

布龙齐诺《诗人劳拉·巴蒂费里像》(Portrait of the poet Laura Battiferri,意大利佛罗伦萨旧宫)

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 Portrait of the poet LauraBattiferri 意大利佛罗伦萨旧宫


Laura Battiferri (1523–1589), also called Laura BattiferriAmmannati, was an Italian poet during the Renaissance period. Shewas born in Urbino, Italy as the illegitimate daughter of GiovanniAntonio Battiferri and Maddalena Coccapani of Carpi. She publishedtwo books of poetry: The First Book of Tuscan Works (Florence,1560) and The Seven Penitential Psalms… with some Spiritual Sonnets(Florence, 1564). She died in 1589 while compiling a third, Rime,which was never published. She married the sculptor, BartolomeoAmmannati in 1550 and they remained married until her death.
Laura Battiferri was born in Urbino, Italy. Her father was awealthy cleric and nobleman of Urbino named Giovanni AntonioBattiferri and her mother was Maddalena Coccapani of Carpi, hisconcubine. Giovanni enjoyed many privileges due to his statuswithin the inner Vatican circle and as a “familiar” of Pope PaulIII. Laura was born into a high social position and cosmopolitanwealth. Her father ensured her education, resulting in her literaryfamiliarity with Latin, love of vernacular classics, andcompanionship with the Bible. Despite her illegitimate birth,Giovanni recognized Laura as his daughter and had her and two ofhis other children legitimized by Pope Paul III on February 9, 1543and eventually, she would become his rightful heir. As she becamean adult, she was well versed in literature, philosophy, andreligion.
Laura’s first husband was Vittorio Sereni, a court organist.After about five years of marriage, he died in 1549. Laura wasdevastated. Sonnet 240 from The First Book of Tuscan Worksex-pressed her grief.
As a result, she moved to a Battiferri family home in Rome.While living in Rome, she met her second husband, BartolomeoAmmannati (1511-1592), a sculptor from Florence, through mutualconnections in Vatican circles. Although it is suspected that herfather assisted in their meeting. On April 17, 1550, she remarriedat age 26 to Bartolomeo Ammannati at the Casa Santa in Loreto. Shebrought an unusually large dowry to the marriage, 2,000 scudi,about 10 times that of a typical bride of the time. However,Laura’s dowry was probably never been paid in full and remainedlisted as an “unsettled matter” at the death of Laura’sfather.
In the early 1550s, Laura’s husband, Bartolomeo wascommissioned for architectural works by Pope Julius III in Rome,which he achieved with the help of Michelangelo and Giorgio Vasari.In 1555, Pope Julius III died and Bartolomeo stopped receivingcommissions. Meanwhile, Giorgio Vasari had established himselfamong a group of illustrious artists in Florence and he invitedBartolomeo to join him, having found him a new patron in the area.Bartolomeo and Laura decided to move from Rome to Bartolomeo’svilla in Maiano, on the outskirts of Florence. Laura dreaded themove, as Rome was near and dear to her. She loved the city forsentimental reasons, but also because her career was just takingoff. She believed that the metropolis of Rome was the “hub of theworld” and the best place for her budding poetry career to blossom.She considered Florence to be uncivilized, unenlightened, and“blind wilderness”.


