


Unit4 Making the news


1.No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage __than__ the audience broke into thunderous applause.

解析:句意:莫言刚踏上舞台,观众就爆发出了雷鸣般的掌声。no sooner...than...一……就…,no sooner位于句首时,应进行部分倒装,且动作发生在掌声爆发之前,故用过去完成时。

2.Don't defend him any more.It's obvious that he __deliberately__(deliberate) destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.


3.I have an appointment __with__ Dr.Smith, but I need to change it.

解析:本题考查固定搭配。句意:我跟史密斯先生有个约会,但是我得改一下。have an appointment with sb.跟某人有约,为固定搭配。

4.What are you doing out of bed, Tom? You're__supposed__(suppose) to be asleep.

解析:句意:汤姆你在床下干什么?你应该睡觉了。be supposed to相当于should,“应该,应当”,符合题意。

5.Leave your key with your neighbor __in__ case you lock yourself out one day.

解析:本题考查连词的用法。句意:留一把钥匙给你的邻居,以防某天你把自己锁在外面。in case“以防,万一”。

6.Hard __as/though__ they tried, they couldn't make her change her mind.


7.—I reminded you not to forget the lecture.

—So you __did__.

解析:考查学生对“so+主语+助动词”结构的掌握情况。 句意:——“我提醒你不要忘记这个讲座。”——“你确实提醒了。”“so+主语+助动词”表示对某人说法的认可。

8.A turning point of the continuously high housing price won't appear suddenly because there must be a certain process __where__ many factors lead to the change.

解析:考查定语从句。分析句子成分可知,“________many factors lead to the change”是定语从句,a certain process为先行词,表示抽象地点,在从句中作地点状语,故空处用where。

9.You should get down to your study from now on.Please concentrate __on__ what is of great importance for your future development.

解析:句意:从现在起你应该开始认真学习了,请专心于对你未来的发展非常重要的事情。concentrate on专心于……,符合句意。

10.I didn't approve __of__ his action, but he explained his reason and then I saw the light.


11.—How are things going,Janet?

—They have set out to deal with the present situation __which/that__they think deserves their immediate attention.

解析:考查定语从句。句意:——情况怎么样,Janet?——他们已经着手处理目前的情况,他们认为这值得他们及时关注。分析句子成分可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为the present situation,从句中they think为插入语,从句中缺少主语,故应用关系代词which或that引导。

12.The news caused heated discussion online, with people __accusing__ (accuse) the government __of__ using the expensive project to build up its political image.

解析:考查非谓语动词与动词短语。句意:这个消息引起了网上的激烈争论,人们指责政府利用耗资巨大的工程来树立自己的政治形象。根据题干可知,此处考查“with+宾语+宾补”的结构,在这个结构中,宾补可以是to do/doing/done的形式。当宾语和补语之间是主动关系,并且补语动作尚未发生时,宾补用to do形式;如果已经发生则用doing;如果宾语与补语之间是被动关系,则用done形式。本句话中补语动词accuse与宾语people之间是主动关系,同时accuse sb.of是固定短语,意为“指控某人......”。

13.Being a student, you should concentrate __on__ your study instead of addicting yourself to computer games.

解析:concentrate on专心于......。

14.Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, __who__ has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and polished every page of my draft.


15Generally speaking, a political leader should have a good nose __for__ current affairs.

解析:考查短语。have a good nose for...……有敏锐的嗅觉。

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1Whether his goal will be accomplished __depends_on_his_efforts__(取决于他的努力)

2John was eager to know the result of the exam, so he __demanded_to_be_told_ everything__ (要求被告知一切) about it.

3The boss appointed Mr.White to be manager and __never_would_he_forget_it__(他永远都忘不了)

4The editor __kept_it_in_mind__(记住了这件事) that he would publish the events as soon as possible.

5The manager __was_accused_of__(被控诉) not having arranged an formal interview as planned.

6Not only __did_they_set_out_to_raise_money__(他们开始着手筹钱了)but they also got a helping hand from the charity, which relieved their present pressure.

7__It_must_be_kept_in_mind_that__(一定要记住的是) there's no secret of success but hard work.

8__Gone_are_the_days_when__(这种日子一去不返了) he depended on his parents for everything.

9__With_the_agreement_reached__(随着协议的签署), all the nations agreed to work together to defend themselves against terrorism and other threats.

10Mary didn't have an appointment with the doctor, and __neither_did_her_deskmate__(她的同桌也没有)

Ⅲ. 单句改错

1Had I informed him the exact time for the meeting earlierhe wouldn't have been late yesterday.


2It is often the casesolving one problem can cause or uncover another.


3The manager demanded that the workers worked extra hours to complete the task ahead of time.


4A survey done recently shows that not all parents approve their children taking part in the weekend classes.


5You can depend on that such a boring thing will never happen again.


6.Never I have seen such a pretty cat.I like it very much.


Ⅳ. 教材原句

1We're __delighted__ (delight) you're coming to work with us.


2.You'll have a __professional__ (profession) photographer with you to take photographs.

解析:a professional photographer“一个专业的摄影师”。

3.So you may be able to concentrate __on__ photography later if you're interested.

解析:concentrate on“集中;全神贯注于”。

4.You have to prepare the next question depending on __what__ the person says.


5.But how can I listen carefully while __taking__ (take) notes?


6.A footballer was accused __of__ taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.

解析:accuse sb.of...“控告/指责某人……”。

7.We need it in this edition to be ahead __of__ the other newspapers.

解析:ahead of“在……前面”。

8.__Although__ he realized the man had been lying, Zhou Yang knew he must not accuse him directly.


9.He checked the evidence,read the article and __passed__ (pass) it on to the copy­editor.


10.Zhou Yang waited __excitedly__ (excited) for the first copies to be ready.


Ⅴ. 语篇填空

Yes, but it was a long time ago.This is how the story goes.A footballer ①__was_accused__ (accuse) of taking money ②__for__ deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.We went to interview ③__him__.He denied ④__taking__(take) money but we were sceptical.So we arranged ⑤__an__ interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.When we saw ⑥__them__together we guessed from the footballer's body language that he was not telling the ⑦__truth__(true).So we wrote an article ⑧__suggesting__(suggest) he was guilty.It was a dilemma ⑨__because__ the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.He tried to stop us publishing it ⑩__but__ later we were proved right.

Ⅵ. 话题写作


1My first assignment as an amateur journalist__was_to_interview__a famous photographer.


2He was professional and__had_taken_many_admirable_photographs__.


3__To_acquire_all_the_information__I asked many different questions.


4I__concentrated_on_listening__for detailed facts.__Meanwhile__I had to prepare the next question__depending_on_what_he_said__.


5I deliberately__slowed_down_the_process_so_as_to__let myself have more time to think.




My first assignment as an amateur journalist was to interview a famous photographer who was professional and had taken many admirable photographs.To acquire all the information,I asked many different questions and I concentrated on listening for detailed facts.Meanwhile,I had to prepare the next question depending on what he said. I deliberately slowed down the process so as to let myself have more time to think.

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