



Unit3 A healthy life知识点详解

Ⅰ. 常考单词必背

1.abuse  n.& vt. 滥用;虐待

This rule was brought into being because the old law was abused.


2.stress n.① 压力;紧张② 重音 vt. 强调;着重

The more stress you are under,the more likely you are to catch a cold. 压力越大,越有可能患感冒。

In the passage,the author mainly stressed the importance of small and ordinary work. 在这篇文章里,作者强调了小而平凡的工作。


stress the importance of 强调……的重要性

reduce stress 减少压力

under the stress of 在……的压力下

place/lay/put stress on 重视,强调


3.ban ①vt. 取缔;查禁;禁止 ②n.[C] (常用单数)禁止;禁令

The government has banned the sale of that produce which is harmful to the public. 政府禁止出售对大众有害的那种产品。


ban doing sth 禁止做某事

ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事

a ban on 关于……的禁令

4.due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的 n.应得物;会费

He is due to speak this evening. 今晚该他讲演。


due to 欠债〔账〕;归功于,应属于;由于

be due to do sth 预期做某事,预定要做某事

be due to sth/doing sth/sb 归因于某事/做某事;欠某人……

be due for sth 应有;应得到

5.mental  adj. 精神的;智力的 

mentally adv. 精神上;智力上

6.quit vt. 停止(做某事);离开

There are no failures in life,only those who quit before success.生活中没有失败者,只有那些在成功前就放弃的人。


quit doing... 停止做……

quit office/one's job 离职

7.effect  n.[C]& [U] 结果;作用;影响 v.实现,进行

Many teachers worry about the effects of television on young people. 许多教师担心电视对年轻人的影响。


(1) 同义词:effect,influence,cause,realize,affect

(2) have(an) effect on/upon对……产生影响;对……起作用

take effect 生效;奏效

come into effect 生效

bring/carry/put...into effect 实行;实施;使生效/起作用

in effect 事实上

(3)effective  adj. 有效的;有影响的

8.strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强 vi. 变强

Difficulties strengthen the mind,as labor does the body. 困难磨练意志,劳动增强体魄。

9.disappointed  adj. 失望的;沮丧的

I was disappointed whenever the teacher found fault with my work. 每当老师挑剔我干的活儿时,我都非常沮丧。


disappoint v.使失望;使破灭

disappointment  n.失望,扫兴;令人失望的行为(人)

disappointing  adj. 令人失望的

10.ashamed adj. (表语形容词,可接不定式或从句)惭愧的;害臊的;羞耻的  shame  n.羞愧;可耻的事


(1) be ashamed of 为……而羞愧

be ashamed of oneself for doing... 某人做了某事而感到羞愧

be ashamed to do... 因羞愧而不愿做某事或不好意思做某事

(2) shameful  adj. 可耻的 (表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的”,可作定语或表语)

Ⅱ. 高频短语必会

1.be addicted to 对……有瘾

2.(be)accustomed to 习惯于……

3.decide on 对……作出决定

4.feel like doing 想要做……

5.in spite of 不顾;不管

6.take risks (a risk) 冒险

at risk 处于危险;遭受危险

Ⅲ. 写作句式必学

1.You started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.


2.When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit,I knew it was time to quit smoking. 


3.I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I live.


Unit3 A healthy life单元练习

Ⅰ.  单句语法填空

1.It's quite hot today. Do you feel like __going__(go) for a swim?

2.It is unbelievable that Mr. Lucas leads a simple life __despite__his great wealth.

3.I've got __into__ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.

4.—They are quiet, aren't they?

—Yes. They are accustomed to not __talking__(talk) at meals.

5.Lydia doesn't feel like __studying__(study) abroad. Her parents are old.

6.The two girls are so alike that strangers find __it__difficult to tell one from the other.

7.—Who knocked at the door?

—I've no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn't ask who __it__ was.

