

爱德华·蒙克《坐着的少女》(SITTENDE UNG KVINNE,伦敦苏富比2012)

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女 SITTENDE UNGKVINNE 伦敦苏富比2012.6 估价350万英镑


Seated Young Woman from 1916 is a remarkable example ofMunch's ability to depict human psychology, as well as of hisavant-garde style. The model, Frøydis Mjølstad, was first used bythe artist in the years 1916-18 and she sat for him again severalyears later. The artist uses vibrant yellows and fiery red toaccentuate the woman's face and lips, whilst the darker blue andpurple hues of her dress stand in brilliant contrast which isfurther enhanced by the bright palette of the background. Thisdomestic scene finds its lineage in the work of artists such asEdgar Degas and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (fig. 1), possessing anemotional intensity unlike any work of his contemporaries. Theenergetic aura surrounding the female figure is reminiscent of theiconic portrait of the artist's sister, Inger Munch (fig. 2).
The sense of voyeurism that pervades the present work is anintentional element for Munch. There is a clear precedent for thisnot only in the 'keyhole aesthetic' of Degas and Toulouse-Lautrecbut also in the work of Caspar David Friedrich and VilhelmHammershøi. These artists relished the depiction of intimatemoments. When Munch draws upon this lineage in Seated Young Woman,he achieves a spontaneity that contradicts the careful detail ofthese other masters. The woman here is depicted in a pensive,melancholic moment, caught up in her own thought.
Munch's works had a strong influence on German Ex-pressionistartists, who had an opportunity to see his paintings in severalexhibitions in Germany between 1905 and 1908. The brilliant, wildpalette that dominated the artist's canvases as well as hisemotional emphasis had a powerful impact on the Brücke artists whowere eager to move away from the realistic representation of theoutside world and looking for a more ex-pressive response topainting. It was the daring, emotional power of Munch's portraits,pulsating with undulating lines and vivid dramatic brushstrokesthat had such a profound effect on some of the major figures oftwentieth century art including Kirchner, Schmidt-Rottluff,Pechstein and Jawlensky.
The present work was deaccessioned from the Städtische Galeriein Frankfurt in 1937 and subsequently bought by the famous Oslodealer Harold Holst Halvorsen. He was a great friend of Munch andknown for rescuing works out of the hands of the NationalSocialists. For this very reason the present work was offered inone of Halvorsen's sales in 1939 under the following premise:'Edvard Munch would like all the paintings [...] to be on loan topossible exhibitions in Paris and London. The pictures will be soldon this condition' (Harald Holst Halvorsens Kunsthandel,Kolleksjonen selges ved Auksjon, Oslo, 23rd January 1939, p. 6,translated from Norwegian). The work was subsequently acquired byThomas Olsen, the famous Norwegian collector and fervent supporterof the artist, who amognst other masterpieces owned a version ofThe Scream.

FIG. 1, Henri deToulouse-Lautrec, Hélène Vary, 1888, oil on board, Kunsthalle,Bremen

FIG. 2, Edvard Munch, Ingeri svart og fiolett, 1892, oil on canvas, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst,arkitektur og design, Oslo


作于1916年的《坐着的少女》是蒙克描绘人类心理以及前卫风格的能力的一个显著例子。模特FrøydisMjølstad于1916年至1818年首次被艺术家使用,并在几年后再次为他服务。艺术家使用鲜艳的黄色和火红色来突出女性的脸部和嘴唇,而她的衣服的深蓝色和紫色色调则呈现鲜明的对比,并通过明亮的背景调色板进一步增强。这个国内场景在埃德加·德加(EdgarDegas,1834-1917)和亨利·德·图卢兹-罗特列克(Henri deToulouse-Lautrec,1864-1901)(图1)等艺术家的作品中找到了它的血统,具有与他同时代的任何作品不同的情感强度。围绕女性形象的充满活力的光环让人联想到艺术家姐姐英格·蒙克的标志性肖像(图2)。
蒙克的作品对德国表现主义艺术家产生了强烈的影响,他们有机会在1905年至1908年间在德国的几个展览中看到他的画作。艺术家画布的主导和他的情感强调的辉煌,狂野的调色对来自外部世界的桥艺术家的逼真再现移开,寻找更好的表现方式。这是蒙克肖像的大胆情感力量,波浪起伏的线条和生动的戏剧性笔触,对二十世纪艺术的一些主要人物产生了深远的影响,包括基什内尔,施密特- 罗特鲁夫,佩施斯坦和贾伦斯基。
目前的作品于1937年从法兰克福的德累斯顿市立美术馆出售,随后被著名的奥斯陆经销商哈罗德-霍尔斯特-哈尔沃森收购。他是蒙克的好朋友,以从国家社会主义者手中拯救作品而闻名。出于这个原因,目前的作品是在霍尔沃森于1939年的一次销售中提供的,其前提是:'爱德华·蒙克希望将所有的画作借给巴黎和伦敦的可能展览。这些照片将在这种情况下出售'(HaraldHolst Halvorsens Kunsthandel,Kolleksjonen selges vedAuksjon,奥斯陆,1939年1月23日,p6,翻译自挪威语)。这部作品随后被着名的挪威收藏家托马斯·奥尔森(ThomasOlsen)收购,他是该艺术家的热心支持者,他认为其他杰作拥有一部版本的《呐喊》。

