


英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7)which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.


Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Measures for the Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 These Detailed Rules are formulated in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange for the purpose of standardizing and facilitating the foreign exchange operations of banks and individuals.

Article 2 Management of an total annual quota shall be applicable to individual sales of foreign exchange and domestic individual purchases of foreign exchange. The total annual quota is equivalent to USD 50,000 per person each year. The SAFE is empowered to adjust the total annual quota in accordance with the balance of payment position.

Foreign exchange sales and purchases within the total annual quota shall be dealt with at the banks upon the strength of valid personal identity certificates. When the amount of foreign exchange sales and purchases exceeds the total annual quota, those under the current account shall be dealt with in accordance with Articles 10, 11, and 12 of these Detailed Rules, and those under the capital account shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Detailed Rules on the "Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange under the Capital Account."

Article 3 Foreign exchange purchased by an individual may be remitted abroad, deposited in his/her foreign exchange savings account, or carried across the border in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 4 When the amount of individual foreign exchange purchases and sales is within the total annual total, the individual may entrust his/her immediate family members to deal with the business; when the amount of individual foreign exchange purchases and sales or overseas individual purchases of foreign exchange exceeds the total annual quota, the individual may entrust others to deal with the business upon the strength of the related supporting documents in accordance with the provisions in these Detailed Rules.

Article 5 In cases when an individual carries foreign cash across the border, he/she shall obey the relevant administrative provisions of the State.

Article 6 All designated foreign exchange banks (hereinafter referred to as banks ) shall examine and verify the authenticity of individual foreign exchange transactions in accordance with the provisions of these Detailed Rules. Any forged or altered transactions are prohibited. The banks shall process the transactions of individual foreign exchange purchases and sales through the management information system for individual sales and purchases of foreign 

exchange (hereinafter referred to as the system for individual sales and purchases of foreign exchange ), and shall input the relevant information truthfully, accurately, and completely. Article 7 The SAFE and its branches/sub-branches (hereinafter referred to as foreign exchange bureaus ) shall be responsible for collecting the statistical data, supervising, managing, and inspecting the individual foreign exchange businesses.

Chapter 2 Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange under the Current Account Article 8 Individual foreign exchange receipts and payments under the current account are classified into business-based foreign exchange receipts and payments and non-business-based foreign exchange receipts and payments.

Article 9 Individual business-based foreign exchange receipts and payments under the current account shall be handled in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) An individual foreign trade business person shall handle the purchase, payment, collection, and sale of foreign exchange under foreign trade through his/her foreign exchange settlement account; and his/her foreign exchange receipts and payments, verifications for imports and exports, and declarations on the balance of payments shall be handled in line with the formalities applicable to institutions.

An individual foreign trade business person refers to an individual engaging in foreign trade business activities who has attended to the formalities of registering at the administrative department for industry and commerce or the other business formalities according to law, has obtained a business license or other certificates for business operations, has handled the recording formalities for registration, and obtained the foreign trade right in accordance with the provisions of the commerce administrative department of the State Council.

(2) When a private business person entrusts any enterprise with foreign trade rights to handle the import business, he/she shall purchase foreign exchange by himself/herself upon the strength of the import agent contract or the agreement signed with the entrusted enterprise. The purchased foreign exchange shall be transferred directly from his/her foreign exchange settlement account to the foreign exchange account under the current account held by the entrusted enterprise.

When a private business person entrusts any enterprise with foreign trade rights to handle the export business, he/she may deal with foreign exchange collections and sales through his/her own foreign exchange settlement account. Sales of foreign exchange shall be handled upon the strength of the export agent contract or the agreement signed with the entrusted enterprise and the customs export declaration forms of the entrusted enterprise. After filing at the local foreign exchange bureau the private business person s name and account numbers as well as 

other documents prescribed for the verification, the entrusted enterprise may use the private business person s notice of collection as the supporting document for verification.

(3) An overseas individual shall handle the sale of foreign exchange under the trade items of tourism and shopping upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate and the customs declaration form for individual tourism and shopping.

Article 10 When a domestic individual's non-business-based foreign exchange sales under the current account exceed the total annual quota, he/she shall handle the business at the banks upon the strength of his/her valid identify certificate and the following supporting documents:

(1) For donations: a notarized agreement or donation contract. The donations shall comply with the relevant provisions of the State;

(2) For alimony: evidence of the relationship of the immediate family member or a notarized document for alimony payment, and proof of revenue of the overseas payer, such as bank statements or individual tax returns;

(3) For inheritance income: legal or notarized document of inheritance;

(4) For insurance payments: insurance policy and proof of payment from the operating insurance institution. Purchases of insurance policies in foreign exchange shall meet the relevant provisions of the State;

(5) For patent and royalty income: proof of payment, agreement, or contract;

(6) For legal, accounting, consulting, and public relation services income: proof of payment, agreement, or contract;

(7) For employment compensation: contract of employment and evidence of income;

(8) For proceeds from overseas investment: foreign exchange registration certificate of overseas investment, resolution of profit distribution or dividend payments, or evidence of other income;

(9) For other: relevant evidence and payment vouchers.

