




本次会议由世界中医药学会联合会主办,中国中医科学院教育处及中国中医科学院望承办,届时将邀请国医大师、国医名师、海内外知名的肿瘤经方治疗研究专家莅临,交流肿瘤经方治疗研究的新进展、新理念、新方法。诚邀海内外从事肿瘤经方治疗研究及相关领域的临床 、教学和科研工作的专家、学者参会,以主题报告、专题发言、分组讨论、论文汇编等形式进行学术交流。


一、会议主题 :

1. 成立世界中医药学会联合会肿瘤经方治疗研究专业委员会,选举产生肿瘤经方治疗研究专业委员会第一届理事会。

2. 举办世界中医药学会联合会肿瘤经方治疗研究专业委员会第一届学术年会。


1. 肿瘤经方治疗理论探源与现代临床应用研究;

2. 肿瘤经方治疗学科体系建设的方法与思路;

3. 肿瘤经方治疗名家学术思想与临床经验的整理继承研究;

4. 经方在肿瘤治疗中的方证、药证研究;

5. 肿瘤经方治疗疗程与疗效的评价标准研究;

6. 肿瘤经方治疗量效关系研究;

7. 肿瘤经方治疗临床教学与推广研究;

8. 肿瘤经方治疗在世界的传播与应用研究;

9. 肿瘤经方治疗相关问题的多学科研究;

10. 肿瘤经过放疗、化疗、分子靶向治疗及微创治疗等新的方法治疗后,出现的不同并发症的经方治疗方法;

11. 肿瘤经方新药开发研究;

12. 经典理论指导下的各种传统自然疗法及世界各民族传统自然疗法在肿瘤及并发症治疗中的应用。


 1. 论文要求内容翔实,观点明确,论证严谨,文字精练,未在公开刊物上发表。字数一般在 4000 字以内,附 400 字以内摘要,摘要包括 2~ 5 个关键词。题目用三号黑体,正文及摘要均用小四号宋体,行距 1.5倍,参考文献附于文末。

     2. 会议论文请以电子邮件形式发送至:肿瘤经方治疗研究专业委员会邮箱:zljfwyh@163.com(注:投稿者,请在邮箱“主题”一栏以“论文题名+姓名”标识)。

3. 请附作者简介,内容为:姓名、性别、出生年月、职称、职务、研究方向、通讯地址、邮政编码、单位全称、联系电话、电子邮箱等;科研课题及研究生论文亦请注明。

 4. 所有来稿均经专家评审,专家有权对论文作编辑修改,符合要求的论文将编入大会论文集。

     5. 截稿日期:2015年7月31日。


2015年9月4日(全天报到), 9月4日19:30-20:30常委会(全体副会长及常务理事参加),9月5日全天会议。



1、参会者请于7月31日前将会议回执(附后)经 E-mail 返回会务组进行注册。未投论文者,亦欢迎参加会议。

2.会议注册费 900元/人次(包括会议资料,会议期间餐),在读研究生免注册费。食宿由会务组统一安排,住宿、交通费用自理。




联系人与电话: 石昕15210854886 李杰18210932627     

电子邮箱:zljfwyh@163.com传 真:010-84739192         





2015 年 3 月 26日























Conference Notice: the 1st Academic Annual Conference of Classical TCM Formula for Cancer Treatment and Research Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (CFCTRC of WFCMS)

 (Sep 5th, 2015 in Beijing, China)


WFCMS set up Classical TCM Formula for Cancer Treatment and Research Committee (CFCTRC), so as to promote the international communication and cooperation in the field of classical formula therapy on cancer, explore and systemize classical formula therapy and traditional natural therapies of various nationalities worldwide   under the guidance of classical theory, present new researching progress in Zhongjing scholarship applying on cancer treatment both around domestic and overseas, establish and improve the discipline system of classical formula therapy on cancer, accelerate the sustainable development of classical formula therapy on cancer, and  promote the training, communicating and cooperating among researching professionals of classical formula therapy on cancer.

The inaugural conference of CFCTRC is scheduled in September 5th, 2015 in Beijing, China. In the conference, we will elect and found the first session of Council, and held the first session of academic annual conference.

The conference will be hosted by WFCMS, organized by the education department of Wangjing Hospital of China Academy of Chinese medical Sciences (CACMS). At that time, TCM masters, well-known TCM practitioners and famous researching experts worldwide of classical formula therapy on cancer will be invited to the conference to share the progress, new ideas, and new methods in classical formula therapy on cancer. We sincerely invite experts and scholars in relevant field including clinic, teaching and researching to participate in the meeting, and will organize academic exchange in the forms of the thematic reports, presentations, group discussion, and compilation of papers.

