

Shotgun | Offense | Offensive Formations

Of all the offensive sets in the game of football, the Shotgun is our favorite to pass from. In the Shotgun, the quarterback lines up 5 to 7 yards behind the center and receives a long snap. Many teams in college football have their quarterback line up in the Shotgun because they feel more comfortable. They feel that they have a better feel for reading the coverage, plus have more time in the pocket to beat the blitz.

History of the Shotgun Offense

The Shotgun formation is an alignment used by the offensive team in American and Canadian football. This formation is used by many teams in obvious passing situations, although other teams do use this as their base formation.

In the shotgun, instead of the quarterback receiving the snap from center at the line of scrimmage, he stands at least 5 yards back. Sometimes the quarterback will have a back on one or both sides before the snap, while other times he will be the lone player in the backfield with everyone spread out as receivers. One of the advantages of the shotgun formation is that the passer has more time to set up in the pocket which gives him a second or two to locate open receivers.

Another advantage is that standing further back from the line before the snap gives the quarterback a better “look” at the defensive alignment. The disadvantages are that the defense knows a pass is more than likely coming up (although some running plays can be run effectively from the shotgun) and there is a higher risk of a botched snap than in a simple center/quarterback exchange.

The formation was named by the man who actually devised the formation, San Francisco 49ers coach Red Hickey, in 1960. Combining elements of the short punt and spread formations (“spread” in that it had receivers spread widely instead of close to or behind the interior line players), it was said to be like a “shotgun” in spraying receivers around the field like a scatter-shot gun. Formations similar or identical to the shotgun used decades previously would be called names such as “spread double wing”.
Short punt formations (so called because the distance between the snapper and the ostensible punter is shorter than in long punt formation) do not usually have as much emphasis on wide receivers. The shotgun became well known after the New York Jets employed the formation during much of the Joe Namath era, to give the bad-kneed, and often immobile quarterback more time to set up plays by placing him deeper in the backfield.

At times the formation has been more common in Canadian football, which allows only three downs to move ten yards downfield instead of the American game’s four. Canadian teams are therefore more likely to find themselves with long yardage to make on the penultimate down, and therefore more likely to line up in the shotgun to increase their opportunities for a large gain. Teams such as the Saskatchewan Roughriders utilize the shotgun for a vast majority of their plays.

The Nevada Wolf Pack currently employ a formation called a “pistol”, which is a tailback behind the quarterback in a shotgun style set, instead of side by side.

Urban Meyer has added elements of the option offense to the shotgun offense he employed as coach at the University of Utah and University of Florida.

Shotgun 5WR Patriot

The Shotgun 5WR Patriot is a 3×2 formation that is found in the Patriots’ playbook. Wes Welker lines up inside on the right in the Shotgun 5WR Patriot.

Player Personnel:

5 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Ace Pair Wk

This Shotgun formation is found exclusively in the Dolphins’ playbook. Two tight ends line up on the same side as the flanker. There is a good number of run plays, making this a balanced Shotgun formation to run and pass from. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

2 WR

2 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Bronco Heavy

The Shotgun Bronco Heavy was put in the game specifically for Broncos rookie QB TimTebow. This formation has him lined up in the Shotgun at QB. The HB flanks him to the left, while the TE flanks him to the right. The FL and SL line up on the right, while the SE lines up out wide on the left. We expect this formation will be used the entire Madden community, especially tourney players.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

1 TE

3 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Bunch

The Shotgun Bunch has three receivers (two WR, one TE) clustered together on the right side of the field. The split end lines up outside to the left. The halfback lines up on the left side. What we like about this formation, found only in the Texans’ and Titans’ playbooks, is that there are plenty of quick passing plays to beat the blitz from either the cluster side or the backside. Many of the better passing concepts can be found in this formation.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Bunch TE

The Shotgun Bunch TE has the tight end lined up on the right, while three receivers line up clustered to the left. As with other formations, there are plenty of quick passing plays to be found. Something you may want to do is motion the tight end out wide to the right where you can get him isolated for quick passing plays. The WR1 lines up in the inside slot, while the WR2 lines up outside. The WR3 lines up in the middle.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Bunch Wk

Of theShotgun Bunch formations found in Madden NFL 11, the Shotgun Bunch Wk we like this formation the most because it’s easy to tell if man or zone coverage is called. Three receivers line up in a cluster to the right, while the one receiver lines up outwide on the left.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Dbls Wing TE

This formation was specifically designed to get Patriots receiver Wes Welker lined up in the slot. Plays such as the Whip Under, Slot Screen, and Slot Swing are all pass plays that take advantage of Welker’s abilities.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Deuce Trips

