

美国习惯用语 (WORDS AND IDIOMS 251-300)
400sweet; lame...
39924/7; props...
398hit the ground running...
397advance man; spin doctor...
396stump speech, don't change horses...
395lock, stock and barrel...
394keep your shirt on...
393bring down the house...
392put one's house in order...
391take the bull by horn...
390happy hour; banker's hour
389the eleventh hour; zero hour...
388paper pusher; walking paper...
387paper over; paper tiger...
386go to bat for; right off the bat...
385rock the boat; make waves...
384trim one's sail; take the wind out of one's sail...
383shipspace; ship out...
382pass the buck; close to the vest...
381showdown; poker face...
380straight from the shoulder...
379tear one's hair; hairy...
378monkey; monkey wrench...
377top to bottom; bottom dollar...
376top gun; top of one's head...
375paying through the nose; keep one's nose clean...
374walking on air; seventh heaven...
373sitting pretty; in the catbird seat...
372flashback; slapstick...
371a horse of different color...
370be on one's high horse...
369fiddle around; pay the fiddler...
368turn tail; turn over a new leaf...
367top dog; wear the pants...
366lay all the cards on the table...
365go off half-cocked; a shot in the dark...
364change one's tune; dance to another tune...
363tune; tune one out...
362just for laughs; have the last laugh...
361sock away; the shoe is on the other foot...
360rain check; right as rain...
359fly by the seat of one's pants...
358fool; nobody's fool...
357touch and go; fast and loose...
356hands down; hand over fist...
355the rubber chicken circuit...
354out of the frying pan into the fire...
353fit to a T; fit for a king...
352fit to be tied; fit and trim...
351number is up; do a number on sb...
350stick one's neck out; neck of the woods...
349break one's neck; wring one's neck
348flesh out; pound of flesh...
347a bundle of nerves; nervous Nellie...
346get up the nerve; have a lot of nerve...
345take into account; have an account to settle...
344bring sb. to account...
343name-dropper; your name is mud...
342nail down; as hard as nails...
341the short end of the stick...
340end; living end
339knockoff; knock sb. dead...
338knock around; knock off...
337shoot from the hip; shoot the breeze...
336shoot down; shoot one's wad...
335kiss sth. goodbye; kiss off...
334wait for the other shoe to drop...
333shake up; shake down...
332tongue-lashing; a slip of tongue...
331legal eagle; rain maker...
330knock-down and drag-out fight...
329can't fight the city hall...
328fight tooth and nail...
327on the  ropes; give sb. enough rope to hang...
326rope sb. in; at the end of one's rope
325learn the ropes
324dog tired; go to the dogs...
323go bananas; compare oranges and apples...
322not playing with a full deck...
321go to pot; sweeten the pot
320thin air; come up for air
319fish or cut bait; fishing expedition
318inside story; sob story
317cock and bull story; cover story
316eyes bigger than your stomach...
315stand out; stand the heat
314bone of contention; make no bones about it
313feel in your bone; throw sb. a bone
312pull the strings; string sb. along
311hard sell; sell a bill of goods
310Buy a pig in a poke...
309Scrape the bottom of the barrel
308feather your own nest; empty nest
307foul your own nest; stir up a hornet's nest
306button your lip; on the button
305fib; white lie...
304ace in the hole; an ace up your sleeve...
303no brainer; cut to the chase
302nickel and dime; on a dime
301penny-ante; penny-pincher; penny-wise
300cut a deal; raw deal
299have a bear by the tail; loaded for bear...
297have a lot on the ball; start the ball rolling
296have a ball; ball of fire; ball up
295step up to the plate; not get to first plate...
294go over with a bang; get a bang out of...
293class act; hard act to follow; get one's act together
292rat race; treadmill; salt mine
291pull for; pull through; pull sb.'s leg
290push around; pushover; when push comes to shove
289wet blanket; security blanket
288stag/hen/tailgate party; baby shower
287blow-out; bash; wing-ding; blast
286lie low; let sleeping dogs lie
285run like clockwork; cut and run; dry run
284get in on the ground floor; mop the floor with
283go whole hog; the whole nine yards...
282fair shake; fair-weather friend; fair-haired boy
281there is going to be a devil to pay...
280raise the devil; devil's advocate
279start from scratch; scratch the surface
278wing it; take sb. under your wing
277life in the fast lane; go nowhere fast
276sit on one's hands; sit on the fence
275sitting pretty; sit tight
274play fast and loose; hard and fast
273one-liner; punch-line
272no problem; have a nice day
271eat one's words; from the word go
270walk down the aisle; walk the plank
269wild and woolly; dyed in the wool
268a slap on the wrist; wait for the other shoe to drop
267lower the boom; throw away the key
266goody two shoes; fill the shoes
265go full steam ahead; blow off steam
264steamroller; under one's own steam
263be handed sth. in a silver platter...
262gold mine; born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
261fly-by-night; off the cuff
260cook up; smart cookie; tough cookie
259pinhead; on pins and needles
258top banana; top brass
257on top of the world; off the top of sb's head
256go up in smoke; smoke screen
255smoke and mirrors; bum steer
254butter up sb.; nitpicker
253fine kettle of fish; have other fish to fry
252sweet talk; snow job
251smart money; mad money
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