


The Differences Between the Chinese Zodiac and Western Astrology中国十二生肖与西方占星术的区别

2020 is the year of the Rat, it is worth trying to understand the Chinese zodiac, a system of divination that differs from Western astrology.2020年是鼠年,值得尝试了解中国的生肖,一种不同于西方占星术的神化系统。

The Chinese zodiac 中国生肖

The main similarities between the two systems is that both systems are based on date and time of birth, with 12 symbols or signs used to communicate across meaning. We've listed some of the main differences, to make things a little easier to understand.两个系统之间的主要相似之处是,两个系统都基于出生日期和时间,都有12个符号用于表达意义。我们列出了一些主要区别,使事情变得更容易理解。

The 12 Signs

In both systems, there are the same number of signs: 12. Two are superficially similar: Ox/Bull and Goat/Ram.在两个系统中,有相同的符号数:12。两个表面上相似:牛/和山羊

The Chinese signs are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.十二属性

  • The Western signs are: Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion, Virgin, Scales, Scorpion, Centaur, Sea-Goat, Water Bearer, and Fish.

Origins of the Signs

In Chinese astrology, the 12 signs are derived from a myth that when God was developing a calendar, all creatures on Earth were summoned to participate in a race. The first 12 to cross the line were awarded signs in the Chinese zodiac.

In China's cultural customs, everyone has their own genus, is commonly known as the zodiac (son rat, ugly cow, tiger, rabbit, Chenlong, python, noon horse, no sheep, Shen monkey, pheasant, dog, he pig),在中国的文化习俗上,每个人都自己的属相,就是俗称的十二生肖(子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪),China has twelve zodiacs, which can represent the year, month, day and time, and the zodiac is also a twelve-Earth branch, the specific attributes are as follows:中国有十二生肖,可以代表年、月、日、时,十二生肖也是十二地支,具体的属性如下:

  1. 鼠(子)——水


  2. 2

  3. 牛(丑)——土


  4. 3

  5. 虎(寅)——木


  6. 4

  7. 兔(卯)——木


  8. 5

  9. 龙(辰)——土


  10. 6

  11. 蛇(巳)——火


  12. 7

  13. 马(午)——火


  14. 8

  15. 羊(未)——土


  16. 9

  17. 猴(申)——金


  18. 10

  19. 鸡(酉)——金


  20. 11

  21. 狗(戌)——土


  22. 12

  23. 猪(亥)——水


This differs from Western astrology where the 12 signs are based on constellations' positions relative to the earth. The constellations were named according to Greek mythology.这与西方占星术不同,12个符号基于星座相对于地球的位置。这些星座是根据希腊神话命名的。

Zodiac Months — Another Similarity

The Chinese zodiac animals were assigned months on the traditional Chinese solar calendar. Each animal sign corresponds with two of the 24 solar terms, for a period similar to a Western zodiac month.中国生肖动物被分配在传统的中国太阳历上几个月。每个动物符号与24个太阳术语中的两个相对应,周期类似于西方生肖月。

This means that the Western astrological signs and Chinese zodiac months have a half-month overlap, as can be seen in the diagram right.这意味着西方占星符号与中国生肖月有半个月的重叠,如右图所示。

The Chinese cycle starts with the month of the Rat around December 7 (including solar terms 'Major Snow' and 'Winter Solstice', i.e. half of Sagittarius and half of Capricorn). 中国的周期从12月7日左右的鼠月开始(包括太阳术语"大雪"和"冬至",即一半射手座和一半摩天座)。


More Than Just Your Birth Year or Month

Within the simplified Western astrological framework, signs are divided per month, while the Chinese signs are divided on a year-by-year basis when it comes to popular astrology. This means that in Chinese beliefs, people who were born in the same year have similar traits, as opposed to the Western belief that those born in the same month-long time frame have similar traits.

However, of course, there is more to it. In Western astrology, apart from the constellations, the planets, for example, symbolize basic motivations in the human psyche. Beside the yearly zodiac, Chinese astrology has three other pillars that create your fate, making four pillars in total: birth year, birth month, birth day, and birth hour. 

