

9 must see places in Croatia

Croatia is one of the most beautiful countries, being the perfect place for a relaxing vacation. If you want to explore the nature and culture of ancient times, enjoying sports or crystalline sea and landscapes, Croatia is definitely the ideal choice for travel. Here are among the most charming and interesting places!

1Diocletian’s Palace, Split

Diocletian’s Palace in Split, Croatia.
Jazzmany / Shutterstock.com

The historic old town and Diocletian’s Palace in Split has been inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage list, being a very charming place. At the basement, you can visit the ruins of the palace. Diocletian’s Palace has four monumental gates: Porta Aurea, Porta Argenta, Porta Ferrea and Porta Aenea. It is probably the best kept Roman palace. Among other things, here there is the statue of the Croatian bishop – Grgur Ninski. It is said that if you’ll touch its big toe, you’ll be lucky your entire life.

Diocletian’s Palace, Split at night, Croatia

2Brela Resort, Split

Brela lagoon in the Adriatic Sea, Croatia
Ellica / Shutterstock.com

Brela is considered the most beautiful beach on the Dalmatian coast. Punta Rata Beach & Berulija are awarded with Blue Flag, as a symbol of purity and quality. The beach is strewn with pebbles and the sea is green – turquoise, it has an amazing clarity, so that you could see water depths, even at over 10 meters. The pine forest that reaches almost to the beach is perfect for a retreat in the shade, when the sun burns too strong. Overall, the resort Brela is a very quiet aria, which fits like a glove only for people seeking relaxation and for those who want to admire the beautiful scenery.

Brela Beach – cristalic clean sea water with pines in Croatia

3National Park Plitvice Lakes

The National Park Plitvice (Plitvicka Jezera) – Boardwalk in the park
The National Park Plitvice Lakes (Plitvicka Jezera) is halfway from Zagreb and Zadar. Plitvice Lakes are divided into Upper Lakes and Lower Lakes. In the Lower Lakes are the largest waterfalls and the spectacular mountaintop views. In Upper lakes are several smaller lakes and waterfalls with all kinds of reeds and paths. There are dozens of lakes at different altitudes, creating a chain of waterfalls on a length of several kilometers, because these lakes are flowing practically into each other. The park is included in the UNESCO World Heritage since 1979.

Waterfall KRKA, Plitvice Lakes in Croatia

4The Medieval town Varazdin, Zagreb.

Varazdin Street, Croatia
Valery Rokhin / Shutterstock.com

Varazdin is famous because it is one of the best preserved cities in Europe. Here you will find vineyards, the famous Vindija cave, where are seen traces of prehistoric human, the medieval castle Trakoscan, with its nature paths and sublime landscape, Lepoglava known for the famous Lepoglava silk, and the oldest spa in Croatia, Varazdin Spa, which has the best facilities for relaxation and healing.

5Medvedgrad Fortress, near Zagreb

Medvedgrad Fortress and Castle, near Zagreb
Medvedgrad Fortress is in the natural park Medvenica, near Zagreb. Being on a mountain slope, the castle-fortress offers one of the most spectacular views over Zagreb. The castle had 107 leaders from throughout time and it was never conquered. The fortress, including the tower, was rebuilt after the 90s and couldn’t be visited until 2010. From the castle, you can go ahead and visit a small town called – Samobor, where you can eat the famous ‘Cremsnit’ cake.

6Korcula Island

Korcula old town, Croatia
Korcula Island is located between Split and Dubrovnik. Korcula is famous because it is the greenest island of the Adriatic but also for being the birthplace of the explorer Marco Polo. Although there are only beaches with rocks, the beauty of the island emerges from the fortified town that bears the same name and the amazing dense forests, being considered the most romantic beach in Croatia.

Korcula island , Croatia

7The Roman amphitheater Arena, Pula

Roman amphitheater Arena, Pula
Arena is one of the best preserved amphitheatres from antiquity and is one of the most important historical and cultural monuments in Istria. In times gone by, Arena was used as a theater where gladiators fought and today, here are held different festivals and cultural events. In the basement there is a museum, where there are interesting parts which were found in the amphitheater.

8Orlando’s Column, Dubrovnik

Orlando’s Column represents the medieval knight with its sword in the hand, which served as a holder for the flag of Dubrovnik, being the work of Bonino of Milan and considered one of the best parts of this kind. Now, here is the flag of Croatia. Near the column is also the Cathedral of Dubrovnik. It would have been built with the money that Richard the Lion Heart would be given as gratitude, because he escaped from a shipwreck near the island Lokrum (near Dubrovnik), while returning in 1192.

Orlando’s Column, Dubrovnik

9Banje Beach, Dubrovnik

Banje Beach, Dubrovnik
paul prescott / Shutterstock.com

Banje is the most popular beach in the city, being in front of the eastern entrance (Ploce Gate) of the old city. It is close to some luxury hotels, which is why here you can tan with celebrities. This beach has a reception, restaurant, a mini café bar and a place where you can rent a sunshade, a beach armchair, jet skis, boats and other cool stuff.

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