

罗吉尔·范德韦登《菲利普·古德肖像》(Portrait of Philip the Good)的多个版本

罗吉尔·范德韦登 菲利普·古德肖像 Portrait of Philip the Good比利时格罗宁根博物馆


Philip the Good (French: Philippe le Bon; Dutch: Filips deGoede; 31 July 1396 – 15 June 1467) was Duke of Burgundy as PhilipIII from 1419 until his death. He was a member of a cadet line ofthe Valois dynasty, to which all the 15th-century kings of Francebelonged. During his reign, Burgundy reached the apex of itsprosperity and prestige and became a leading center of the arts.Philip is known in history for his administrative reforms, hispatronage of Flemish artists such as Jan van Eyck andFranco-Flemish composers such as Gilles Binchois, and the captureof Joan of Arc. In political affairs, he alternated betweenalliances with the English and the French in an attempt to improvehis dynasty's position. As ruler of Flanders, Brabant, Limburg,Artois, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Friesland and Namur, he playedan important role in the history of the Low Countries.
Portrait of Philip the Good is a lost oil on wood panelpainting by the Early Netherlandish painter Rogier van der Weyden,dated variously from the mid 1440s to sometime after 1450.
Several versions and copies of the lost original exist,including in Lille, Antwerp, London[2] and Paris, mostly attributedto his workshop. The highest quality version is in the Musée desBeaux-Arts, Dijon. The original may have been commissioned as halfof a matrimonial diptych; given his age in the painting we canassume that it would have been alongside a portrait of his thirdwife, Isabella of Portugal.[3] Van der Weyden has earlier portrayedPhilip in the c 1447 miniature Jean Wauquelin presenting his'Chroniques de Hainaut' to Philip the Good.
Philip the Good was Duke of Burgundy from 1419 until his deathin 1467, and had appointed van der Weyden as his official courtpainter. He is pictured aged around 50 years, in three-quarterprofile. As was van der Weyden's habit, the sitter's face has beenelongated, even though heavy drinking had by the time taken a tollon his features, visible in his portrait in the "Recueild'Arras".[5][6] He wears a black gown and black chaperon, and ajewelled collar of firesteels in the shape of the letter "B",representing the Duchy of Burgundy, ending in the insignia of theOrder of the Golden FleeceHe holds a folded paper in his joinedhands,[8] which have been highly detailed by the artist.
Given his stature, it is unlikely that Philip sat for theartist, it is maybe for this reason that the portrait seems highlyidealised, although his double chin is still pronounced.[5] Arthistorian Lorne Campbell notes that the "Netherlanders expectedpaintings to be credibly naturalistic but ... veracity was nottheir ultimate or dominant aim."The British Royal Collectiondescribe their version as a "stylised, emotionless and idealisedimage of the ruler".
The portrait served as the basis for many later depictions ofPhilip, though not all stuck to Van der Weyden's idealised viewpoint, especially since the 17th century he has been shown asthicker set, aligning with contemporary written descriptions.

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菲利普·古德(Philip the Good,法语:Philippe le Bon ; 荷兰语:Filips deGoede ;1396-1467)是勃艮第公爵,从1419年开始担任菲利普三世,直至去世。他是瓦卢瓦王朝军校学员的成员,法国所有15世纪的国王都属于这个王朝。在他的统治期间,勃艮第达到了繁荣和声望的顶点,并成为艺术的主要中心。菲利普在历史上因其行政改革而闻名,他对佛兰德艺术家的赞助,如扬·凡艾克和佛莱芒乐派作曲家,如吉尔·班舒瓦(GillesBinchois,约1400-1460),以及圣女贞德的捕获。在政治事务方面,他在与英国人和法国人的联盟中交替,试图改善他的王朝的地位。作为法兰德斯、布拉班特、林堡、阿图瓦、埃诺、荷兰、泽兰、弗里斯兰和那慕尔的统治者,他在低地国家的历史中发挥了重要作用。


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罗吉尔·范德韦登 菲利普·古德肖像 局部 Portraitof Philip the Good 比利时格罗宁根博物馆


