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译者:天璇 校对:李睿玥leah, 文瑜


According to the theory of evolution, why does death occur? It literally means that we have “chosen” to die and then chosen to “fear” it which is very contradictional!

OK let me define the question a bit more biologically - our bodies where formed in a long process by survival and reproduction of the fittest, and so we conclude that the factors like speed, strength and fertility, but why where the cellular organisms bound to this dependent way of circling life and death. The option of an organism formed by non-aging cells created by more suitable molecules without genders seems more logical, simpler and more independent. There is a high possibility that the first organisms possessed the stated characteristics, but it seems at some point in the development (or from the same beginning) these where replaced by and aging body that looses its strength and grows old and weak eventually dying with the crucial factors of speed, strength, fertility eventually failing him.

Bojidar Kojouharov

There is actually a pretty interesting answer to your question. First, I must admit that there is not yet agreement in the scientific community on a single answer. The evolutionary origin of aging remains a fundamental unsolved problem in biology. But there are very compelling competing theories.

At first, we used to think that aging was like a sort of “wear and tear”; like a knife’s edge becoming dull or iron objects rusting. The thought was largely that complicated systems eventually decay. Systems necessarily increase in entropy(disorder) over time. But this was discredited. The Law of thermodynamics does state that entropy always increases in a closed system, however, living things are not closed systemsentropy . One of life’s defining features is taking energy from the environment to increase internal chemical complexity while expelling entopy in the form of waste. There is no thermodynamic necessity for aging and death. Also, this fails to account for why organisms are seemingly so good at repair and maintenance up until reproductive age only to succumb to age-related damage later on.

Here are some non-mutually exclusive theories that better explain aging and death:

Mutation Accumulation

The idea here is that aging is a process that became ingrained in us from evolutionary neglect. Let me explain. In nature, competition is extreme and it is very rare for any animal to survive for an exceptionally long time. Even if there was no aging, we would probably still expect the majority of creatures to die from this sort of competition. Think about it. In the wild, there are literally countless ways to die. A small injury, an infection at the wrong time, inadequate resources, or even just a skilled predator are ever present dangers that kill most animals way before they start getting old.



In fact, in this environment, making it to reproductive age is succeeding. This theory posits that since it was so rare for animals to survive this long, there was very little selection pressure to adapt a mechanism that would allow biological survival for exceptionally long spans of time.

This theory posited that there were random mutations that might accumulate in the genes of living things whose effects might only be observable very late in life. These mutations that cause aging might be insufficiently weeded out by evolution because their effects occur so late in life as to be extremely rarely encountered. Its a bit like the characteristic is functionally “dormant”, never really expressing itself since you’re way more likely to have died before it could. Characteristics like these, which are only observable well after procreation, have very little influence on an individual’s ability to propagate their genes and might therefore be allowed by evolution.

Antagonist Pleiotropy

That previous theory may have sounded pretty good, but the debate still raged on. The previous theory holds an assumption that aging (senescence) isn’t significantly contributing to the death toll of an organism. But this might not be true. Certainly very few animals die of “old age”, but even a little bit of senescence may be a cause of death in highly competitive environment. Just being a tiny bit slower or have a slightly weaker immune response might very well be difference between living and dying. Modern studies show that senescence is indeed a major contributor to the death rate in the wild. There was also another problem with the previous theory. The mutations that allow for aging weren’t random as the last theory supposed. Instead, when we sequence the genome, genes that caused aging formed tight knit families that have been around for as long as eukaryotic life. This newer theory proposed that these genes are pleiotropic. That mean a gene which has two or more effects on the phenotype (aka observable characteristics) of the organism. In antagonist pleiotropy, one of the effects is good and the other is bad. In the case of aging, this suggests that these genes have effects that are very beneficial early in life but detrimental later in life. If evolution is a race to pass on your genes as soon as possible, any advantage early on might be evolutionarily worth the cost later in life.



Figure A shows mutation accumulation while Figure B shows antagonistic pleiotropy. The main difference is that antagonistic pleiotropy proposes positive roles for these mutations early in life.

There is another issue here. When evolution seeks a solution to a problem, it doesn’t always pick the best solution. Instead evolution favors the first solution and the solution that can be built on existing infrastructure. This might be one of those cases. Consider the mitochondria. The mitochondria has its own genes.


This is a remnant of the likely fact that it was once a separate single-celled organism much like a bacteria that somehow formed a symbiotic relationship with a larger eukaryotic cell. Unfortunately, the fact that it has its own genome is not a good thing. Mutations to their DNA can affect a cell’s ability to function properly. Indirectly, these mutations may accelerate many aspects of aging. Because of the highly oxidative environment in mitochondria and their lack of the sophisticated repair systems found in a cell’s nucleus, mitochondrial mutations are believed to be a major cause of progressive cellular degeneration. Evolution can’t easily easily fix this problem, because evolution does not “design” organisms. It simply modifies and hacks existing systems. If an improvement can’t be achieved by a simple modification or by building on top of what exists, then evolution won’t achieve it.

I’m going to go on a side track for a little bit to explain what happens when people age.

Aging is a multifaceted process, but a big part of that process is cellular senescence. Senescence is what happens when a cell goes into a state where it can never divide again. This can happen for lots of reasons. If a cell takes on too many mutations or if the cell has divided too many times it either commits suicide, becomes (pre) cancerous, or becomes senescent. In the short term, this is actually a pretty good fix for a big problem; namely cancer. You see, cells can repair DNA damage, but that repair process is never perfect and every time your cells divide there always a little bit of imperfect replication of the genome that occurs. So the longer you live, the more mutations your cells accumulate; and the more likely you are to get cancer. (People born with mutations to only a single copy of an important DNA repair gene get a genetic disease that nearly guarantees they will be riddled with cancer before they are 30.) Senescence allows the organism to keep the still functional cells around while neutralizing any potential harm they might pose. Unfortunately, senescent cells go bad as they age. At first they aren’t bad at all, but as they stay around longer and longer they start to accumulate and they start producing a bunch of signaling molecules that increases inflammation and does harm.

It’s likely that this process by which senescent cells go bad is not something evolution shaped. Most likely, evolution made a fix that prevented most cancers which worked for long enough for a creature to pass on its genes, only to be later revealed that this fix predisposed it to die of aging.

Ageing theories based on evolvability

The last theories that are note-worthy are those which propose that aging is beneficial in a sense. This theory proposes that evolution has advantages at a population level. When creatures age and die they are freeing up resources for a younger (presumably better adapted) generation. By cycling through generations quicker, a population achieves a faster evolution rate. Limiting lifespans, therefore, limits the influence of older individuals to dominate the gene pool. Certain characteristics might have a great deal of difficultly evolving without death. Intelligence and immunity would be hard to select for since longevity can produce non-innate intelligence derived from experience and non-innate immunity derived from pathogen exposure. For a population, however, innate immunity and innate intelligence is always better because if it isn’t innate, random death of older individuals might be catastrophic for a population which would simultaneously lose much of its accumulated knowledge and capacity to survive plagues. So according to this thought, ageing or otherwise purposely limited lifespan helps evolution by freeing resources for younger, and therefore, presumably better-adapted individuals.



This is just scratching the surface of theories and research on aging. But as you can see, there are many possible explanations for aging within the theory of evolution.

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