

年轻人,去创业吧 Go forth, young business founder

Being 21 is fabulous, but at the moment it must also be very scary. Imagine: you’ve just left college with a degree, but decent jobs are impossible to find – what the heck can you do for work, and indeed with your life? Well, there is always the option of starting a business... 


Being an entrepreneur is not a career. It is more like a calling. There are no predictable structures to the vocation, as there are in professions such as medicine, accountancy, law or teaching. Qualifications, job titles and one’s position in the hierarchy are completely irrelevant. Anyway, some might argue that these are mostly paraphernalia designed to bestow status, rather than essential ingredients needed to do something well. By being your own boss, you make up your own journey as you travel – rather than undergoing formal training, you learn skills by practising them, from sales to accounts. The key is action: entrepreneurs are doers, not theorists.


Going it alone is not the easy path. There is no guarantee that you will earn even a basic wage. But financial objectives are unlikely to be your priority, for as Aristotle said: “Youth loves honour and victory more than money.” All my observations have been that few real winners in business are exclusively motivated by wealth – they are more interested in proving a point, making their mark and creating something worthwhile. There is no security – but job security is a myth these days anyway, be it working for government or the corporate sector.


I get the impression that twentysomethings believe in freedom and independence. Spending your time building your own company is a pretty effective way of achieving those goals. And in some respects grabbing that opportunity as young as you can is a great idea. The sooner you get used to the glories and miseries of self-employment, the better. Most important, you have so little to lose: no dependants, minimal outgoings, and all the time in the world. It is the best phase in your adult life to experiment and perhaps fail. At 21 you are young enough to try again, learn from experience and do it better next time. When you are young you have boundless energy and less inhibition about radical suggestions.


The hope and ambition of someone entering the world of work at the start of their adult life should be boundless. Who else can believe in the impossible? The older generation has wisdom, but it can also be cynical and too proud, too comfortable – and, perhaps, too pessimistic. On the other hand, someone fresh can have a different vision, an idea of a better world.


There are always demands to be met and problems to solve that only entrepreneurs can satisfy. Each era brings forth transformative technologies that driven individuals commercialise and make popular. Such invention is not centrally directed, but flows from the genius of thousands of enterprising souls who do whatever is necessary to make their business succeed.


In spite of the financial crisis and the weak economy, this is a great time to try new projects: the internet makes innovation cheaper than ever. You can buy and market to the world from your laptop. There is also more support in various forms than in the past for young entrepreneurs – whether formal guidance or mentors of one sort or another. There are numerous websites, clubs, books and other ways that entrepreneurs can keep informed and network. I am constantly impressed by the young entrepreneurs I meet. They are much more collaborative than we were at their age, more global in their outlook and more sophisticated about finance.


Entrepreneurship is a not a cure-all for graduate unemployment, and the precarious nature of working for yourself does not suit everybody. But given how tough the traditional job market is right now, the risks of creating a business are probably more apparent than real. And you can always moonlight with a part-time venture in the initial stages while taking a temporary job to make ends meet.


For idealists who really want to change the world, becoming an entrepreneur is a more effective move than most.


The writer runs Risk Capital Partners, a private equity firm, and is chairman of the Royal Society of Arts

本文作者管理着私人股本公司Risk Capital Partners,同时担任英国皇家艺术学会(Royal Society of Arts)理事长

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