This Colts-exclusive formation aligns both tight ends on the same side as the flanker. There is only one run play from this formation, making it primarily a passing formation, despite having two tight ends in the lineup.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

2 WR

2 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Dice Slot

The Shotgun Dice Slot has the slot receiver lined up off the line of scrimmage. The split end lines up off the line of scrimmage as well.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Dice Slot Wk

The Shotgun Dice Slot Wk has the halfback lined up on left side of the quarterback instead of the right. The slot receiver lines up off the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Double Flex

The outside receivers line up off the line of scrimmage, while the slot receivers line up on the line of scrimmage. The Shotgun Double Flex is a 2×2 spread alignment that is found in six playbooks. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles

The Shotgun Doubles is found in many playbooks in the game. It’s a 2×2 alignment that has the flanker and tight end lined up on the right. The split end and slot receiver line up on the left. Be sure to take a look at each of the team playbooks with the Shotgun Doubles.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles Flex

The Shotgun Doubles Flex is found in only one playbook. It’s somewhat the same as the Shotgun Doubles, except the slot receiver lines up on the line of scrimmage and the halfback lines up to the left of the quarterback. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles Flex Wing

The Shotgun Doubles Flex Wing is a unique formation exclusively found in the Packers’ playbook. It has the tight end lined up behind the line between the right guard and right tackle. This makes it not only an effective pass formation, but also a good run formation.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles On

The Shotgun Doubles On is the same as the Shotgun Doubles with the exception that the slot receiver is lined up on the line of scrimmage instead of off the line of scrimmage. If your playbook has the Shotgun Doubles On, be sure to look at some of the plays, as you may find ones that are unique to your playbook.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles Wing

Found only in the Bills’ playbook, the Shotgun Doubles Wing has the tight end lined up off the line of scrimmage, unlike in the Shotgun Doubles, where he is lined up on the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles Wk

This set is the same as the Shotgun Doubles Wing, but instead of the tight end lining up off the line of scrimmage, he lines up on the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Doubles Y-Slot

The Shotgun Doubles Y-Slot moves the tight end out in the right slot, where he and the left slot receiver line up off the line of scrimmage. This formation is found in just three playbooks. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Empty Spread

The Shotgun Empty Spread is found in the Broncos’ and Giants’ playbooks. It features five receivers on the field at the same time. There are three receivers on the right and two receivers on the left.

Player Personnel:

5 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Empty Steeler

This formation found exclusively in the Steelers playbook has the WR1 lined up in the inside slot on the right. The tight end lines up on the on the trips side. The halfback lines up in the slot on the left.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Key and Unique Plays:

Steeler Switch

Steeler Shake

Stutter Hook

Shotgun Empty Trey

The Shotgun Empty Trey features the quarterback lined up in an empty backfield. The slot receivers and flanker are lined up off the line of scrimmage. The tight end and split end are lined up on the line of scrimmage. Of the playbooks this formation is founf in, the Buccaneers’ and Saints’ are the two to check out first. They both have unique plays.

Player Personnel:

4 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Empty Trio

This formation is found in the Falcons’ and Run n Shotgun playbooks. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right. Three of the plays have the receivers compressed further inside, giving it a 5WR Bunch look.

Player Personnel:

5 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Empty Trips

This exclusive formation can only be found in the Cardinals’ playbook. There are a few plays in this formation that we like. One is the PA Jet Sweep. Three of those plays in the formation have three receivers lined up on the right and two receivers on the left. They are the Jet Sweep, PA Jet Sweep, and WR Hooks. The rest of the plays have three receivers lined up on the left while two receivers line up on the right.

Player Personnel:

5 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Empty Y-Flex

The Shotgun Empty Y-Flex has four playbooks where it can be found. Of those four, the Patriots and Texans are the best. This playbook has a few plays that other team playbooks do not have.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Empty Y-Saints

This exclusive formation in the Saints’ playbook has the halfback lined up out wide on the left. There are two plays, Jet Sweep and PA Jet Sweep, where he is sent in automotion. The ball can handed off to him or passed, depending on which of those plays you run.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Flanker Close

This compressed/spread Shotgun formation out of the Bills’ playbook has the flanker lined up tight next to the slot receiver on the right. On the left side, the slot and split end line up in a normal alignment such as you would see in the Shotgun Doubles. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Flex Trey

The Shotgun Flex Trey is found in one playbook, which are the Packers. The personnel is the same, with both having five receivers. However, the playbooks are slightly different from each other as far as plays go. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