In order to successfully found the first session of Council of CFCTRC and fully prepare for the academic conference, we here notify the relevant matters as follows:


First, the theme of the conference:

1. To establish Classical TCM Formula for Cancer Treatment and Research Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (CFCTRC of WFCMS), and to elect the first session of the Council of CFCTRC of WFCMS.

2. To hold the 1st Academic Annual Conference of CFCTRC of WFCMS.


Second, content of the paper:

1. The research on the origins of the therapeutic theory of classical formula on cancer and the modern clinical theory.

2. The methods and ideas of the establishing the discipline system of classical formula therapy on cancer.

3. The inheritance, arrangement, and research of famous academic thought and clinical experience on classical formula therapy on cancer.

4. The research on the prescriptions and TCM drugs corresponding to syndromes in the classical formula therapy on cancer.

5. The evaluation Criteria of the course and the efficacy of classical formula therapy on cancer.

6. The research on the dose-effect relationship of classical formula therapy on cancer.

7. The clinical teaching and promotion of classical formula therapy on cancer.

8. The worldwide dissemination and research application of classical formula therapy on cancer.

9. The multidisciplinary research on the relevant issues of classical formula therapy on cancer.

10. The classical formula therapy on different complications after the new treating methods such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, and minimally invasive treatment on cancer.

11. The research of new drugs development of classical formula therapy on cancer.

12. The application of traditional natural therapies of various nationalities worldwide to treat complications of cancer under the guidance of the classical theory.


Third, requirements of the paper:

1. Theses are required to be informative, with clear view, rigorous argument, and concise text, having not been published in the public journals. Word limit is required to be less than 4000 words, with less than 400 words of abstract attached which includes 2 to 5 keywords. The tittle should be in bold font of  size 3, the text and abstract should be both in Arial of small fourth size with the line spacing of 1.5 times. References are to be attached to the end of the theses.

2. Please e-mail the theses to the CFCTRC e-mail adress: zljfwyh@163.com (please fill the 'Subject' column with “theses title + name”).

   3. Please attach a brief introduction of the author, which includes name, sex, date of birth, professional title, duties, research directions, address, zip code, full name of the work unit, phone number and e-mail address, and scientific research and graduate thesis.

4. All manuscripts will be reviewed by experts. They will have the right to edit and modify the papers. Papers meet the requirements will be collected in the conference proceedings.

5. Deadline: July 31st, 2015.


Fourth, time and place of the conference:

September 4th, 2015 (the day of registration). 19:30~20:30, September 4th, Standing Committee (participants include all of the vice president and executive director). The conference will be on at September 5th.

Conference venue: Beijing (please refer to the second round of conference notice for the specific information).


Fifth, the Conference Registration:

  1. Participants invited please reply the meeting receipt (attached) to us via E-mail before July 31st so as to register. Those who did not submit papers are also welcome to attend the conference.

2. Conference registration fee is 900 Yuan/person (including conference materials, meal coupons during the conference).  Graduate students are free of registration fee. Accommodations and meals will be arranged by conference affairs members. The expenses of accommodation and transportation will be payed on their own way.


Six, the way to applying to join the CFCTRC of WFCMS:

The CFCTRC of WFCMS welcome experts and scholars all over the world who are interested in classical formula therapy on cancer and traditional natural therapies of various nationalities worldwide to join. Here is our international communication platform: http://sns.wfcms.com/ . Click “Professional Committee”, and then turn to page 5, our committee will be found as the last one on line 4.  Click it to enter, there will be a 'apply to join' in a green button. After the registration, re Log in and click the green button to fill in the form with real personal information (we emphasis on the authenticity of individual photos and identity card pictures). After the submission, the president of the committee and WFCMS will audit. if one wants to check the results of the audit, please enter 'My professional committee' on the upper right corner of web, and then enter 'access personal space'. The position title will be shown at the right side under one’s photo. If the title has not been shown, it means the audition or has not been checked yet or failed to pass. Should you have further questions please feel free to contact us.


Seven, contact informations:

Mobile phone: Susie Shi 15210854886, Jie Li 18210932627.

E-mail: zljfwyh@163.com      Fax: 010-84739192

Address: Oncology Dept. of Wangjing Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Huajiadi Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.

Zip Code: 100102


Preparatory Committee of the CFCTRC of WFCMS

March 26th, 2015




the 1st Academic Annual Conference of Classical TCM Formula for Cancer Treatment and Research Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

Meeting receipt




Position   / Title

Work   place

Work   unit

Zip   code

Mailing   address

WeChat   number

Phone   / Fax


E-mail  addres

Registration   time

Whether   having submitted papers or not

Whether   booking accommodation as single room or standard room

(Please fill in and reply the receipt form before July 31. It will be the register certification)

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