When comparing the four pillars to Western astrology, the main difference is that Western astrology focuses on celestial alignment (of constellations with planets, stars, the moon, etc.), while the four pillars are based on the alignment of blocks of time in the Chinese calendar.

Lunar, But Mostly Solar

Appreciation of the moon runs deep in Chinese culture.

In the popularly-used Chinese astrology system (the lunar calendar), each month begins with a new moon and lasts for 29 or 30 days. The Chinese New Year date and length of a lunar year change by up to a month relative to a solar calendar.

However, "professional" or conventional Chinese astrology mainly uses the traditional solar calendarwhen it comes to making predictions and laying out horoscopes. In this method, a year begins on February 4th (within a day).

The Western astrological calendar is based on the Earth's orbit around the sun (and resulting celestial alignment), which gives every zodiac month a set date (within a day), lasting between 29 and 31 days. This is why Western zodiac star signs are also known as sun signs.

Lunar Phases in China and the West

Chinese astrology places emphasis on the lunar phase at the time of your birth. There are four moon phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon. New moon types are those seeking innovative environments, waxing moon people are known for being hard working, full moon types are diplomatic, while waning moon people desire peaceful surroundings.

The Western system, comparatively, considers two moon nodes; the North or Ascending Node, and the South or Descending Node. While still playing a role in sensitive areas, in Western astrology the planets are seen as more important factors.

Involving the Elements

The Chinese astrology system identifies five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Each element is linked to motivating forces in your life.

Because the animals are on 12-year cycles and there are five elements, the entire Chinese zodiac-element cycle lasts 60 years. In this system, each sign has a fire, earth, metal, water, and wood variety depending on your birth year.

  • Fire signs are inspired by excitement,

  • earth signs are motivated to secure foundations,

  • metal signs are driven to create order,

  • water signs are compelled to form emotional bonds,

  • and those born under the wood element have a desire to explore.

In the Western system, only four elements are identified: fire, earth, air, and water, and each element is associated with three signs with psychological features. Each sign has one element associated with it.

  • Water signs are driven by emotion,

  • earth signs are practical,

  • fire signs are impulsive, and

  • air signs are intellectually oriented.

    Zodiac Constellation

    Zodiac Palace: Aries Palace, Taurus Palace, Double Palace, Cancer Palace, Lion Palace, Chamber Women's Palace, Libra Palace, Scorpio Palace, Man Ma Palace, Mojima Palace, Bottle Palace, Pisces Palace, respectively, the 12 constellations are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scoring, Scorpio, Santo, Sangi, Capit, Capit Bottle and Pisces.黄道十二宫:白羊宫、金牛宫、双子宫、巨蟹宫狮子宫室女宫天秤宫天蝎宫、人马宫摩羯宫宝瓶宫双鱼宫,分别对应的十二星座是:白羊座、金牛座、双子座巨蟹座狮子座处女座天秤座天蝎座射手座摩羯座、宝瓶座和双鱼座

    It is said that man is the only living creature on earth that can look up to the stars, and nothing else is possible.

    If you have to cite the counterexample, the night of the full moon of the big gray wolf, can not be on the moon song? I don't have to argue.

    Can the big gray wolf look up and count the stars, May I ask?

    The constellation originated in Bilon, Cuba.

    More than 5,000 years ago, a group of shepherds in the Mesopotamia Plain lived a nomadic life of "day by day, with cattle and sheep sleeping." At night the stars are brilliant, deeply attracting these shepherds, after a long day of observation, they found that the stars with the change of seasons and the change of time change regularly. They connect the brightest stars near each other, make full use of their imaginations, and think of them as all kinds of animals, things, and even gods of their faith, to name them. Gradually, more than two dozen constellation names, including the zodiac constellation as we know it, were born.

    When the "two-river civilization" reached Greece, the ancient Greek astronomers continued to explore and supplement the study of constellations in the Cuban Birens, and produced their own constellations.

    In the second century A.D., the great ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy summarized the astronomical achievements of ancient Greece, produced forty-eight constellations in the sky, and given them a variety of unique names based on Greek mythology, which are the names of the constellations we now know.