5 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Flip Trips

The Cardinals’ and Cowboys’ playbooks both have the Shotgun Flip Trips in them, but each has a few plays that the other one doesn’t have. Three receivers line up on the left, while the split end lines up on the right. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Normal Flex Wk

This is another exclusive formation in the Patriots’ playbook. It has the Moss lined up on the left, where several plays are designed to get him open by sending him in automotion. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Pack Trips

The Shotgun Pack Trips is designed for the Packers’ player personnel. WR1 lines up inside on the trips side. There are a few plays in the playbook drawn up to get the WR1 open, such as the Deep Corner, Double Ins, and Packer Stick. Lined up next to the WR1 is the WR2. The WR4 lines up outside of both the WR1 and WR2. The WR3 lines up alone out wide on the left.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Raven Empty

The Shotgun Raven Empty is designed to utilize the Ravens’ player personnel. The halfback lines up off the line of scrimmage in the left slot position. The tight end lines up to the right on the line of scrimmage in the inside slot position. Lined up next to the tight end are the WR3 and WR1. The WR2 lines up to the far right on the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Raven Trips

The Shotgun Raven Trips is found only in the Ravens’ playbook. It features five pass and four run plays, making it a balanced Shotgun formation to run or pass from. The tight end lines up to the left of the left tackle. The HB also lines up on the left but is in the backfield. The WR1, WR2, and WR3 all line up on the right. The WR3 lines up inside on the trips side and is lined up on the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Snugs

The Shotgun Snugs can be found in three different playbooks. It’s a compressed 2×2 formation that has the slot receiver lined up on the line of scrimmage and two outside receivers lined up off the line of scrimmage. The four playbooks have a few different plays in them. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Snugs Flip

The Shotgun Snugs Flip is a compressed formation that has the outside receivers lined up on the line of scrimmage, while the inside receivers line up on the line of scrimmage. You will find many of the same passing concepts as in the Shotgun Snugs Flip. There are a few unique plays sprinkled throughout the Shotgun Snugs Flip formations. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Split Cowboy

Found in two playbooks, the Shotgun Split Cowboy lines the tight end up in the backfield to the right side of the quarterback, while the halfback lines up to the left of the quarterback. The flanker and slot line up on the right, and the split end lines up out wide on the left. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Split Offset

The Shotgun Split Offset is found in eight playbooks, but many have unique plays. For instance, take a look at the Eagles’, Falcons’, and Saints’ playbooks. You will find some unique plays from this formation in those three playbooks. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

1 FB

3 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Split Slot

The Shotgun Split Slot is found in many playbooks. Most of the plays in this formation can be found in pretty much of all the playbooks that have the Shotgun Split Slot. The Titans have the Zone Read, which is a run play.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

1 FB

3 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Split Y-Flex

The Shotgun Split Y-Flex has two halfbacks lined up in the backfield together by default. The slot lines up on the line of scrimmage, while the flanker and split end line up outside. The flanker lines up off the line of scrimmage and the split end lines up on the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

2 HB

3 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Spread

The Shotgun Spread formation is found in numerous playbooks. It’s a 2×2 alignment with the split end and flanker lined up on the line of scrimmage, while the left slot and right slot line up off the line of scrimmage. The halfback lines up to the right of the quarterback.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Spread Flex

The Shotgun Spread Flex has the left slot and flanker lined up off the line of scrimmage, while the split end and right slot line up on the line of scrimmage. The halfback lines up to the right of the quarterback. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right. This formation is found in only three playbooks.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Spread Flex Wk

This is the same as the Shotgun Spread Flex as far as how the receivers line up. The only difference is the halfback lines up to the left of the quarterback instead of the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Spread Wk

The Shotgun Spread Wk is only found in two playbooks. The alignment is 2×2. The halfback lines up to the left of the quarterback. The two slot receivers line up on the line of scrimmage, while the split end and flanker line up off the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Spread Y-Flex

The Shotgun Spread Y-Flex has the tight end lined up in the right slot on the line of scrimmage. This is a 2×2 Shotgun Spread formation that can be found in four playbooks. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Spread Y-Slot

The Shotgun Spread Y-Slot has the tight end flexed out in the right slot where he lines up off the line of scrimmage. The left slot receiver is lined up off the line of scrimmage. The split end and flanker are lined up on the line of scrimmage. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right. Look for some unique plays from this formation in different playbooks.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

1 HB

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Tight

The Shotgun Tight is a 2×2 compressed formation that has two receivers lined up tight on the left and right side of the offensive tackles. The two inside receivers line up on the line of scrimmage, while the two outside receivers line up off the line of scrimmage. The WR1 and WR2 line up inside, while the WR3 and WR4 line up outside. Both the Saints and Cardinals have some unique plays worth checking out, such as the Saints HB Wheel, Saints HB Delay, Zona Post, and Zona Z Spot.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Tight Flex