8.The leader __strengthened__(strength) his basketball team by bringing in several young players.

9.After the earthquake, the soldiers took the risk of _being_injured__(injure) by the falling stones to save the villagers.

10.The new survey shows that the number of students __addicted__(addict) to computer games has been on the increase in recent years.

11.It's not what we do once in a while __that__ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.

12.Wherever he is, he makes __it__ a rule to give his mother a call every day.

13.The young man risked __being_knocked__ (knock) down to take the child on the busy road to safety.

14.The Internet and the effect __it__ brought about did a lot of good to our daily life and work.

15.In spite of __what__ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1.The scholar likes to __decide_on__(对……做出决定) every step instead of __taking_risks__(冒险).

2.__Every_time__(每次) I come back, I feel conditions have improved. This is __due_to__(因为) your hard work.

3.__In_spite_of__(尽管) her great efforts, Sue failed once again.

4.It is easy for adolescents to __get_into_the_habit_of_smoking__(染上吸烟的习惯).

5.If you smoke often, your body will __become_accustomed_to__(习惯) nicotine in it and you will __be_addicted_to_smoking__(吸烟成瘾).

6.The chemist told us drug abuse __has_a_great_effect_on__(对……有很大影响) the brain.


Many people __found_it_difficult_to_understand__ what was behind these events.


__I_do_hope__you can take exercise regularly because I want you to __live_as_healthy_a_life_as_I_have__.


In general, male employees __are_more_likely_to_offer_help__ than female employees.


We all know __how_easy_it_is_to_begin_smoking__ and __how_tough_it_is_to_stop__ .

Ⅲ. 单句改错

1.If you take the risk of not wearing a seat belt, you will be at the risk while driving.


2.As far as I know, they are accustomed to not talk at meals.


3.Having been abused his power as mayor to give jobs to his friends, Williams is now under investigation.


4.Disappointing at failing in the math exam, John wouldn't like to talk about it to his parents.


5.I'm not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as more tiring a day as today.


6.I strongly feel that whatever our friends do do matter to us.


Ⅳ. 语篇填空

By the way, did you know that this is because you become ①__addicted__(addict) in three different ways? First, you can become physically addicted ②__to__ nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.This means that after a while your body becomes ③__accustomed__(accustom) to having nicotine in it.So ④__when__ the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms.I remember feeling bad­tempered and sometimes even in pain. Secondly, you become addicted through habit.As you know, ⑤__if__ you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do ⑥__it__ automatically. Lastly, you can become ⑦__mentally__ (mental) addicted. I believed I was ⑧__happier__(happy) and more relaxed after having ⑨__a__ cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked. I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit. But I ⑩__did__ finally manage.

Ⅴ. 话题写作


1.In order to relieve__mental_stress__,many people,especially adolescents,__get_into_the_habit_of__smoking.


2.The person who begins to smoke will__be_addicted_to__cigarettes and eventually he will__become_accustomed_to__having nicotine in his body.


3.Smoking__does_harm_to__the health of smokers as well as the people around,and a lot of people__die_of__lung cancer and heart disease__due_to__smoking.


4.Cigarettes are very expensive.They__waste_a_lot_of_money__and may cause fire.


5.It is necessary for the government__to_reduce__the productions of tobacco and make smoking__illegal__so that smokers will__decide_on_quitting_smoking__.


组篇公式:用it is+过去分词+that...句式改写句3;用定语从句改写句4。


In order to relieve mental stress,many people,especially adolescents,get into the habit of smoking. The person who begins to smoke will be addicted to cigarettes and eventually he will become accustomed to having nicotine in his body. It is well known that smoking does harm to the health of smokers as well as the people around,and a lot of people die of lung cancer and heart disease due to smoking.What's worse,cigarettes,which are very expensive,waste a lot money and may cause fire so it is necessary for the government to reduce the production of tobacco and make smoking illegal so that smokers will decide on quitting smoking.

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