


安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur la plage àCollioure纽约佳士得2011.11 成交价226.65万美元


The Comité André Derain has confirmed the authenticity of thispainting.
Derain painted the present landscape during the summer of 1905at Collioure, a remote fishing village on the Mediterranean coastin the far southwest of France. He traveled there in early July atthe invitation of Matisse, who had arrived two months earlier;Matisse wrote to Derain, "I cannot insist too strongly that a stayhere is absolutely necessary for your work. I am certain that ifyou take my advice you will be glad of it. That is why I say to youagain, come" (quoted in H. Spurling, The Unknown Matisse: A Life ofHenri Matisse, The Early Years, 1869-1908, New York, 1999, p. 316).Indeed, the sojourn at Collioure would transform both artists'work. Within just a few weeks, they broke free from the model ofNeo-Impressionism and began to paint in a freely brushed andintensely colorful style, characterized by irregular strokes ofpure, unmodulated pigment, placed separately on the white primedcanvas to create a dazzling effect of vibrating light. In a letterto Vlaminck from late July, Derain explained this new approach: "Anew conception of light consisting in this: the negation ofshadows. Light here is very strong, shadows very faint. Everyshadow is a whole world of clarity and luminosity which contrastswith sunlight" (quoted in D. Sutton, André Derain, London, 1959, p.16). When Derain and Matisse exhibited their work from Collioure atthe Salon d'Automne in October, it created an immediate sensation.The critic Louis Vauxcelles, scandalized by the violent immediacyof the paintings, dubbed the two artists and their cohort LesFauves ("The Wild Beasts"), thereby lending a name to the firstreal revolution in twentieth-century art. Magdalena Dabrowski haswritten, "Shocking as they seemed when exhibited at the Salond'Automne, works [from Collioure] placed Derain among the majorfigures of the Paris avant-garde. Inspired by the landscape, color,and light of Collioure, he and Matisse had arrived at a newconfidence in the power of contrasting colors and in color as theagent of pictorial composition" (French Landscape: The ModernVision, 1880-1920, exh. cat., The Museum of Modern Art, New York,1999, p. 99).

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur la plage àCollioure 局部

When Derain and Matisse traveled to Collioure, it remainedlargely unmodernized and unaccustomed to tourists, in contrast tothe fishing ports turned bathing establishments along the Channelcoast. To paint the present landscape, Derain positioned himself onone of the two beaches at Collioure where fisherman moored theirboats. He viewed the scene at extremely close range, suggesting tothe viewer that he had gained full access to the world of theselocals. The saturated primary colors and prominent diagonals in theforeground lend the composition a sense of energy and dynamism; thebackground, in contrast, is comprised of stable, calminghorizontals in paler hues (the high horizon line, the marks stackedlike bricks to suggest distant waves, the thick slashes of pigmentin the sky). The white sails of the boats are rendered almostentirely from exposed primed canvas, a clever matching of therugged fabric of the painting's support to the coarse sailcloth ofthe fishing vessels. The landscape has none of the underpainting,layering, mixing, or modeling that would have suggested artisticfinesse to a contemporary viewer; rather, it employs a seemingly(and self-consciously) rustic style to depict the equally rusticport of Collioure. James Herbert has written, "The Fauves pretendedto an intimacy with their Mediterranean sites and the localresidents that seemed to cast aside the sophistication--social andartistic--of Paris. Most important, Fauve canvases are strippedclean of any signs of the skilled artist's mediation. Highlynoticeable in these paintings are all the technical devices thatdeclare this manner of painting to be so simple as not toconstitute recondite art--visible priming, crude brushwork--and tobe derived directly from the object portrayed--the bright colorsfavored by the locals, the conflation of sailcloth and canvas...Pictorial means seem as guileless as pictorial theme. The practiceproved effective among Parisian critics, for it earned theseartists the label les fauves, 'wild beasts' presumably as much athome in nature as were the fishermen of Collioure" (The FauveLandscape, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1990, pp. 162 and173).

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur la plage àCollioure 局部




安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur laplage à Collioure 局部

安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur la plage àCollioure 局部


安德烈·德兰(AndréDerain,1880-1954),法国画家、雕塑家。是野兽主义最重要的实践者之一,是20世纪初期革新性绘画的先驱和现代艺术运动最杰出的人物之一。他和亨利·马蒂斯(HenriMatisse)、莫利斯·德·弗拉芒克(Maurice deVlaminck)是野兽派绘画最重要的领袖和缔造者。他还是出色的舞台美术家和服装设计师。


Andre Derain
Bateaux sur la plage à Collioure
成交总额USD 2,266,500
估价USD 1,000,000 - USD 1,500,000
拍卖 2477
Impressionist and Modern Evening Sale
拍品 29
signed 'A. Derain' (lower left) 
oil on canvas 
7½ x 9¼ in. (19 x 23.5 cm.) 
Painted in 1905 
Eric Estorick, London.
Anon. sale, Sotheby's, London, 2 July 1974, lot 63.
Sidney Janis Gallery, New York (acquired at the abovesale).
Private collection, Switzerland (30 November 1978).
By descent from the above to the present owner.


New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, European Masters,January-February 1975.
New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, 20th Century Masters, November1975.
New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, European Masters, January1976.
Paris, Galeries nationales d'exposition du Grand Palais, Foireinternational d'art contemporain 78, October 1978.




安德烈·德兰 科利尤尔海滩上的船 Bateaux sur la plage àCollioure纽约佳士得2011.11 成交价226.65万美元


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法国画家安德烈·德兰(André Derain,1880-1954年)
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