The Shotgun Tight Flex is a compressed formation that has the receivers lined up tight inside. The split end and right slot receiver line up on the line of scrimmage. The left slot receiver and flanker line up off the line of the scrimmage. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right. This formation can be found in only two playbooks.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trey Open

The Shotgun Trey Open aligns three receivers on the right side of the field, while one receiver lines up on the left side. With the split end lined up by himself, there is some potential for backside pass routes to beat man and zone coverage. Look to flood zones with the three receivers lined up on the right. This formation can be found in several playbooks. There are unique plays in each playbook.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trio

This Shotgun Spread formation is found exclusively in the Steelers’ playbook. Three receivers line up on the left, while the tight end and halfback line up on the right. The middle receiver lines up on the line of scrimmage, while the outside and inside receiver line up off the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trips

The Shotgun Trips looks a lot like the Shotgun Trio. The key difference between the two is that the inside receivers line up off the line of scrimmage. This formation can only be found in the Broncos’ playbook.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trips HB Wk

Found exclusively in the Chiefs’ playbook, this 3×1 Shotgun formation places three receivers lined up on the right side, while one receiver lines up on left side. The halfback lines up to the left of the quarterback, hence the HB Wk in the formation’s title. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right. Many of the more popular passing concepts are found in this formation.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trips Open

The Shotgun Trips Open has three receivers lined up on the left side. The flanker is lined up on the right side by himself. Many of the plays are designed specially to get him isolated on a defender in one-on-one coverage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

4 WR

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trips TE

If you are running the Shotgun Trips TE exclusively out of the Patriots’ playbook, you will find plenty of good passing plays to put your opponents on their heels. Three receivers line up on the left, while the tight end and halfback line up on the right. Be sure to check out plays specifically designed for the inside slot receiver.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trips Wk

Found exclusively in the Colts’ playbook, the Shotgun Trips Wk has solid passing concepts that we like to run to beat both man and zone coverage. Two receivers and the tight end line up on the right, while the split end lines up on the left. The halfback lines up to the left of the quarterback in the backfield.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Trips Y-Flex

Here is another Shotgun formation that can only be found in one playbook. The Shotgun Trips Y-Flex has the tight end, slot, and flanker lined up on the left. The split end lines up split out wide on the left. Both the tight end and slot receiver are lined up off of the line of scrimmage. The flanker and split end are lined up on the line of scrimmage.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Wing Trio Wk

Found in two playbooks, the Shotgun Wing Trio Wk has the tight end lined up in a wing position. The slot and flanker line up on the right, while the split end lines up on the left. The halfback lines up on the left side of the quarterback.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Wing Trips

The Shotgun Wing Trips has the tight end lined up off the line of scrimmage in a wing position. The slot and flanker line up to the right of him. The split end lines up out wide on the left. The halfback lines up on the right of the quarterback. The WR1 lines up to the left and the WR2 lines up to the right.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Wing Trips Wk

This Shotgun formation is found in two playbooks which are the Broncos and Cheifs. The tight end, slot, and flanker lined up on the right. The split end lines up out wide on the left.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Y-Trips

The Shotgun Y-Trips has the tight end, slot, and flanker lined up on the right. The split end lines up out wide on the left. The halfback lines up on the right. Both the slot and flanker line up off the line of scrimmage, while the tight end and split end line up on the line of scrimmage. For the most part the plays are pretty similar across the three playbooks.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Y-Trips HB Wk

The Shotgun Y-Trips has the tight end, slot, and flanker lined up on the right. The split end lines up on the left. The halfback lines up left of the quarterback. Of the playbooks that feature the Shotgun Y-Trips HB Wk, the one you will want to check out is the Buccaneers’, as they have a few plays to look at that none of the other four playbooks have.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Y-Trips Open

The Shotgun Y-Trips Open has the tight end slot receiver lined up off the line of scrimmage to the right side of the field. The flanker is also lined up on the right, but on the line of scrimmage. The split end lines up on the line of scrimmage on the left side.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


Shotgun Y-Trips Wk

Found in several playbooks, the Shotgun Y-Trips Wk has the halfback lined up to the left of the quarterback. The tight end, slot, and flanker line up to the right, while the split end lines up out wide on the right. A few playbooks worth checking out with this formation in it are the Eagles’, Rams’, Lions’, and Packers’—each playbook has a few unique plays.

Player Personnel:

1 HB

3 WR

1 TE

Formation Alignment:


Formation Style:


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