧撑;dumbbell flye哑铃飞鸟;dumbbell incline bench press下斜式哑铃卧推;dumbbell pull-over俯卧哑铃弯举;incline barbell bench press下斜式杠铃卧推;machine chest flye器械夹胸;machine chest press器械推胸;pushup仰卧起坐;rotational pushup旋转式俯卧撑;swiss-ball press平衡球哑铃卧推;swiss-ball pushup平衡球俯卧撑;towel fly(no weights)滑式俯卧撑;two-point bridge两点架桥;unilateral high cable fly高位单侧滑轮飞鸟;unilateral low cable fly低位单侧滑轮飞鸟;weighted pushup负重俯卧撑。


back squat杠铃压背深蹲;barbell hack squat杠铃后拉深蹲;barbell lunge杠铃弓步;barbell squat杠铃深蹲;beginner squat初学者深蹲;bulgarian split squat保加利亚深蹲;bulgarian split squat(no weights)保加利亚深蹲(无重量);cable front squat前置滑轮深蹲;cable leg extension滑轮腿伸展;dumbbell lunge哑铃弓步;dumbbell reverse lunge哑铃反弓步;front squat杠铃前置深蹲;hack squat后拉深蹲;machine leg extension器械腿伸展;machine leg press器械深蹲;ski squat(no weights)滑墙深蹲(无重量);sumo squat相扑式深蹲;swiss-ball wall squat平衡球深蹲;walking lunge twist负重前冲扭腰。

Rectus Abdominis腹直肌

ab crunch on a ball平衡球仰卧起坐;ab crunch machine器械仰卧起坐;abdominal reverse curl腹部反向弯举;bar crunch持杠起身;barbell cable rollout滑轮杠铃外移;bench side bridge条凳侧桥;bicycle kick脚踏车式踢击;dumbbell toe touch哑铃触脚;hanging knee raise吊杠提膝;hanging leg raise吊杠提腿;high woodchopper高位伐木;inclined reverse crunch斜面提腿;jackknife对折;kneeling cable crunch膝式滑轮下压;oblique v-up斜式两头起;pulse up仰卧举腿;reverse crunch反向捲腹;rollback伸臂起身;saxon side bend撒克逊侧弯;seated twist坐式转体;situp仰卧起坐;sprinter奔跑式起身;steam engine肘碰膝;toe touch触脚;traditional crunch传统仰卧起坐;twisting hip raise扭腰提腿;v-up两头起;weighted swiss-ball crunch平衡球负重仰卧起坐;wheel rollout转轮移出。

Rotator Cuff肩关节旋转肌群

rotator cuff - external肩关节旋转肌群——外部;rotator cuff - internal肩关节旋转肌群——内部。



bent over row(no weights)俯身上拉(无重量);cable seated close row坐姿滑轮划船;cable seated low row坐姿低位滑轮划船;cable standing close row站式滑轮划船;shrug耸肩;swiss-ball close row平衡球划船。

Triceps Brachii肱三头肌

bench dip架桥式板凳撑体;cable triceps overhead extension滑轮三头肌过顶伸展;cable triceps pushdown滑轮三头肌下压;chair dip(no weights)凳上双臂屈伸(无重量);diamond pushup钻石式俯卧撑;dip屈臂伸;french press法式拉举;kettlebell pullover壶铃拉举;lyingpullover卧式拉举;lying triceps extension卧式三头肌伸展;machine triceps extension器械三头肌伸展;overhead bar press头上杠铃推举;parallel bar dip负重臂屈伸;triceps assisted dip三头肌助力屈伸;triceps kickback三头肌后撑。