图1,Henri deToulouse-Lautrec,HélèneVary,1888,船上油,Kunsthalle,不来梅
图2,Edvard Munch,Inger isvart og fiolett,1892,布面油画,Nasjonalmuseet for kunst,arkitektur ogdesign,Oslo


爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女SITTENDE UNG KVINNE 局部

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女SITTENDE UNG KVINNE 局部

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女SITTENDE UNG KVINNE 局部

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女SITTENDE UNG KVINNE 局部

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女SITTENDE UNG KVINNE 局部

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女SITTENDE UNG KVINNE 局部

爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女 SITTENDE UNGKVINNE 局部




估價    2,500,000 — 3,500,000  英鎊
款識:畫家簽名 E. Munch 並紀年1916 (右下)
136 x 110 公分
53½ x 43¼ 英寸
印象派及現代藝術晚拍 歐洲私人收藏
2012年6月19日 | 下午 7:00 BST 倫敦
Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt (acquired in 1927; deaccessionedas 'degenerate art' in 1937, inventory no. 15771)
Harold Holst Halvorsen, Oslo (acquired from the German Statein 1939. Sold: Harald Holst Halvorsen i Wangs Kunsthandels lokale,Oslo, Edv. Munch malerier og grafiske arbeider fra tyske museer,16th-23rd January 1939, lot 33)
Thomas Olsen, Oslo (purchased at the above sale)
Acquired from the estate of the above by the presentowner


Copenhagen, Georg Kleis, Edvard Munch, 1917, no. 25 (titledUng sortklaedt Kvinde)
Kristiania, Blomqvist Kunsthandel, Edvard Munch, 1918, no. 32(titled Ung pike)
Gothenburg, Konstföreningen Valand, 1918 (titled Ung sittandaflicka)
Frankfurt, Städelschen Kunstinstitut, Vom Abbild zum Sinnbild,1931, no. 174 (titled Sitzende Dame)
Oslo, Kunstnernes Hus, Edvard Munch. Utsetilling malerier,akvareller, tegninger, grafikk, 1951, no.84 
Zurich, Kunsthaus, Edvard Munch, 1952, no. 60
São Paulo, Museu de Arte Moderna, Il Bienal, 1953-54, no.13
Frankfurt, Steinernes Haus, Römerberg, Edvard Munch, 1962-63,no. 49
Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen, EdvardMunch, 1968, no. 77
Kiel, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Edvard Munch. Gemälde undZeichnungen aus einer norwegischen Privatsammlung, 1979, no. 19,illustrated in colour in the catalogue
Stuttgart, Städtische Galerie, ReVision - Die Moderne imStädel 1906-1937, 1991-92, no. 9, illustrated in colour in thecatalogue


Ulrich Bischoff, 'Die Rolle Edvard Munchs beim Einzug derModerne in die deutschen Museen - Anmerkungen zu acht Bildern auseiner norwegischen Privatsammlung' in Pantheon, 1985, mentioned p.126f
Munch und Deutschland (exhibition catalogue), Kunsthalle derHypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich, 1994, mentioned p. 113
Gerd Woll, Edvard Munch, Complete Paintings, CatalogueRaisonne 1898-1908, London, 2009, vol. II, no. 1204, illustrated incolour p. 1121




爱德华·蒙克 坐着的少女 SITTENDE UNGKVINNE 伦敦苏富比2012.6 估价350万英镑


阴山工作室 艺术是一种使我们达到真实的假想

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