    In order to mark the position of the sun above the ecliptic, the ancient Greek astronomer Sibaks divided the ecliptic into twelve sections, with a spring point of 0 degrees, every 30 degrees for a palace, followed by white sheep, taurus, cancer... It is called the Zodiac Palace.

    Children born in the same palace, grow up will always have some similar characters, habits and fate, etc. , people give full play to their imagination, put this kind of people together, to sum up. The active and romantic Greeks have given these constellations the root of their myths, making them an important part of Greek mythology.

    The Zodiac Palace was spread to India around the Western Yuan, and in the 6th century, the Zodiac came to China with the Buddha from India.

    In the early years of the Emperor's Day, a monk called Jerantieshe translated the "Japanese And Tibetan Book of Great Travel and Generosity", which read in the scriptures:

    "It is September, when the God is the moon;

    In October, the master of the milled god is its month;

    In November, the God of the WaterMan is the moon;

    In December, the God of Heavenfish is the god of heaven when he is the moon;

    When the moon is in place, the God of the Special Sheep shall be the moon;

    In February, the God of the Special Cow was the moon;

    It is March, when the god of the two birds is its moon;

    In April, the crab god is its moon;

    This May, the God of the Master of the Master of the Master shall be its month;

    This June, the God of Heaven when the Lord of the Moon;

    It is July, when the God of scale sits as its month,

    In August, the Scorpion God son sat son when its moon. "

    This is probably the first translated version of the twelve constellations in China.

    Constellations, from the Beginning of the Sui Dynasty...

    Later, the Tang Dynasty appeared several translations, but there were some discrepancies in the constellation translation.

    The names of the Tang Dynasty astrologer book , the Book of Lingtai , are: Lions, Human Horses, Grinding, Bottles, Double Girls, Cancer, Cows, Sheep, Fish, Yin and Yang. Here yin and yang are Gemini.

    Finally, the man who wrote down the modern popular concept constellation is Kang You. In 1885, at the age of twenty-seven, Kang you wrote "The Days of The Word." In this book, he changed "Yin yang" to "Gemini" and "Twin Girls" with "Virgin."

    The combination of the twelve constellations and the Gregorian calendar, assigned to a certain section within 12 months, has a secular meaning. Someone has a relationship with a constellation, the number of seats, heaven and man, forming the Western concept of "space-time".

    And in The People of Bealen, Cuba, looking up at the stars, almost at the same time, the Yellow River basin of the Chinese ancestors, also looked up at the same starry sky. They form a more systematic and complete system, and gradually form an independent concept of "time."

    Two, the zodiac

    It is really a profound study to know the age. In the primitive era, the ancestors experienced the cycle of alternate summer, in order to find a ruler to measure this period of time cycle, they "look up to the astronomy, look down on geography", up and down the search.

    There are clever observers who find that the periodic ity of the moon's profit and loss can be used to measure the length of a year, twelve times (leap year seilife) a full moon for one year.

    The Dry Age method is derived from two mythological legends, the myths of October and December.

    "The Mountain and Sea Seine, the Great Desert South" describes: "The south-east sea, between dry water, there is a country of the land of the earth and the sea." There is a woman's name, Yu he, Fang bath day in Ganyuan. The hoist, the wife of Emperor Jun, was born ten days. "

    A huge family, a mother-loving mother, and raised ten sons, bathed her children in Ganyuan.

    Also in this book tells the story of twelve moons: "There is a woman's square bath moon." Emperor Jun's wife Chang Xuan, born the 12th moon, this beginning bath. "

    DiJun is happy ah, he not only has two wives, and two wives are quite able to give birth, one gave him 10 sun sons, one gave him 12 moon daughters.

    The invention of mathematical decimals influenced the ten-day myth and ten-day dry production.

    The ground support is different. It takes dozens of dollars, not by the giving of mathematics itself, but by the use of astronomy in mathematics.

    The invention of the December calendar was one of the most brilliant achievements of early astronomy. "Twelve" is regarded as the "big number of heaven" conveying the mystery of heaven. Day dry needs to support, the day and month relative, the world is relative, for the "ten" with the wu, it is not "twelve" no.