罗吉尔·范德韦登(Rogier van der Weyden或Roger de la Pasture,1399-1464)文艺复兴早期荷兰画家。罗伯特·康平 (RobertCampin,1375-1444)的学生,罗伯特·康平被广泛认为是佛兰德早期最具影响力的的三位伟大艺术家之一。1432年罗吉尔在图尔奈成为独立画家,1435年迁居布鲁塞尔并荣获该市艺术家称号。1450年曾去意大利,备受欢迎与尊敬,意大利人文主义者称他是自扬·凡艾克(Janvan Eyck,约1390-1441)以来尼德兰最优秀的艺术家。韦登主要在布鲁塞尔从事创作,尼德兰画家在欧洲的影响也得力于韦登的活动。他在有生之年非常成功,在国际上享有盛誉。他的画被输出或被带到意大利和西班牙,从荷兰贵族和菲利普王子那里获得了大量酬金。他的名气一直持续到17世纪,但到18世纪中叶,他几乎完全被遗忘。在接下来的200年里,他的声誉才慢慢地得到重建并持续影响整个欧洲。


Artist After Rogier van der Weyden (1399/1400–1464) 
Title         Portrait of Philip the Good(1396-1467)
Object type painting
Depicted people Philip the Good
Date after 1450
Medium oil on oak
Dimensions Height: 32.5 cm (12.7 in); Width: 22.4 cm (8.8in)
Current locationGroeningemuseum  
Accession number GRO0203.I


罗吉尔·范德韦登 菲利普·古德肖像 Portrait of Philip the Good法国第戎博物馆

Artist After Rogier van derWeyden (1399/1400–1464) 
Title      Portrait of Philip the Good(1396-1467)
《菲利普·古德肖像 》,来自瓦卢瓦之家的第三位勃艮第公爵。半身,朝右。他穿着黑色衣服,戴着一顶字母B形状的宝石项链,用于勃艮第和燧石,并持有他设立的金羊毛勋章。这件作品是在罗吉尔·范德韦登之后,即失传的绘画的副本,尽管在这种情况下它也可能作为绘画或素描存在。有几个这样的副本(里尔,安特卫普和巴黎),其中第戎版本被认为是最好的。
Date circa 1450
Medium oil on oakpanel
Dimensions Height: 29.6 cm(11.6 in); Width: 21.3 cm (8.3 in)
Current location Musée desbeaux-arts de Dijon 
Accession number 3782 ;CA1450
Exhibition history
Bourgondische pracht. VanPhilips de Stoute tot Philips de Schone, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 28July 1951–1 October 1951, cat.no. 3, p. 1-2, no image, as ‘Portretvan Philips de Goede (1396-1467), derde hertog van Bourgondië uithet huis Valois’, circa 1455 , Height: 31 cm (12.2 in); Width: 23cm (9 in) .
References Royal Institute forCultural Heritage Photolibrary, object number 40000745, as Portraitde Philippe le Bon, 1448-1450, Height: 29.6 cm (11.6 in); Width:21.3 cm (8.3 in) .
Campbell, Lorne, and Jan Vander Stock (ed.; 2009) Rogier van der Weyden. 1400–1464. Master ofPassions, Leuven: Davidsfonds, ISBN 978-90-8526-105-6, pp. 289-290.photo.rmn.fr

罗吉尔·范德韦登 菲利普·古德肖像 Portrait of Philip the Good德国柏林国家美术馆油画馆

Artist Rogier van derWeyden (1399/1400–1464) 
Title        Portraitof Philip the Good (1396-1467)
Date before 1464 or circa1520
Medium oil on oakpanel
Dimensions Height: 29 cm (11.4in); Width: 21 cm (8.2 in)
Current locationGemäldegalerie  

罗吉尔·范德韦登 勃艮第公爵菲利普·古德肖像 Portrait of Philip theGood Duke of Burgundy 维也纳艺术史博物馆

After Rogier van derWeyden (1399/1400–1464) 
Portrait of Philip the GoodDuke of Burgundy
Object typepainting
Date circa 1500
Medium wood
Dimensions Height: 30.8 cm(12.1 in); Width: 19.5 cm (7.6 in)
Current locationKunsthistorisches Museum 
Accession numberGG_4445
Object history AmbraserSammlung




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