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First of all, I have to disagree with you,that other children are not like your child. I think you don't notice thisbecause it doesn't grab you and it doesn't give you an emotional reaction whenother children in the store are demanding things or they are upset when theycan't buy something. If you ask other parents, you'll find out that many manymany children demand to buy something every time they go out and are very upsetwhen the answer is no. So I assure you it' very common. Your dilemma is very commonalso. Do I upset my child? Or do I spoil my child? Do I say yes because therewill be a big upset if I say no? Do I say no because I'm afraid to spoil mychild by saying yes? I think that it's a big problem if we give in to a childonly because we are desperate for them not to cry or be upset. For example:"Here, here, please don't cry, please don't cry. I'll do anything, I'llbuy you anything. Just please don't cry." We are going against our deepvalues of what we believe is right, just in order to have the child not have anemotion. This is what I think causes the problems. I think that buying a treatfor a child now and then does not create a spoiled child. But buying it becauseyou can't stand for them to cry is a problem.

Of course, it's not as bad as punishing achild for crying, but what these two reactions have in common is that we feel:"oh, I can't accept this emotion." So I will be angry with you andpunish you until you stop crying, or I will buy you anything you ask for sothat you will stop crying. But really, isn’t it OK for a child to cry becausethey want something and they can’t have it? This is a very good reason to cry.

You said you really can't accept such abehavior. So I'm going to challenge you and ask you, "what is it that you can'taccept?" Do you mean that you can't accept your child wants things whenyou go to a store and he sees something really fun, really exciting, reallydelicious? You can't accept that he wants it? I'll urge you to accept that as anormal part of being a child, and even being an adult. Or is it that you can'taccept that your child is unhappy when you say no? Well, I want to challengeyou on this too, because of course children are unhappy when they wantsomething and we say no. We are the same way if we want something and we can'thave it. We're unhappy about it. So I don't think that we can say that it isunacceptable that a person wants things, or is unhappy when they can’t havethose things. It is a part of life.

Now what about the expressing the sadnessand the anger? Maybe that's what unacceptable. Well, I think the way childrencan learn good, appropriate, healthy expressions of feelings is when we listento their own expressions, the way they express, even though they are not sonice all the time. They don't say, "Excuse me, mother, I really want that.I'm quite sad that you say no. " Of course, no child in the world eversays that. Instead, what they do is scream, cry, fall on the floor, and again Iwould say, we actually can accept that behavior because it's just a rawexpression of emotion. Our job as parents is just to listen, and be okay withour own emotions so that they can be OK with their own emotions, and over timethey will learn to express feelings in better ways.

Now it's really important that whether wesay yes or no, that we build connection. If we say yes, we're not saying"here, fine, take it. You wore me down and you are always so obnoxious, goahead " That's not going to build any connections even though they get whatthey want. So we have to say, "oh, yes, of course, you've been socooperative, you were a big helper and I'd love to get that for you." Soyou build connections. If we say no, we can still build connections. So wedon't say, "No, of course you can't have it. What do you want that for?Stop asking for things. What’s wrong with you?" That doesn't buildconnection. But if we say, "You really want it, I understand. It looks sowonderful. I can see why you want that. I'm so sorry that I have to say no thistime. You really want that. " And we listen, we listen to whatever theyfeel after we say no. That's the way no can build connections also.

Now I want to add a play component to thisalso. You can say "I want this, I want that" every time you walk intoa store. You point to ridiculous things you'll never buy and you say, "Iwant that, I want two of those." And your child will be the one who says,"no, you can't have that. It won't fit in our house." And maybe yourchild will say, "Yes, yes, you can have everything." because they'reliving out that wish for a few minutes’ fantasy, because they want everything.Either way is a really good way to release the tension for both of you aboutall this wanting.






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