




quarrel about 为…争吵

quarrel with 与某人争吵

quiet a few 相当多

quite a lot of 非常多的

quite by accident 很偶然, 碰巧


rather than 比

reach one’s understanding 使某人理解

reach out (for) 伸手去够

read bits here and there 这读一点儿那读一点儿

reception desk 接待处

refer to 指,查询

regard …as… 把 …看作

relate to 联系

rely on sb. (for sth.) (在某事上)依赖某人

remember me to sb. 代我向…问候

remind of 使某人想起

reply to 答复

respect sb. as 把某人尊敬为…

rest rooms 休息室

result from 由于

result in 结果是, 导致

return to normal 恢复正常

right away 马上

right now 现在

ring back 回电话

ring off 挂断

ring up 打电话

rise by 上升了

rise to 上升到

rise to one’s feet 站起来

rise up 起义,起来反抗

roll over 翻滚

rot away 烂掉,腐烂

round up 聚拢,赶拢

run across 不期而遇

run away 逃跑

run out of 花光,用光,消耗光

run the length of 长度为…

rush hour (上下班时)车辆拥挤时间

rush off one’s feet 忙地不可开交,忙地不亦乐乎


save one’s time 节约时间

say “Hi” to sb. from sb.代我向… 问候

say hello to sb 向…表示问候

sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物

school-leavers 毕业生

scold sb…for sth… 因为… 批评某人

scores of 大量的

second largest 第二大

see sb.off 为某人送行

see through 看穿,识破

see to 负责,注意

seem as if 看上去好象

seize every minute 抓住每一分

sell out 售完

send for 派人去请

send off 派遣, 寄出

send out 发送,派遣

send up 发出,射出

sentence sb. to death 判处某人死刑

separate from 分离

set an example to sb. 给某人树立一个榜样

set fire to =set sth. on fire 点火,使 …着火

set free 释放;使自由

set off 出发,动身,使爆炸

set one’s heart on sth 非常想要某物

set out 出发,开始

set sail 起航

set sb. an example 把某人树成榜样

set up 建立

settle down 定居

seven in ten 十分之七

shake hands 握手

shapes of letters 字母的形状

share a ride 搭车

share one’s memories of the dead person 悼念亡人

share the same tastes and interests 有共同的品位和爱好

shoot at 朝… 射击

short-wave 短波

shout at 朝…大喊

show off 炫耀

show sb. around 领某人参观

show sb. out/in 领某人出去/进来

shut down 关闭,倒闭,破产

shut off 切断,关掉

side by side 肩并肩

sign an agreement with 与… 签定和约

smile to oneself 暗自微笑

smooth away 克服

so as to 为了,以便

so far 到目前为止

so far as 就…而论

so far, so good 到目前为止一切还算顺利

so long as 只要

so that 以便于

so(as) far as I know 据我所知

so…that… 如此…以至于…

solve the problem 解决问题

sooner or later 或早或晚

sound lab 语音室

sound like 听起来象

sound the fire alarm 鸣响火警警报

spare sb. some time 为某人匀点儿时间

spare time 匀出时间

speak out 大胆地说出

spend …on sth. 在某物/事上花(时间,金钱)

spend…(in) doing sth. 在某物/事上花(时间,金钱)

spoken English 英语口语

sports meet 运动会

stand at a attention 立正

stand by 站在旁边,和…站在一起

stand for 代表

stare at 盯着

start all over again 重新开始

start doing/to do sth 开始做某事

starve to death 饿死

stay away from 远离

stay up 挺立,熬夜

step by step 逐步地,一步一步地

step forward 站出来

sth be familiar to sb 某物对某人是熟悉的

stick to 坚持

stone by stone 一块石头一块石头地

stop doing sth 停止做某事

stop sb. (from ) doing 防止某人做某事

stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

strike a match 划一根火柴

struggle against 为反对… 而斗争

struggle for 为争取… 而斗争

struggle to one’s feet 费力地站起来

succeed in doing 成功地做某事

such as 例如

suffer fever 发烧

suffer from 遭受

suit…to… 适合

supply sb. with sth. 给某人提供

supply sth. to sb. 给某人提供


take (a) pride in 以…而自豪

take (a) pride in 以…为骄傲

take …for example 拿 … 举例

take …nationality 加入…国籍

take a …degree 获得…学位

take a deep breath 深呼吸

take a false name 冒名

take a look at…看一看

take a photograph (of) 照相

take a taxi 乘出租车

take a taxi home 乘出租回家

take action 采取行动

take along 带着

take an interest in 对…感兴趣

take away (from) 带走,拿走

take back 收回,带回

take care of 照顾,保管

take charge 负责

take down 拿下

take exercise 做操

take hold of 抓住,握住

take it easy 放松,别紧张

take measure 采取措施

take off 脱下,(飞机)起飞

take on 呈现

take one's place 代替

take one's seat 就座

take one's temperature 量体温

take one's turn 依次,轮流

take out 拿出来

take part in 参加

take photos 拍照

take place 发生

take possession of 拥有

take sides in 偏向…一边

take sth in one's arm

take the place of sb. 代替

take the role of 扮演…的角色,起…的作用

take the side of 和谁站在一起,偏向

take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事

take up 占据,从事

take up arms 拿起武器

take with 带着

talk about (泛泛地)谈

talk of 谈到

talk on (系统地)谈

tea room 茶室

tear down 拆卸

tell lies 撒谎

tell the difference between 分辨两者之间的不同

tell…apart 分辨

tell…from 分辨

tens of thousands of 数以万计的

thanks to 多亏了,由于

that is 也就是说

that is to say 也就是说

the Communist Manifesto 共产主义宣言

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天

the minute…一… 就…

the moment.. 一… 就…

the more …the more 越…越…

the number of …的数量

the other day 前几天

the public 公众,民众

there is no doubt about it. 对此毫无疑问

there is no help for it 没得救了,木已成舟

there 's no need for sth. 没有必要

there's no need to do sth. 没有做某事的必要

these days 现在,如今

think about 考虑

think of 思考,想

think over 仔细考虑

think up 想出

thousands of 成千上万的

throw at 向…扔

throw away 扔掉

throw off 匆匆脱掉,扔掉,摆脱

throw up 呕吐

tidy up 整理

time and time again 一次又一次


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