    According to legend, the Yellow Emperor era invented ten days dry, twelve branches, sixty-a-son. Huangdi is the ancestor of the Chinese humanities, remembered in his name a lot of inventions. The former Fengjian "The Beginning of the Continuity" said: "Yellow Emperor Lizi ugly twelve-day, to the name of the month, to the name of the beast, with the twelve-day belongs to it." ""The animal by name" is to 12 animals, the ugly cattle, and so on.

    Twelve represent twelve zodiacs.

    As for the origin of the Zodiac, there is a lot of opinion, one of the sayings, even related to the constellations, although not the Twelve Constellations of the West, but there are also interesting places.

    Xiaoji Xiaoji's "Five Lines of Great Meaning" once said: "The twelve genus is also the spirit of the stars, scattered for the life of man, is in the North Doo, is used for the genus." "Spring and Autumn Movement Fighting Center" : "The star scattered for the dragon, horse, the star scattered for the tiger, the machine star scattered for the dog, the right star scattered for the snake, the jade heng scattered for the chicken, rabbit, mouse, Kaiyang scattered for the sheep, cattle, rocking light scattered for the monkey, ape." "All of these should be the star, subordinate life also. "

    Careful readers will find that there is no mention of pigs. In ancient times, there was a saying that the seven stars of Beidou were pigs.

    Twelve again represent synun s., dec.

    For Beidou, it is familiar to it's positioning role, it will not lose its way. The ancients also used it as an important time-giving star. Beidou seven-star if spoon, sky-center, sky-high, sky power four-star composition of the spoon body, Jade Heng, Kaiyang, rocking light three-star composition of the spoon handle, that is, the handle. The ancients found that the handle of the pointer, a year to spare day and week. Thus, according to the first faint of the direction of the handle to determine the season, this is the "Crown" said: "the handle refers to the east, the world is spring; "One year and four, four times. This is the four seasons. Subdivide, that is, December. The handle is like a constant-speed rotating pointer, with twelve stationary azimuth stoeaching slots. The handle refers to, is called "build". The handle refers to the building, the month of Jianxuan was determined to be the first year, the ancients will speak of the positive moon Jianxuan. When the old and welcome the New Year, people love to say a "fight back to the world spring", that is the meaning of this. After the construction, the handle moved to the next scale, the timing of the construction, to February; December was built, and it was the twelve-day ji-moon.

    Three, Twelfth Constellation and The Zodiac

    It is impolite to ask foreigners about their age, but ask the constellations no problem and can't tell the size from the constellations. Chinese is different, like to ask the age, ask the phase, the purpose is to distinguish the size, convenient to speak. If you're the same age, ask for your birthday.

    Westerners are not big or small, can call the name, even between father and son is also, no big problem. Chinese is the first division of size, and then discharge dynamion, the title of honor, brother and sister, uncle, called it very kind. If you dare call your father's name, it's not far from being beaten.

    This is a difference between Chinese and Western culture.

    On the issue of birth, the West popular twelve constellations, China's popular twelve genus, of which the truth may be here.






















































    Vietnamese culture and Chinese culture of the same origin, in the customs are also very similar, Vietnam has almost the same as China's zodiac, the same is 12 species of animals, with 12 places corresponding to the 12 zodiacs used by the Vietnamese only 1 zodiac is different from China, Vietnam has no rabbits, but there are cats, Chinese years of rabbit, in Vietnam became the Year of the Cat: (rats, cattle, tigers, tigers, Cats, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs).越南文化与中国文化同源,在习俗上也很相近,越南有与中国差不多一致的十二生肖,一样是12种动物,与12地支相对应,越南人使用的十二生肖中只有1个生肖与中国不同,越南没有兔,但有猫,中国的兔年,在越南成了猫年:(鼠、牛、虎、猫、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪)。

    Burma 缅甸

    The Burmese are born on the day of the week to determine their own nature, either by year, or by the number of weeks, the number is reduced from 12 to 8 (tigers, lions, bi-toothed elephants, toothless elephants, mice, guinea pigs, dragons, wonderfully winged birds).缅甸人是按出生的那一天是星期几来决定自己的属相,不是按年算,就是按星期数,数量上从12个减为8个(老虎、狮子、双牙象、无牙象、老鼠、天竺鼠、龙、妙翅鸟)。

