

Destination: The Museum of Historical Chamber Pots and Toilets (Prague, Czech Republic)

Yep, you’re reading that right – hidden in Prague is the world’s largest collection of chamber pots.

2,000 pieces, 1,700 chamber pots, 120 toilets, and “other curiosities”. There are chamber pots made for Napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln, the Chinese emperor of the Qing dynasty, French wedding chamber pots… and the list goes on and on. Originally located in the Trebotov Fortress, it moved to the “cultural and historical center” of Prague in 2014 and is now easy enough to find.

Officially, no photos are allowed, but the guy at the counter never gave us a second look after he saw me taking a couple. Presenting the larger collection on the main floor – look for the English-language handouts and signs as you go. There’s plenty of info, which is nice.

From Abraham Lincoln’s bedroom in the White House, a nicely-done panel explains its history in more detail than you probably wanted to know.

From the Qing Dynasty’s Qianlong period (1730-1795), another panel takes several paragraphs to expound on the time period and their lasting culture.

Now in the basement, they’re really not kidding when they talk about this being the world’s largest collection. Some are replicas, while others are originals.

At some point, you almost have to wonder what some people were smoking…. Might be easier to empty the pot through the fish’s mouth, but still…

It’s a worthy destination that should take you less than an hour to enjoy, and possibly leave you with a greater appreciation that you live in a world with proper, flushing thrones. It’s safe for kids, especially those that love the gross-out sense of humor. You’ll also appreciate some modern art, of a sort (sorry, not spoiling it for you!).

Name: The Museum of Historical Chamber Pots and Toilets (Muzeum historickych toalet a nocniku)
Address: Vysehradska 1703/12, Nové Město, 128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic / Czechia (GPS: 50.068854, 14.417661)
Directions: Start from Vytoň light rail station (3, 7, 17, and 52 stop here). With your back to the water, take a left to go north, walk about 50 meters, then turn right onto Na Hrobci. Walk about 150 meters to the T, then turn left onto Vysehradska. The museum is on the right, about 100 meters from the T.
Hours: 10:00am-6:00pm Tuesday-Sunday (closed Monday)
Admission: 150 CZK,
Phone: 242 38 791
Website: prague.eu

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