

Walking in a Winter Wonderland 漫游冬季仙境
Walking in a Winter Wonderland漫游冬季仙境
by Olivia Wycech
There is fun to be had all over the world, even in places where temperatures are below freezing.
In Canada, residents have to get creative to keep their spirits up during the freezing cold winter months. So when Canadian cities are blanketed with snow, naturally, they host a snow carnival. Through the first half of February, Quebec City is transformed into a winter wonderland. The Quebec Winter Carnival boasts a plethora of attractions like skiing, dog sledding, hockey, snowshoeing, building ice sculptures, and even a masquerade ball. Many of the activities are held outdoors in frigid temperatures, so the structures are mostly constructed from the very same flakes that surround them. The Ice Palace is a two-story castle that is not only the centerpiece of the carnival, but is home to the carnival’s ambassador, Bonhomme, which is a snowman.
The carnival is not just for the young and brave because adults can sip on caribou, a hot alcoholic beverage once famous for keeping hunters and loggers warm in colonial times. While the drink used to be made from caribou blood and whiskey, the modern version consumed during the carnival is a concoction of red wine, whiskey, and Quebec’s best export—maple syrup. There is plenty to keep kids warm and fed, too, including hot chocolate and Beaver Tails. Beavers are not actually harmed in the production of Beaver Tails, as the treat more closely resembles a donut than meat.
Though not officially part of the Quebec Winter Carnival, North America's very first Ice Hotel is worth a visit. Built entirely from snow and ice each year and with a lifespan of four months, the hotel can accommodate 85 guests in rooms with nothing but mattresses with deerskin covers. There is a lot to do at the Quebec Winter Carnival to shake off even the most severe case of the winter blues.
1. Where do Canadians get the materials to build the Quebec Winter Carnival?
(A) They import them from the US.
(B) From the snow that falls in and around the city.
(C) Loggers cut down maple trees and use them to build the structures.
(D) They are stored in the Ice Palace.
2. Why did early Canadians drink caribou blood?
(A) As a ritual practiced to bring luck to hunters.
(B) Canada was overpopulated with caribou.
(C) To keep their body temperature up while working outdoors.
(D) Canadians needed caribou meat in order to survive the winter.
3. What is a Beaver Tail?
(A) A cut of beaver meat seasoned with maple syrup.
(B) A steak that is molded to resemble a donut.
(C) A doughy pastry.
(D) A dessert that is shaped like a beaver.
4. What is so special about the Ice Hotel?
(A) It serves food and drinks to families.
(B) It's the first one of its kind in North America.
(C) Every room comes equipped with a deer.
(D) It's open all year round.
carnival n. 嘉年华会
a plethora of...繁多的……
attraction n. 吸引人的事物
sledding n. 拉雪橇
snowshoeing n. 雪鞋运动
sculpture n. 雕刻品
a masquerade ball化妆舞会
masquerade n. 化装舞会
frigid a. 严寒的
flake n. 雪片
centerpiece n. 中心;主轴
ambassador n. 大使
caribou n. 北美驯鹿(单复数同形)
logger n. 樵夫
colonial a. 殖民的
maple syrup枫糖浆
treat n. 甜点
resemble vt. 与……相像
officially adv. 正式地
lifespan n. 寿命
ritual n. 仪式
overpopulated a. 人口过多的
doughy a. 柔软的
pastry n. 糕点
Built entirely from snow and ice each year and with a lifespan of four months, the hotel can accommodate 85 guests in rooms with nothing but mattresses with deerskin covers.
原句实等於∶The hotel is built entirely..., the hotel can accommodate... 但如此会形成两句无连接词之错误句构,解决方法为将其中一个子句化为分词句构,其法则如下∶
1. 被化简子句中的主词与主要子句中的主词相同时,该主词要予以删除。
2. 之後的动词要变成现在分词。
3. 若该动词为 be 动词时,变成现在分词 being 之後可予以省略。
Sick of studying, Todd took a break and went out for a walk.
Having nothing to do, Jason felt bored.
keep sb's spirits up使某人振作精神
David reminds himself to keep his spirits up during the tough times.
be blanketed with...被……覆盖
blanket vt. 覆盖
Our front yard is blanketed with leaves during the fall.
boast vt.(某地)以拥有……自豪
The library boasts a collection of 500,000 books and magazines.
这间图书馆以藏有 50 万册书籍和杂为傲。
construct vt. 建造
The government constructed a high-speed railway to make traveling easier.
surround vt. 围绕,环绕
A group of people surrounded the street performer as he did magic tricks.
be home to...……的家乡 发源地
The Amazon is home to numerous species of plants and animals.
sip vt. 啜饮
Cindy sipped some coffee as she read a novel.
be made from...由……制成
Products made from recycled materials have gained in popularity recently.
consume vt. 吃 喝掉;消耗
Everyone had to limit the amount of water they consumed during the drought.
concoction n. 混合物
A concoction of corn syrup and apple cider vinegar was used to treat Joe's hiccups.
in the production of... 在……的制造过程中
The company guaranteed that no hazardous substances were used in the production of their goods.
accommodate vt. 容纳
The theater can accommodate up to 600 people.