    Monday is a tiger, Tuesday belongs to the lion, Wednesday on half a day is a double tooth elephant, the second half of the day is toothless elephant, Thursday is a mouse, Friday is a guinea pig, Saturday is a dragon, Sunday born is a wonderful winged bird, Burmese people in addition to once a birthday, once a week also have a "birthday", "ChangQing changsheng, often eat and drink."星期一属老虎,星期二属狮子,星期三上半天属双牙象,下半天属无牙象,星期四属老鼠,星期五属天竺鼠,星期六属龙,星期日出生的人属妙翅鸟,缅甸人除了每年过一次生日以外,每个星期还过一次“生日”,“常庆常生,常吃常喝”。

    India 印度

    Indians have twelve zodiacs, and Chinese's zodiac is basically the same, but China has tigers and no lions, India has lions without tigers (rats, cattle, lions, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, golden-winged birds, dogs, pigs).印度人有十二个生肖,与中国人的生肖基本相同,只是中国有虎无狮,印度则有狮无虎(鼠、牛、狮、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、金翅鸟、狗、猪)。

    根据印度神话《阿婆缚纱》的记载,十二生肖动物原为十二个神的坐骑,因此可以推测印度的生肖有可能起源于中国的生肖。According to the Records of the Indian myth of "阿婆缚纱", the zodiac animal was originally a ride of twelve gods, so it can be speculated that the zodiac in India may have originated in China.

    According to the records of the Indian myth "Abra-San" "Twelve zodiacs were originally 12 gods of the driving beast, the Duro God's driving force as a rat, adjacent to the god of Luo as a cow, the palace of the god for the lion, the god of the god of the god for the rabbit, the fascination of the Luo god as a dragon, the Antiiro god as a snake, the Anmiro god for the horse, the god of the sando for the sheep, the god of the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon as the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon as the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the dragon, the god of the god of the dragon, the god of the The demon tiger is a dog, and the god of Jindaro is a pig. "

    With the exception of lions and golden-winged birds, the order of each animal and its arrangement is not significantly different from that of the Twelfth Zodiac of China.十二生肖原为12个神的驾兽,把杜罗神的驾鲁为鼠,毗揭罗神为牛,宫毗罗神为狮,伐折罗神为兔,迷上罗神为龙,安底罗神为蛇,安弥罗神为马,珊底罗神为羊,因达罗神为猴,波夷罗神为金翅鸟,魔虎罗神为狗,和真达罗神为猪。”除狮子和金翅鸟以外,各个动物及其排列顺序与中国十二生肖无大的差别。

    One of the five Buddhist books of The Great Book is also closely related to the zodiac: "It is a twelve beast, day and night, often in the futti." Heaven lyin sane. The achievement of merit has been achieved. In the Buddha's deep wish day and night. Often make a beast parade indoctrination. The remaining eleven beasts lived and repaired. Cycle. "It depicts the scenes in which the Buddhas let the twelve gods take turns on duty day and night, walking on earth. Although the twelve beasts and the zodiac difference lion a beast, but the position of each beast is located in the cave, consistent with the Chinese twelfth, and all with rats as the beginning. This may be the result of the interaction and integration of Indian Buddhism and Chinese culture.大乘佛教五部经之一的《大集经》也与十二生肖休戚相关:“是十二兽,昼夜常行阎浮提内。天人恭敬。功德成就已。于诸佛所发深重愿一日一夜。常令一兽游行教化。余十一兽安住修慈。周而复始。”描绘的是诸佛让十二神兽昼夜轮流当值、行于人间的场景。经中的十二兽虽与十二生肖相差狮子一兽,但各兽所处窟的方位,同中国十二辰相一致,且都以鼠作为起始。这也许是印度佛教与中华文化相互影响、相互融合的结果。

