

李娜法网封后 代言身价大涨
2011年 06月 07日 09:06
李娜法网封后 代言身价大涨
据《体育商业期刊》(Sports Business Journal)报导,先是与冰淇淋品牌哈根达斯(Haagen-Dazs)的代言协议,代言费为每年50万美元左右,时间为数年。这是哈根达斯首次找知名运动员做代言人。
几天后,李娜又签了与劳力士(Rolex)的代言协议,代言费不得而知。劳力士是颇受中国富人群体欢迎的一个地位象征。劳力士已经是若干重大赛事的赞助商(常常贯以“官方计时器伙伴”头衔),代言人包括网球明星费德勒(Roger Federer)、沃兹尼亚奇(CarolineWozniacki)、海宁(Justine Henin)和中国女选手郑洁。
The Fight for Li Na
As China celebrates Li Na''s victory in the French Open, the nextquestion is how she 岸 and the world''s biggest brands 岸 will cash in onher celebrity. Which labels will she represent? How will she bemarketed? And who will pay the big money for her endorsement?
Whoeversnags her as a spokeswoman is likely to do it soon. Consider this:Within two weeks of losing the championship match at the Australian Openin January, Ms. Li signed two major endorsement deals岸a recognition ofher having become the most successful Chinese tennis player to date.(Until then, Nike was her lone big-name sponsor.)
First came adeal with H?agen-Dazs which, according to Sports Business Journal, wasworth in the ''mid-six figures annually for several years.'' It was thefirst time the ice-cream brand sought a celebrity athlete endorsement.
Dayslater came a deal with Rolex, a popular status symbol among the Chinesewealthy set, for an undisclosed amount. Rolex was already a backer ofmajor tournaments (often adopting the title of ''official timekeeper'')and had sponsorship deals with tennis stars Roger Federer, CarolineWozniacki, Justine Henin and Ms. Li''s fellow countrywoman Zheng Jie.
Notsurprisingly, Rolex and Nike have seized the moment following Ms. Li''sParis triumph, trumpeting their ties with the new champ. The day afterher victory, Rolex posted her picture with congratulatory text on thehomepage of its website. Nike plastered a photo of her from the match onits Chinese website.
But the U.S. sports-apparel giant wasapparently ahead of the game: After Ms. Li won the final match of theFrench Open, she was asked by reporters about the yellow T-shirts beingworn by her entire entourage, including her coach and husband. Made byNike, the shirts have four large white Chinese characters on the chestthat Ms. Li said translate to ''Believe Yourself'' (though a more literaltranslation is ''Achieve Yourself'').
''They [Nike] only make#30T?shirt(s) [for] all of China,'' Ms. Li told reporters. ''I think now theyshould make more. A lot of fans would like to have these shirts.''
Surely, Nike will make sure fans have their wish.
2011年 06月 07日 10:22
Benoit Tessier/Reuters
Associated Press
李娜拿下最后一分兴奋地躺倒在地上时,她的丈夫和新教练迈克尔?莫滕森(Michael Mortensen)拥抱在一起。当李娜从衣帽间出来时,莫滕森等候在那里向她祝贺。
Li Na, China''s Unlikely Champion
Consider the improbable story of Li Na, the French Open champion and thefirst player from China to win a Grand Slam singles title. She startedto play the game at age 9, quite late for a professional. She neverplayed on a true clay court as a child─she described China''s ''sand''courts as ''totally different'' from top-grade clay and so slippery thatthey made her feel like she was playing ice hockey. Her father, a formerbadminton player, died when she was 14 and by 2002, at the age of 20,she had retired to study journalism. ''I really didn''t think I could be agood player,'' she said.
Li didn''t play for two years and atschool, no one knew she had ever picked up a racket before. ''You have achoice, which sport you want,'' she said. ''So the friend say, ''I willchoose tennis,'' and I say, ''No sorry, I don''t know how to play thetennis.''''
No doubt many of those friends─and tens of million moreChinese─were watching and cheering as Li, now age 29, defeatedFrancesca Schiavone, the defending French Open champion, 6-4, 7-6(0)Saturday. After she won, she made no proclamations about the arrival ofChina or the importance of her win. She said thank you and wished herfriend happy birthday.
''I think this is gift for her,'' she told the crowd.
Suchis the charm of Li, who showed nary a sign that she had theexpectations of the world''s most populous nation on her racket. Earlierthis year in Australia, she reached her first Grand Slam final and lost.Saturday, she played with the calm and precision of a tried and truechampion. When she was done, she acted as if her accomplishment wasminor, rather than a breakthrough for a nation that has invested much intennis and until now received no singles champions in return.
Thefinal pitted two contrasting styles and in the end Li''s poweroverwhelmed Schiavone''s artful spins and sharp angles. She hit 31winners, 15 off her forehand, and made 24 errors. In the second settiebreak, she raced out to a 6-0 lead in an instant.
''I was thinking about, ''OK, don''t do stupid thing,'''' she said.
Lihas had a whirlwind season. First she was a surprise finalist at theAustralian Open, then she was a veteran in a miserable slump. To get outof it, she hired a new coach, no easy decision since her previous onewas also her husband, Jiang Shan. Li said they constantly fought on thecourt; after she lost in the second round in Stuttgart in April, shesaid, they sat down and agreed that it was time to make a change.
''Hecan do everything for me, but sometimes I was thinking about, ''You''remy husband, why are you shouting at me on court?'''' she said. ''We cantalk everything. We are not only husband and wife, we are also like thefriend.''
As Li won the final point and dropped to her back, herhusband and her new mentor, Michael Mortensen, hugged. When Li emergedfrom the locker room, Mortensen was there to greet her.
''Thank you Michael,'' she said as they embraced. ''Li Na, I''m so proud of you,'' he said.
Andthen the real celebration began. Amid cheers of ''Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!'' Liand her husband embraced. These two are not much for public displays ofaffection, and Li often jokes about her husband. Earlier in the week shesaid that he had been demoted to ''hitting partner'' and that she brokethe news gently: ''I try to never say, ''I fire you,'''' she said. (Jiang,for his part, says he''s willing to do anything to help his wife win,even if that means fetching balls for her or bringing her lunch.) Butshe couldn''t hold back tears when Jiang pulled her close to give her aquick kiss.
''Today I tell her, don''t think about winning or losing, you are here,'' he said. ''Just play tennis, enjoy your match.''
Mortensenbegan working with Li in Madrid at the end of April and he hasn''t hadtime to impose any drastic changes on Li''s game, not that she needsthem. He admits that a lot of what he has told her─take a more directpath to the ball, make contact further out in front of her body─mightwell be advice she has heard many times before. Sometimes, though,change for the sake of change is enough.
''I think it''s healthy,''he said. ''She''s starting fresh, a new picture she can start painting.Maybe I''m saying something she hasn''t heard before, or maybe I say it ina different way and it clicks.''
Mortensen, like the rest of Li''steam, wore a yellow T-shirt with Chinese characters printed on it. Hewasn''t sure what they said. ''Something like, believe in it, you can doit, something positive,'' he said. ''I''m not quite sure.''
Later, Litranslated: ''Be yourself.'' She said she would continue doing just that,even though she has become the biggest star in the history of Chinesetennis.
''I just want to do the same, whatever I do before,'' she said. ''I don''t need to worry, I mean, I''m married, who cares about me?''
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