Article 11 When an overseas individual's non-business-based foreign exchange sales under the current account exceed the total annual quota, he/she shall handle the business at the banks upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate and the following supporting documents:

(1) For rent expenditures: lease registered at the housing authority, invoice or notice of payment;

(2) For living expenses: relevant contract or invoices;

(3) For medical expenses, tuition, and related expenses: receipts from domestic hospitals (schools);

(4) For other: relevant evidence and payment vouchers.

When the amount of a single foreign exchange sale is equivalent to USD 50,000 or more, the individual shall directly transfer the renminbi capital gained from the sale of foreign exchange into the domestic renminbi account held by the counterparty of the transaction.

Article 12 When a domestic individual's non-business-based foreign exchange purchases under the current account exceed the total annual quota, he/she shall handle the business at the banks upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate and the relevant supporting documents indicating the transaction amount.

Article 13 When an overseas individual purchases foreign exchange with his/her lawful renminbi income under the current account and exchanges the un-used part of the purchased renminbi back into foreign exchange, he/she shall handle it in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) For foreign exchange purchases with lawful renminbi income under the current account obtained domestically, the individual shall handle it upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate and relevant supporting documents (including tax returns) indicating the transaction amount.

(2) For exchanges of the un-used part of purchased renminbi back into foreign exchange, the individual shall handle it upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate and the original exchange memo, and the latter shall be valid for 24 months from the date of the exchange; in cases when the total daily amount is not more than and including the equivalent of USD 500 (or USD 1000 if the exchange is made within the boundaries but outside of the customs supervision zone before he/she leaves the country), the individual may handle it solely upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate.

Article 14 In cases when a domestic individual remits foreign exchange

overseas for expenses under the current account, he/she shall handle it in accordance with the following provisions:

When the remittance is made from the foreign exchange savings account and the total daily amount is not more than the equivalent of USD 50,000 (including USD 50,000), the individual shall handle it at the banks upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate; if the amount is more than the above-mentioned quota, he/she shall handle it upon the strength of the authenticity evidence under the current account and indicating the transaction amount.

When the remittance is made with foreign cash and the total daily amount is not more than the equivalent of USD 10,000 (including USD 10,000), the individual shall handle it at the banks

upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate; if the amount is more than the above-mentioned quota, he/she shall handle it upon the strength of the authenticity evidence under the current account and indicating the transaction amount, and the Customs Luggage Declaration Form of the People's Republic of China for Cross-Border Travelers with the customs' seal stamped thereon or the original bank's documents for withdrawal of foreign cash. Article 15 In cases when an overseas individual remits foreign exchange overseas for expenses under the current account, he/she shall handle it at the banks in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) When the remittance is made from a foreign exchange savings account, the individual shall handle it upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate;

(2) When the remittance is made with foreign cash and the total daily amount is not more than the equivalent of USD 10,000 (including USD 10,000), the individual shall handle it upon the strength of his/her valid identity certificate; if the amount is more than the above-mentioned quota, the individual shall handle it by also presenting the Declaration Form of the People's Republic of China for Cross-Border Travelers' Luggage with the customs' seal stamped thereon or the original bank's documents for withdrawal of foreign cash.

Chapter 3 Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange under the Capital Account Article 16 In cases when a domestic individual directly invests abroad, he/she shall abide by the relevant provisions of the State. As for the required foreign exchange, the individual may remit it abroad with purchased foreign exchange or his/her proprietary foreign exchange upon the approval of the local foreign exchange bureau, and shall accordingly attend to the registration of foreign exchange for overseas investment.

When a domestic individual, or an overseas individual who resides habitually within Chinese territory because of economic interests, establishes or controls any special purpose company abroad and makes round-tripping investments, the foreign exchange receipts and payments involved shall be handled according to the Circular of the SAFE on Relevant Issues concerning Foreign Exchange Administration for Domestic Residents to Engage in Financing and Round-tripping Investments through Overseas Special Purpose Companies.

Article 17 A domestic individual may use either foreign exchange or renminbi to make overseas fixed income investment and equity-related investment through banks, fund management companies, and other qualified domestic institutional investors.

Article 18 The foreign exchange remitted or brought into China from foreign countries or from the Hong Kong and Macao regions by foreign nationals coming to China, by overseas Chinese and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots returning for a short stay, by foreign experts, technicians, staff members and workers engaged to work in organizations within China, and by foreign students and trainees, may be kept in their own possession, or sold to or deposited with the Bank of China, or remitted or taken out of China. Article 19 Chinese, foreign nationals and stateless persons residing in China may apply to the local branch offices of the SAFEC for the purchase of foreign exchange to be remitted or taken out of China. Upon approval of such applications, the required foreign exchange shall be sold to the applicants by the Bank of China. When foreign experts, technicians, staff members and workers engaged to work in organizations within territory are to remit or take out of China their foreign exchange, the Bank of China shall handle the matter in accordance with the stipulations as provided in the relevant contracts or agreements.