    The zodiac in Japan is basically the same as in China (rats, cattle, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, wild boars). China's Year of the Year is called the Year of the Pig, while Japan's Year of the Year is called the Year of wild boar. Originally, Japan's "tianji" chronicle law was introduced through China, there is a saying that China's "tiandry earth branch" originated more than 3,700 years ago Shang Yin, when the "yi" refers to wild boar. Later, wild boars were gradually domesticated into domestic animals in our country, and the boar was referred to as pigs.日本的十二生肖和中国的基本相同(鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、野猪)。中国的亥年称为猪年,而日本的亥年称为“野猪年”,这是为什么呢?原来,日本的“天干地支”纪年法是经由中国传入的,有说法认为,我国的“天干地支”起源于三千七百多年前的商殷,那时的“豕”指的是野猪。后来野猪在我国渐渐被驯化为家畜,豕便指猪了。

    When the "TianGang Earth Branch" was introduced to Japan, Japanese society had not domesticated wild boars, so for the Japanese at that time, wild boars were much more common than domestic pigs, so the year was naturally called "wild boar" years.“天干地支”传入日本时,日本社会还未将野猪驯化,因此对当时的日本人来说,野猪比家猪常见许多,于是亥年也就自然而然的称为“野猪”年了。

    There are no cats in thailand's zodiac, with the zodiac year (snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig, rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon), zodiac twelve-year round, called the Small Zhou Chronicle law, with the "small week" relative to the big zhou year law, sixty years of one cycle, do not have dry branch, straight call zodiac, and then from one to ten words to match the number of words This kind of big zhou and year law should be said to be the deformation of China's dry-branch year law.泰国的十二生肖中没有猫,以十二生肖纪年(蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪、鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙),生肖十二年轮一番,称为小周纪年法,与“小周”相对而言的大周纪年法,六十年一周期,不用干支,直呼生肖,再以从一至十的十个数目字相配合,这种大周纪年法,应该说是中国干支纪年法的变形。

    Korea has a lunar calendar, exactly the same as China, ancient from China passed in the past, the zodiac is the same, so the Spring Festival is also the same as China, is the biggest festival of the year, symbolizing the beginning of the new year.韩国有农历,跟中国完全一样的,古代从中国传过去的,十二生肖也一样,所以春节也和中国一样,是一年里最大的节日,象征着新的一年的开始。

    Cambodia's Zodiac, like China,, doesn't replace rabbits with cats, but after the storm, no statue can be identified as the animal.柬埔寨的十二生肖,和中国一模一样,不像越南,把兔换成了猫,但风雨侵蚀之后,没有一座雕像能够被识别出动物的本来面目了

    europeans are basically the same zodiac, mostly astronomical star-studded zodiac, such as the French to treasure bottles, pisces, capors, taurus, white sheep, crabs, twins, lions, chamber girls, scoring scorpions, human horses and so on composed of the zodiac.欧洲各国人的生肖基本相同,多以天文学上的星宿为生肖,如法国人以宝瓶、双鱼、摩羯、金牛、白羊、巨蟹、双子、狮子、室女、天蝎、人马等组成十二生肖。


    The zodiac of Mexico is similar to the chinese zodiac culture, in which tigers, rabbits, dragons, monkeys, dogs, pigs are identical to China, the remaining six are common animals or ancient common animals, we have reason to speculate that the zodiac culture in Mexico was passed down from China, and adjusted in the light of the local animal situation.墨西哥的十二生肖与中国的生肖文化相似,其中虎、兔、龙、猴、犬、猪与中国完全相同,其余六种则是当地的常见动物或古代常见动物,我们有理由推测,墨西哥的生肖文化,是从中国传去的,并结合当地动物情况进行了调整。


    Egyptians have twelve zodiacs (bulls, goats, monkeys, donkeys, crabs, snakes, dogs, cats, crocodiles, red cranes, lions, eagles).埃及人 有十二个生肖(牡牛、山羊、猴子、驴、蟹、蛇、犬、猫、鳄、红鹤、狮子、)。

    Greece 希腊

    The Greeks had twelve zodiacs, which were basically the same as those of the Egyptians, except that the Greeks had no rats and the Egyptians had no cats (peonies, goats, monkeys, donkeys, crabs, snakes, dogs, cats, crocodiles, red cranes, lions, eagles).希腊人有十二个生肖,与埃及人的生肖基本相同,只是希腊人有鼠无猫,埃及人则有猫无鼠(牡牛、山羊、猴子、驴、蟹、蛇、犬、猫、鳄、红鹤、狮子、鹰)。  






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