

保罗·塞尚《大浴池》(The Large Bathers,美国宾州费城艺术博物馆藏)

保罗·塞尚 大浴池 The Large Bathers美国宾州费城艺术博物馆藏


This is the largest, the last, and in many ways, the mostambitious work from Cézanne’s lifelong exploration of thetime-honored theme of nudes in a landscape. It is also, perhaps, inits unfinished state, the purest and most serene witness to the manwhom Paul Gauguin described as spending “entire days onmountaintops reading Virgil,” dreaming of wooded glades populatedwith beautiful figures who, if not exactly participants in anarrative as such, are full of animation and interaction. Perhapsit is its grand nobility—its authority as something beyond time,“like art in the museums,” as Cézanne said—that made it soattractive to many artists.

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Philadelphia Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections
Near the end of his life Paul Cézanne painted three largecanvases of female nudes disporting in a landscape. They derive inpart from pastoral images of female bathers, such as the goddessDiana and her maidens, long favored in French art. These works seemto have been, for Cézanne, the culmination of a lifetime ofexploration on the nude, his final testament within the grandtradition of French narrative painting on the nature of the humancondition. They differ greatly from one another, these threepaintings (the others are in the Barnes Foundation, Merion,Pennsylvania, and the National Gallery, London). The Philadelphiaversion, perhaps because of its unfinished state, is both the mostexalted and the most serene. The women command a great stage, verymuch like goddesses in some grand opera production, with the archedtrees acting as the proscenium. They are completely at ease, andfor all the motion and activity there is a profound sense ofeternal calm and resolution, as well as a quality of monumentalityachieved through the most lucid and unlabored means. Joseph J.Rishel, from Philadelphia Museum of Art: Handbook of theCollections (1995), p. 211.

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PublicationTwentieth-Century Painting and Sculpture in thePhiladelphia Museum of Art
This is the last and largest work among scores of paintings ofnude bathers, male and female, made by Cézanne over the course ofhis lifetime. The monumental scene conveys a grand sense ofsynthesis, combining figures and landscape in a stagelike settingof towering proportion. For both the formal structure of thelandscape and the company of awkward bathers, Cézanne drew upon arthistorical precedents and his own imagination rather than naturalobservation. The painter exposed his artifice in technique as wellas composition: the vibrant surface exults in rich, swirling layersof blues and greens, generously applied to make the air as palpablean element as earth and foliage.

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Despite its grandeur, the painting has the feel of anunanswered question, a testament to the "anxiety" Picasso famouslydeclared to be the source of his great interest in Cézanne. Theartist left unresolved the startling contrast between the lushlypainted landscape and the stiffly drawn, ex-pressionless figures. Ahaunting stillness hovers over the scene, with its two mysteriousfigures in the background; an air of disquiet is signaled by aswimmer's interruption of the pond's calm surface. The painting'sfinal state remains unfinished, revealed particularly in the seatedfigure at the lower right whose long arms betray their previousidentity as two legs ready to depart the scene.

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Painted at the very end of Cézanne s life, The Large Bathersrevisits his own creative history and invokes his countless hoursof studying and copying the masterpieces at the Louvre. Theassembly of bathers calls to mind scenes of mythical goddesses morereadily than modern French women, and the mood suggests a ritualrather than a picnic. Notwithstanding its deep roots in the past,the painting's pictorial daring is unparalleled, and today TheLarge Bathers appears as the opening scene to the artistic drama ofthe twentieth century. Twentieth Century Painting and Sculpture inthe Philadelphia Museum of Art (2000), p. 19.



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The Large Bathers
Made in Aix-en-Provence, France, Europe
Medium:Oil on canvas
Dimensions:6 feet 10 7/8 inches × 8 feet 2 3/4 inches (210.5 ×250.8 cm)
Curatorial Department:European Painting
* Gallery 164, European Art 1850-1900, first floor (Women´sCommittee Gallery)
Accession Number:W1937-1-1
Credit Line:Purchased with the W. P. Wilstach Fund, 1937
Estate of Paul Cézanne, 1906; purchased by Ambroise Vollard,Paris from Cézanne's son, 1907; Auguste Pellerin (1852-1929),Paris, by 1923; by descent to his son Jean-Victor Pellerin, Paris,1929-1936 [1]; with Wildenstein & Co., New York, acting asagent for Pellerin, 1936 [2]; purchased by the City of Philadelphiawith the W. P. Wilstach Fund, July 6, 1937 [3]. 1. Lent by M. andMme. Pellerin to the 1936 exhibition "Cézanne", Musée del'Orangerie, Paris, no. 107. 2. Provenance per John Rewald, ThePaintings of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné, New York, 1996,no. 857. See also Joseph Rishel, Cézanne in PhiladelphiaCollections, Philadelphia, 1983, p. xvi. 3. Copy of dated receiptin registrar file.


The Large Bathers 亦有译为“众多沐浴者”。


保罗·塞尚 大浴池 The Large Bathers美国宾州费城艺术博物馆藏


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保罗·塞尚Paul Cézanne风景画
保罗.塞尚Paul Cézanne早期作品
法国后印象派画家保罗·塞尚(Paul Cézanne,1839-1906年)①
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