

底特律中心科技园区<div>2014 ASLA Midtown Detroit Techtown District </div>

"This is a fresh, vibrant plan that highlights community pride and engagement, while advancing ideas about how the landscape can be used as a collaborative outdoor space, which is unique."- 2014 Awards Jury

“它是一个新鲜的,充满活力的计划,突出社区的自豪感和参与感,同时推进将景观作为协作的室外空间的独特想法。” - 2014年评委

Midtown Detroit Techtown District by Sasaki Associates, Inc.

科技园区计划阐述了底特律中心文化区的科技园复兴的鼓舞人心的愿景。该计划充分利用地区内以下三个机构的潜力 - 韦恩州立大学、创意研究学院和亨利·福特医疗服务公司 - 创建一个创新、协作和生产的动态枢纽。精心策划公共领域的改进,重点围绕新的中央广场,将在一段时间内促进私人投资。

The TechTown District Plan articulates an inspiring vision for the revitalization of TechTown, a knowledge district in Midtown Detroit. The plan leverages the potential of the three institutions that anchor the district – Wayne State University, the College for Creative Studies, and the Henry Ford Health System – to create a dynamic hub for innovation, collaboration and production. Carefully curated public realm improvements, focused around a new central plaza, will foster private investment over time.


A Heart for Techtown: The core plaza is the central feature of the plan, and will be the focus of early investment. A variety of public realm investments will encourange collaboration and the generation of ideas.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.



新经济要求新的学习、研究、工作和产生想法的模式,跨越学科和促进思想从教室转移到市场。这些变化要求机构重新考虑他们是如何组织,如何在物理环境中进行协作。科技园,一个新兴的文化区由底特律中心三个主要机构支撑 - 韦恩州立大学(WSU)、创意研究学院(CCS)和亨利·福特医疗服务公司(HFHS) - 从底特律领先的汽车经济过渡到创新型经济。在过去的几个月里,底特律中心公司(MDI)及其合作机构推动了区域性的规划过程,充分利用各机构的独特优势,并创造了合作和投资的新机遇。科技园的区域计划具有明确的长远目标和清晰的催化项目,可以促进经济发展,支持新的生活、工作和学习方式。由于加速这种变化的定义性特征,出现了公共领域。












分析和宣传过程中既有助于在该区内产生长期的理想框架,以及重点围绕签名核心广场投资的短期催化项目。初始投资将东部拟定的轻轨站连接到西部的一个新公园。战略街道封锁和对现有地面停车场改造为该区定义了一个中心。稠密树林和长凳指引人们通过拟定的轻轨站直接进入广场。制造实验室通过跨越室内和室外环境的制造长桌,锁定广场南侧。在广场上放置合作立方体 - 或可移动的适应性强的工作站,可以根据用户的特定需求重新放置,重新定位。这些立方体形成了区域的合作性图标。






↑  Collaborative Potential: TechTown is anchored by three key institutions: Wayne State University, Henry Ford Health System, and the College for Creative Studies. While each institution had previously prepared individual development plans, the plans did not leverage opportunities for collaboration in TechTown.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Site Considerations
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Engagement Strategies: A variety of creative strategies were employed to encourage stakeholder participation in the development of the plan, including interactive games, online surveys, prioritization exercises, blog streaming, and public open forums. A core committee of institutional leaders were consulted at each milestone.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Framework Principles: The plan is driven by several planning and design principles that address site challenges and support aspirational goals for the district.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Public Realm Framework: The vision for TechTown is structured around a public realm framework that defines key corridors and connects anchor institutions. Each corridor is characterized by a different public realm and land use strategy.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Techtown Vision: The long term vision positions TechTown as the hub of innovation in Detroit. A renewed public realm ties together ideas-based industries within a vibrant urban neighborhood.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Core Plaza Elements: The core plaza catalyzes new investment in TechTown. Engaging civic spaces and a carefully curated public realm program encourage participation, creation, and collaboration.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  The core plaza is designed to encourage collaboration and entrepreneurial activity the heart of the district.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Collaboration Cubes: Mobile and adaptable collaboration cubes, specifically designed for TechTown, support a range of active uses from spontaneous brainstorming sessions to planned social activities.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Fabrication tables extend from the adjacent fab-lab to facilitate the visible testing and development of new products. Shade structures and complementary landscaping create a comfortable environment for collaboration.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  The Brainstorming Grove and Think Tank provide an informal destination for meeting and socializing, with access to the nearby Short Circuit Cafe and food trucks.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Plaza through the seasons: The plaza is designed for flexibility and to support year-round activity, from curling and campfires in the winter, to movie screenings and robot competitions in the spring and summer, to maker’s fairs and beer gardens in the fall.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Realizing the Vision: The vision for TechTown will be realized over time. A launch party catalyzes the development of the core plaza, followed by incremental investment that reinforces the heart of the district.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  District Transformation: A district currently defined by surface parking lots and lack of identity will be transformed into a dense, well-balanced urban setting, with a clearly defined sense of place.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.


↑  Sustainability and Livability: The district strategy leverages existing sustainability investments, and supports a broad definition of sustainability. Social, economic, and environmental sustainability are foundational elements of the plan.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.



