

If You Only Have One Day in Prague
The beautiful city of Prague, which ranks as one of the prettiest I’ve visited in Europe, with its perfect location on the Vltava River, was the last stop on a week-long walking holiday in the Czech Republic withCountry Walkers. I had less than 24 hours to explore the city but it’s amazing what you can cover when you’re motivated. It’s a compact city that’s perfect for walking with the major sights in close proximity.
Head for the flower filled parks above the Prague Castle to get away from the crowds
Our group didn’t arrive in the city till about noon. Immediately we marched off to the Prague Castle Complex – considered to be the largest coherent complex in the world and home to the President of the Czech Republic. Next up was a line-up to get inside the St. Vitus Cathedral. We seemed to get lucky, perhaps because the weather was a little dreary, because despite first appearances it moved quickly. Seeing the soaring Gothic architecture dating to 1344 was worth every minute of the wait. It’s one of those experiences where words can never capture what you feel inside.
Beware the lines in Prague
St. Vitus Cathedral
Even if you’re not religious the inside of the St. Vitus Cathedral will wow you
After the cathedral be sure to take some time to explore the winding cobblestone streets of what is called Lesser Town.
These guards look good but according to our guide they aren’t very well trained
Wander the city of a 1000 spires
From there our group moved away from the crowds and made our way to the beautiful parks and gardens south of the castle and west of the river. There’s quite a network of trails with some offering spectacular views of the city and its red tiled roofs. After exploring the park we made our way through a maze of narrow streets to arrive at Kampa Park beside the Vltava River. The sun was shining by late afternoon and I envied the tourists out in the boats. Next time. You’d get great views in a boat on the river of both the Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle Complex.
The crowds on the Charles Street Bridge
Rent a paddle boat on the Vltava River
En route to Hotel Leonardo, our home for the night, we passed the National Theatre and off in the distance I spied colourful houses, perhaps part of an old neighbourhood that begged to be explored but time didn’t permit.
Take to the streets on a bike
By early evening we were back on foot, this time to get to the funicular that takes you up Petrin Hill. I highly recommend including this in your exploration of Prague. (Your ticket for bus and tram travel is also valid for the funicular.) At the top of the hill there’s an observation tower, a mirror maze and an old church. In the evening we got off at the halfway point so we could dine at Nebozizek Restaurant – which I’d suggest for the view alone. Aim to be there for sunset.
View from the Nebozizek Restaurant accessed via funicular
Following dinner we strolled over to the Charles Bridge, stopping to gawk at the shop windows along the way. Many stores were open in the vicinity of the bridge well after 10 PM. The Charles Bridge, a pedestrian only bridge, has been in use since 1402. During peak periods, it’s a mass of moving flesh. Aim to visit either first thing in the morning or late at night when the crowds have subsided. The views and the lights from the bridge are fantastic – even romantic. My exploration of Prague ended at the hotel after a walk alongside the river where I enjoyed fabulous views of the Prague Castle complex all lit up. Truly, Prague is one of Europe’s great cities.
Window shopping at night is a lot of fun
Walking the Charles Bridge at about 11 PM
Prague is equally beautiful in the evening
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