Wrist Extensors伸腕肌

dumbbell wrist twist哑铃旋腕;reverse wrist curl反握弯举。

Wrist Flexors屈腕肌

wrist curl屈腕练习。

健身房英语ABC 2004-2-18 课程类:
〔yoga瑜伽〕〔spinning动感单车〕〔body arts身体艺术〕〔aerobics有氧操〕〔step踏板〕〔boxing拳击〕〔karate空手道〕〔fitball健身球操〕〔hot ball热力球操〕〔ABS(abdomen back stretch)腹背部训练〕身体部位: 〔thigh大腿〕〔innerlouter thigh大腿内部/外侧〕〔calf(calves)小腿〕〔butt(buttocks)臀部〕〔triceps肱三头肌〕〔biceps肱二头肌〕〔heel脚后跟〕〔hamstring腘窝〕〔lower back下背(腰的部 位)〕Chest press machine 坐姿推胸机 sover machine 双臂交叉训练机(大飞鸟机)Military press 肩部推举机 Seated row machine 坐姿划船机 Rotary torso machine 旋转训练机 Multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机 Outer thigh abductor machine 腿部外弯机 Inner thigh adductor machine 腿部内弯机 Vertical leg press 垂直蹬腿练习器 Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅 Incline Olympic bench 奥林匹克上斜椅 Roman chair/back hyperextension 罗马凳 Hyperextension 腹背训练凳 2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack 哑铃架 Standard weight tree 铃片架 Olympic weight tree 铃片架 Stretch corner 伸拉角 Stretch zone 伸拉中心 Leg press 腿部推蹬机 Leg extension 腿部伸展机 Standing tricep 站式肱三头肌训练器 Standing bicep 站式肱二头肌训练器 Dip chin ab 单杠提膝器 Preacher curl bench 屈臂训练凳 Lat 复合高拉机 Row 复合划船机 Abdominal 腹部训练器 Cable column 复合拉伸机 Hamstring 低拉机 Utility bench 三角椅 Adjustable bench 可调式哑铃椅 Barbell 杠铃架 Double tier dumbbell 双层哑铃架 Recumbent cycle 卧式健身车 Treadmills 踏步机 Display stem: 显示器支撑杆External circlip: Display lower: 显示器下盖 Flush head press in stud: 埋头大头钉 Seat carriage 座位滑动架 Pozi美国百老汇舞台的专业舞者,也是知名节目主持人更是健身专家 IEC Free plug, shutter snap fit: 通用插头 Caplug 盖塞 End plaque cap 瓷花后盖 End cap 后盖 Pedal leaver arm: 踏板臂 Rubber bump stop:
橡胶缓冲器 Crutch tip: Nutsert 螺母 Toothed belt idler plate: 皮带惰轮锯齿板 (保留英文) Step hole trim L/hand: 左踏板孔饰物 Step hole trim retaining block: 踏板孔饰物固定块 Runner assembly 转动组件 Roller member pivot: 辊构件枢轴 Logo wheel: 轮子(带标识) Crank plate: 曲板(保留英文)Ribbed insert: 扶手连杆 Cover center section: 盖板中心部分 Countersunk socket set screw: 埋头螺丝 PEC machine/butterfly 蝴蝶机 Incline press machine 上斜推胸机 Bicep curl machine 二头肌训练机 AB machine 腹部前屈机 Lat machine with mid row 高拉训练机 Leg curl machine/seated leg curl 屈腿训练机 Leg press machine 腿部推蹬机 Leg press/hach squat machine 倒蹬/斜蹬机 Pro-smith machine 安全杠铃练习机 Counter-balanced smith machine 史密斯机 Seated calf machine 坐姿小腿练习机 Dip station 双杠练习器 Military press 肩部推举机 Tricep press down machine 三头肌训练机 Arm curl 二头肌推举器 Standing hip/multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机 Abdominal 腹部前屈机 Bi-axial chest press 双轴上斜推胸机 Seated chest press 坐工推胸机 Dual cable column 双臂训练机 Bicep 二头肌训练机 Tricep 复合三头肌训练机 Functional lift 复合抬举机 Calf 小腿训练机 Cable cross 复合飞鸟机 Flat bench 扁平椅 Abdominal bench 腹部训练椅 Single tier dumbbell 单层哑铃架 Squat rack 挂片式深蹲架 Stepper 台阶器 Rubber earring moulding: 橡胶基座 Allen wrench 通用扳手 Cord bracket 夹线板 Freeweight dumbbell 负重哑铃 Freeweight 负重 weight training 负荷训练 strength training 力量训练 endurance training 耐力训练 path of motion 动作路径 Overhead Tricep 三头肌高位训练机 Sets 套 Chest press 胸部推举机 Shoulder press machine 肩部推举机 Tricep press down machine 三头肌训练机 Back machine 背部训练机 Lat pull down 高拉机训练机 Leg extension machine 腿部伸展机 Flat bench 哑铃平椅 Flat/incline/decline bench 可调式哑铃椅 Flat Olympic bench 奥林匹克平椅 Vertical knee raise 单杠提膝器 Preacher curl bench 屈臂训练凳 Wab board 腹肌板 Seated calf machine 小腿训练机 Lateral shoulder raise 肩部侧推机 Hip abductor 腿部外弯机 Hip adductor 腿部内弯机 Chest mid-row 滑船机 Lat high row 高位滑船机 Roman Chair/ back hyperextension 罗马凳 45 hyperextension 腹背训练凳 Vertical knee raise 单杠提膝器 Upper back 背肌训练机 Incline trainer 上斜跑步机 Squat 蹲式复合训练机 Chest 复合胸部训练器 Shoulder 复合肩部训练机 Step 负重踏步机 Quadricep 复合腿部训练机 Plate loaded squat 挂片式深蹲机 Adductor 夹腿机 Upright cycle 立式健身车 Rubber boot: 橡胶支座 6.3 Amp time Lag glass body: 6.3 Amp保险丝 Wiring loom: 接线器 Poly “V” drive pulley: V形驱动滑轮 Full dog point socket set: 专用螺丝 Reps. (repetition) 组 Weight stack 配重片 Cycling equipment健骑机/ 健身车
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