The new economy requires new modes of learning, researching, working, and generating ideas that cut across disciplines and facilitate the transfer of ideas from the classroom to the marketplace. These changes demand that institutions reconsider how they are organized and how they collaborate within their physical environments. TechTown, an emerging knowledge district anchored by three key institutions in Midtown Detroit - Wayne State University (WSU), the College for Creative Studies (CCS), and the Henry Ford Health System (HFHS) - is leading Detroit’s transition from an automotive to an innovation-based economy. Over the past several months, Midtown Detroit Inc. (MDI), along with its institutional partners, has facilitated a district planning process that leverages the unique strengths of each institution, while creating new opportunities for collaboration and investment. The district plan for TechTown articulates a long term vision, with clearly defined catalytic projects that will foster economic development and support new ways living, working, and learning. The public realm emerges as the defining feature that accelerates this change.

The character of TechTown itself is unique, featuring buildings that played an important role in the automotive innovations of an earlier era. Today, the district fosters new modes of innovation from alternative energy, to healthcare, to creative industries maintaining its legacy as a birthplace for ideas.

Goals for the District: The goals of the TechTown district directly respond to key challenges of the site. The plan aims to create a vibrant and livable neighborhood that is safe and supports activity 24/7. Today, there is a shortage of housing and retail services, and limited public space. Poorly defined street edges, large parking lots, blank walls, isolated uses and lack of ground floor transparency, and inconsistent lighting across the district discourage people from engaging the site. The creation of a vibrant neighborhood requires a combination of civic spaces and infrastructure, diverse housing options, and a variety of third spaces. Our proposal integrates these elements within a comprehensive public realm strategy.

The TechTown District Plan aims to encourage experimentation and make visible the production of ideas. Experimentation is critical to the formation of new ideas and businesses. While innovations occur daily in TechTown, experimental infrastructure is limited to specialized institutions and is not accessible to a broader audience. Co-working spaces, incubators, fabrication labs, hacker labs, and test kitchens enable experimentation. The plan for TechTown situates these spaces in central, highly visible and accessible locations that span both indoor and outdoor environments, encouraging inquiry, while activating the public realm in a thought-provoking and participatory manner.

The TechTown District Plan aims to facilitate collaboration. While new ideas are often the product of collaboration, and spontaneous conversations, institutions in TechTown largely operate as internalized siloes that rarely engage the public realm or nearby organizations. The shift toward a new innovation economy requires places for collaboration, including landing spots for planned and serendipitous meetings, ad hoc gathering spaces, and flexible and temporary spaces. The TechTown District Plan brings these elements together within a central plaza with inviting adjacent uses. Collaboration occurs in the public realm as much as in surrounding buildings.

The TechTown District Plan seeks to create a defined heart for the district. The decentralized patterns of investment and prevalence of surface parking characteristic of Detroit also define TechTown. Through a robust open space framework and urban design strategy, the plan transforms places for cars into places for people, while creating a clearly defined heart and visual identity for the district.


Analysis and Outreach

To better understand the salient planning issues, a variety of analytical techniques were employed, including conversations with stakeholders, photographic essays of site conditions, mapping property ownership and parking patterns, site tours, precedent studies, and a “MyDistrict” survey. MyDistrict is an online graphic survey that was distributed to key employers and institutions to help understand qualitative impressions of the district. Individuals were asked to identify where ideas are formed, where they collaborate, favorite dining locations, favorite outdoor areas, unsafe areas, common pedestrian, vehicular, and bicycle routes, and perceptions of the district boundaries. Respondents placed more than 2,000 icons on the map. Their responses informed the ultimate site selection for the core plaza, and reinforced the need to address perceptions of safety through public realm and building treatments.

A robust outreach process also influenced the design strategy. At each milestone, a stakeholder committee with representatives from key institutions was consulted. Open forums in the evening provided venues for project updates, and included presentations from spotlight speakers. TechTownTalk, the project blog, was developed to document the planning process and provided another vehicle for feedback. Interactive games, such as the “Circuit Board” and the “Coin Survey” were employed during the forums to test different design alternatives and to rank preferences for where to focus initial investment. The coin survey identified streetscapes and parks as one of the preferred focus areas for the district.


Core Site

The analysis and outreach process helped generate both a long term aspirational framework for the district, along with a near-term catalytic project that focuses investment around a signature core plaza. Initial investments link the proposed light rail stop to the east with a new park to the west. Strategic street closures and the transformation of existing surface parking lots create a defined heart for the district. A dense grove of trees and linear bench direct individuals from the proposed light rail stop into the plaza. A fabrication lab anchors the southern side of the plaza with fabrication tables that span both indoor and outdoor environments. Collaboration cubes—or moveable and adaptable work stations—populate the plaza and can be reconfigured and relocated to meet the specific needs of the user. These cubes create a collaborative icon for the district.

A projection screen, climbing wall, and signature shade circuit define the north side of the plaza, which includes a café with seating among an informal grove of trees. These amenities complement a nearby flexible space that can be programmed according to time of year and community needs. The plaza is home to the “maker’s fair” and “hacker challenge” in the fall. In the winter, the plaza accommodates a light installation and temporary curling lane, with collaborative campfires for warmth. Spring transforms the plaza into the epicenter of an alternative energy challenge with solar test cubes and food trucks. Colored pavers pixelate the ground plane, and create a branded identity for the heart of the district.


Moving Forward

The plaza is regarded as the near term critical investment in the district. It serves as the nexus and collaborative common ground for all stakeholders, but requires the coordination of several landholders to realize the vision. This planning process provides the foundation for seeking funding essential to implementing this project. If realized, the core site public realm strategy has the potential to ignite innovation and drive Detroit’s transition toward a new innovation economy.


MORE: Sasaki Associates, Inc. 

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