这家戏院可容纳 6 百人之多。
shake off... / shake...off摆脱;甩掉
I can't shake off the feeling that my classmates are gossiping about me.
severe a. 严重的;剧烈的
The severe storm struck the area, causing power outages for several days.
be seasoned with...用……调味过的
season vt. 给……调味
My grandmother seasoned the pumpkin soup with her secret spices.
mold vt. 使成形;塑造
As a teacher, Lily knows she has the responsibility of molding the future leaders of the country.
come equipped with...有……的装备
This car comes equipped with four-wheel drive and air conditioning.
在加拿大,居民必须要发挥创意,好让自己在严寒的冬季振奋精神。因此,加拿大的城市都被白雪覆盖时,他们就会顺理成章地举办一场白雪嘉年华。整个 2 月前半段,魁北克市会变成一个冬季仙境。魁北克冬季嘉年华包含各种吸引人的事物,像是滑雪、狗狗拉雪橇、冰上曲棍球、雪鞋运动及制作冰雕,甚至还有化妆舞会。其中许多活动都是在气候严寒的室外举行,因此其建筑物通常都是由围绕於四周的雪片架构而成。冰宫是一座两层楼高的城堡,它不仅是这场嘉年华活动的主轴,更是嘉年华亲善大使 Bonhomme 雪人的故乡呢。
这场嘉年华活动不只是给年轻、有胆识的人参加,因为成人也可以啜饮 caribou,那是一种含有酒精成分的热饮,曾在殖民时期以帮助猎人和樵夫暖身而闻名。这种饮料过去是由北美驯鹿的血和威士忌调配而成,但在这场嘉年华活动中所饮用的现代版本则是混合了红酒、威士忌以及魁北克最佳的出口货——枫糖浆。此外,还有许多能让孩子温饱的东西,包括热巧克力和海狸尾巴。在海狸尾巴的制造过程中并不会真的伤害到海狸,因为这道点心比较像甜甜圈而不像肉。
虽然并未正式成为魁北克冬季嘉年华的一部分,北美洲的首座冰雕饭店却绝对值得拜访。这间饭店每年都是完全用冰雪建构而成,使用期限为 4 个月,它可以容纳 85 位房客入住,而房间里头除了覆盖著鹿皮的床垫以外什麽都没有。即使你有很严重的冬季忧郁症,在魁北克冬季嘉年华都有许多事情可以帮助你摆脱忧郁。
1. 加拿大人从哪里取得举办魁北克冬季嘉年华的材料?
(A) 他们从美国进口这些建材。
(B) 从城市周围飘落的雪花。
(C) 樵夫会将枫树砍下并用它来搭构建筑物。
(D) 这些建材存放於冰宫。
题解∶根据第 1 段第 5 句,其中许多活动都是在气候严寒的室外举行,因此其建筑物通常都是由围绕於四周的雪片架构而成,故 (B) 项应为正选。
2. 为什麽早期的加拿大人饮用北美驯鹿的血?
(A) 作为一个为猎人带来好运的仪式。
(B) 加拿大充斥太多北美驯鹿。
(C) 为了要在户外工作的时候保持身体温暖。
(D) 加拿大人需要北美驯鹿的肉来以求在冬天存活。
题解∶根据本文第 2 段第 1 句,这场嘉年华活动不只是给年轻、有胆识的人参加,因为成人也可以啜饮 caribou,那是一种含有酒精成分的热饮,曾在殖民时期以帮助猎人和樵夫暖身而闻名,故 (C) 项应为正选。
3. 海狸尾巴是什麽?
(A) 一片用枫糖浆调味的海狸肉。
(B) 一客作成甜甜圈形状的牛排。
(C) 一种柔软的糕点。
(D) 一种形状像是海狸的点心。
题解∶根据本文第 2 段第 4 句,在海狸尾巴的制造过程中并不会真的伤害到海狸,因为这道点心比较像甜甜圈而不像肉,故 (C) 项应为正选。
4. 冰雕饭店有什麽特别之处?
(A) 它提供许多家庭食物和饮料。
(B) 它是北美洲同类型饭店中的先驱。
(C) 每间房间都配有一苹鹿。
(D) 它全年无休。
题解∶根据本文第 3 段第 1 句,虽然并未正式成为魁北克冬季嘉年华的一部分,北美洲的首座冰雕饭店却绝对值得拜访,故 (B) 项应为正选。
答案∶1. B2. C3. C4. B
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