


如何写好博士后求职伴函(How to Write a Postdoc Cover Letter)

(2012-06-09 13:49:08)


找工作的时候,通常都要加上一封 cover letter,金山词霸翻译为“伴函”,我个人觉得更类似于我们说的“求职信”,基本上是对方第一眼看的东西。认真写写是必须滴。转载一个指南。原文是英文,顺便翻译一下。翻译未必真确,而且没有认真去斟酌字句,非常有自己一直很愤青、诟病、不屑的不伦不类的中文,就是嵌套在英文语法中的中文。转载出来,一位自己做个笔记,二为同仁们方便。

title 是 postdoc 求职信,但是其实觉得其他方面也适用的。

How to Write a Postdoc Cover Letter


    • 1

      Use your graduate department's letterhead. For an academic position or postdoctoral work, it is considered proper to use the letterhead of the institution and department that granted your doctoral degree for your cover letter. Two spaces beneath the department heading, type your address block. Skip two spaces and spell out the current date. Skip two more spaces and address the letter to the hiring manager or appropriate faculty member for the desired position. Plan your cover letter to be a single page and approximately four paragraphs long.


    • 2

      Begin the first paragraph of your cover letter by expressing interest in the particular position. Write your cover letter in the first person. For example, start your first sentence, "I am writing to express an interest in the Structural Engineering position," followed by where you heard about the job offer. Give a brief overview of the cover letter and express an interest in an interview to discuss your qualifications in person.


      • 3

        Summarize your educational background in the second paragraph. Work your degrees and the institutions you received them from into promotional but professional sentences. Elaborate on how the experience gained earning your graduate degree helped qualify you for the position you seek. Discuss any research you were involved in during your graduate studies. Discuss how your experience and skills make you a valuable asset to the organization.

        第二段写自己的教育背景。用promotional but professional(即具有推销性又专业的?)语言叙述自己的学位以及获得学位的学院。说说自己受过的教育如何使得自己能够胜任这个工作。叙述博士期间所做的研究。说说自己的经验和技术对于该组织的贡献。

      • 4

        Use the third paragraph to direct attention to relevant areas of your curriculum vitae. According to the University of California at Berkeley, you should use your cover letter to point out information on your CV that exemplifies applicable experience. Continue to express ways in which your experience makes you an excellent candidate for the position you seek. Direct employers to your most important educational and work references, like your dissertation faculty adviser, and your most important work supervisor.


      • 5

        Write a closing paragraph that reviews the undergraduate and post graduate educational work that exemplifies your ability to fill the position. Repeat your assertion that you can bring value to the organization and restate an interest in meeting in person to give more information about your skills. Express appreciation for your potential employer's time and consideration.




    By: Fred Winston

    May 2, 1996

    Dr. Welcome Bender
    Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA 02115

    Dear Dr. Bender,

    I am currently a graduate student in Greg Mendel's lab at the U. of Brünn and I am writing to inquire about the possibility of a postdoctoral position in your laboratory. I plan on graduating in June, 2004 and I would be interested in beginning between June-September, 2004.

    My graduate work has focused on the inheritance patterns of certain traits in the pea Pisum sativum. Since peas have many traits that differ between different true-breeding plants, and since peas can both cross-fertilize and self-fertilize, this has been a good system for studying inheritance. My work has suggested that the inheritance of genetic traits follows two general rules. First, two members of a gene pair segregate from each other into the gametes. Second, during gamete formation, the segregation of alleles of one gene is independent of the segregation of alleles of another gene. This work will soon be published by the Natural History Society of Brünn.

    During the course of my graduate work, I have become very interested in Drosophila developmental biology. I have been especially intrigued by studies of the Polycomb complex and how it represses gene expression during development. Thus, I am quite interested in the work going on in your laboratory.

    I am planning a visit to the United States sometime early this summer. If possible, I would like to visit your lab at that time. I would be happy to present a seminar on my work.

    Enclosed is a copy of my CV. I have asked my three references to send you letters on my behalf. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Sincerely yours,

    Hugo de Vries



    May 2, 1996

    Dr. Welcome Bender
    Department of BCMP
    Harvard Medical School
    Boston, MA 02115

    Dear Dr. Bender,

    I am currently a graduate student in Greg Mendel's lab at the U. of Brünn, where I have been studying segregation and independent assortment of genetic traits. I plan to graduate next month and I am interested in your line of research. Therefore, I am applying for a postdoctoral position in your lab. My CV is enclosed. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Sincerely yours,

    Hugo de Vries
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