  Chapter IV Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Foreign Resident Representative Offices in China and Their Personnel

  Article 20 Foreign exchange remitted or brought into China from foreign countries or from the Hong Kong and Macao regions by foreign diplomatic missions,consular posts, commercial offices, offices of international organizations and nongovernmental bodies resident office in China, foreign diplomatic and consular officers as well as other resident staff members of the aforesaid missions, posts and offices, may be kept in their own possession, or sold to or deposited with the Bank of China, or remitted or taken out of China. Article 21 The conversion into foreign currency, if required, of visa and certification fees received in Renminbi from Chinese citizens by foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts in China, is subject to approval by the SAFEC or its branch offices.

  Chapter V Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Enterprises with Overseas Chinese Capital, Foreign-Capital Enterprises, and Chinese- Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and Their Personnel

  Article 22 All foreign exchange receipts of enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures must be deposited with the Bank of China, and all their foreign exchange disbursements must be effected from their foreign exchange deposit accounts. The enterprises mentioned in the preceding paragraph must periodically submit their statements of foreign exchange business to the SAFEC or its branch offices, all of which are empowered to check on the movements of the foreign exchange receipts and payments of these enterprises. Article 23 Except where otherwise approved by the SAFEC or its branch offices,Renminbi shall in all cases be used in the settlement of accounts between enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises,Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures on the one hand and other enterprises or individuals residing in the People's Republic of China on the other hand. Article 24 Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and foreign joint venturers in Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures may apply to the Bank of China for remitting abroad their net profits as well as other legitimate earnings after taxation according to law, by debiting the foreign exchange deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned. Where the enterprises and foreign joint ventures mentioned in the preceding paragraph are to transfer foreign exchange capital abroad, they shall apply to the SAFEC or its branch offices for the transfer by debiting the foreign exchange deposit accounts of the enterprises concerned. Article 25 An amount not exceeding 50% of their after-tax legitimate net earnings from wages, etc. may be remitted or taken out of China in foreign currency by staff members and workers of foreign nationality and those from the Hong Kong and Macao regions employed by enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures. Article 26 Enterprises with overseas Chinese capital, foreign-capital enterprises and Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures which wind up operations in accordance with legal procedure, shall be responsible for the liquidation,within the scheduled period, of their outstanding liabilities and taxes due in China under the joint supervision of the relevant competent departments and the SAFEC or its branch offices.

  Chapter VI Control Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals and Payment Instruments in Foreign Currency into and out of China

  Article 27 No restriction as to the amount is imposed on the carrying into China of foreign exchange, precious metals and objects made from them, but declaration to the Customs is required at the place of entry. To carry out of China foreign exchange or the foreign exchange previously brought in shall be permitted by the Customs against certification by the Bank of China or against the original declaration form filled out at the time of entry. To carry out of China precious metals and objects made from them or the precious metals and objects made from them previously brought in shall be permitted by the Customs according to the specific circumstances as prescribed by State regulations or against the original declaration form filled out at the time of entry. Article 28 To bring into China Renminbi traveller's cheques, traveller's letters of credit and other Renminbi payment instruments convertible into foreign currency shall be permitted by the Customs against the declaration form filled out at the Customs; and to take the same out of China shall be permitted by the Customs against certification by the Bank of China or against the original declaration form filled out at the time of entry. Article 29 Unless otherwise approved by the SAFEC or its branch offices, it is not permitted to carry or send out of China by holders or by others or by post such certificates and deeds held by Chinese residing in China as bonds,debentures, share certificates issued abroad; title deeds for real estate abroad; other documents or deeds involving the disposal of creditor's right, inheritance, real estate or other foreign exchange assets abroad. Article 30 The carrying or sending out of China of Renminbi instruments, such as Renminbi cheques, drafts, passbooks and deposit certificates, held by Chinese or foreign nationals or stateless persons residing in China, is not permitted, either by holders or by others or by post.

  Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 31 All units and individuals have the right to report any violation of these Regulations. Rewards shall be given to such units or individuals according to the merits of the report. Violators shall be penalized by the SAFEC, its branch offices or by public security organs, or by administrative departments of industry and commerce, or by the Customs. In light of the seriousness of the offence, the penalties may take the form of compulsory exchange of the foreign currency for Renminbi, or fine or confiscation of the properties or both, or punishment by judicial organs according to law. Article 32 The exchange control measures for special economic zones, for frontier trade and for personal dealings between inhabitants across the border shall be formulated, in accordance with these Regulations, by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the light of actual local conditions, be submitted to the State Council for approval and be enforced thereupon. Article 33 Rules for the implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by the SAFEC. Article 34 These Regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 1981.

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