Though the villa in Maiano was surrounded by beautiful naturallandscapes, she still felt homesick for Rome. Eventually, she foundher place in Florence, becoming widely popular for her talent andmorality and publishing many of her works. In fact, whenevermembers of the Florentine artistic community came together for alarge public event such as wedding, birth, battle victory, orfuneral, Laura participated by contributing occasional poetry,almost always as the sole woman. Furthermore, Laura was known to bedevoutly religious. She received a large inheritance in 1565 andshe and Bartolomeo began to give large contributions to support theJesuits' activities. From about 1570 to the end of their lives,Laura and Bartolomeo developed extremely close relations with theJesuits.
During her lifetime, Laura was celebrated for her talent andcharacter by her male peers and embraced in their literarycommunities. By 1560, Laura had assembled almost 200 poems andpublished her first book of poetry, The First Book of Tuscan Works,dedicated to the Medici duchess, Eleonora de Toledo. The book wasan anthology classified by Petrarchan sonnets. It won praise frompoets across Italy. She was sought after for membership in severalItalian academies, a remarkable feat for a woman at the time. In1560, she accepted entry into the most prestigious of theacademies, “the Intronati,” becoming the first woman ever admittedto an Italian academy. Each member of the Intronati adopted ahumorous, antiphrastic pseudonym, Laura’s being “la Sgraziata” or“the Graceless,” a characteristic contrary to her critiques. Shepublished her second book, The Seven Penitential Psalms… with someSpiritual Sonnets in 1564 and dedicated it to the duchess ofUrbino. In it, she proved successful as a biblical translator andexegete, both being skills typically reserved for men. Herprefatory letter to the duchess of Urbino signaled a step up in hercareer from secular to sacred literature. By 1565, she was at theheight of her fame.
In her younger years, Laura aggressively sought recognitionfor her art, and actively forwarded her career but in her laterlife she withdrew from the public eye. She spent most of her daysmeditating, praying, or composing unprinted spiritual poetry in theprivate chapel that Bartolomeo had built for her at their villa inCamerata. While in the process of compiling the third and finalanthology of poetry, her Rime, Laura died in 1589. Her husbandattempted to have it completed, but Bartolomeo also died before theprocess was completed. Laura and Bartolomeo were both buried at theChurch of San Giovannino At least one-third of her entire writtenworks were never published. Her late productions—hundreds ofspiritual sonnets, biblical narrative poems, and her incompleteepic on the Hebrew kings—was entrusted to the BibliotecaCasanatense in Rome and nearly none of it ever came to light.

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of the poet LauraBattiferri 局部



巴托洛梅奥作品 意大利佛罗伦萨旧宫前领主广场海神尼普顿喷泉

在她的一生中,劳拉以她的男性同伴的才华和品格而闻名,并在文学社区受到欢迎。到1560年,劳拉已经收集了近200首诗并出版了她的第一本诗集《托斯卡纳作品第一部》,献给梅迪奇公爵夫人埃莱奥诺拉·德·托莱多。这本书是彼特拉克体十四行诗分类的选集。它赢得了意大利各地诗人的赞誉。她被几个意大利学院的会员资格所追捧,这对当时的女性来说是一项了不起的壮举。1560年,她接受了进入最负盛名的学院英特罗纳蒂剧社(Intronati),成为第一位进入意大利学院的女性。英特罗纳蒂剧社的每个成员都使用了一个幽默、反讽的假名,劳拉是“不幸”或“亵”,这是一个与她的批评相反的特征。她于1564年出版了她的第二本书《七悔诗篇......带有灵性十四行诗》(TheSeven Penitential Psalms ... with a SpiritualSonnets),并将其献给乌尔比诺公爵夫人。在书中,她被证明是成功的圣经的翻译和注释家,两者都是通常为男性保留的技能。她给乌尔比诺公爵夫人的封信表明她的职业生涯从世俗文学到神圣文学都有了进步。到1565年,她处于成名的高度。
劳拉年轻的时候积极寻求对她的艺术的认可,并积极转发她的职业生涯,但在她的晚年,她退出了公众的视线。她大部分时间都在巴托洛梅奥在他们在卡梅拉塔的别墅为她建造的私人小教堂里冥想,祈祷或撰写未印刷的精神诗歌。在编写第三部也就是最后一部诗歌集的过程中,劳拉于1589年去世。她丈夫试图完成它,但在这个过程完成之前就去世了。劳拉和巴托洛梅奥都被埋葬在圣乔瓦尼诺教堂。劳拉的整篇书面作品中至少有三分之一从未发表过。她的晚期作品- 数百首精神十四行诗,圣经叙事诗,以及她对希伯来国王的不完整史诗 - 被委托给罗马的卡萨纳特图书馆,都没有出版。


布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of thepoet Laura Battiferri 局部

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of thepoet Laura Battiferri 局部

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of thepoet Laura Battiferri 局部

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of thepoet Laura Battiferri 局部

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of thepoet Laura Battiferri 局部

布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of the poet LauraBattiferri 局部


布龙齐诺(Bronzino,1503-1572),托斯卡纳大公科西莫一世美第奇的宫廷画师,意大利佛罗伦萨的风格主义画家。全名阿格诺洛·迪·科西莫(Agnolodi Cosimo),亦称阿格诺洛·布龙齐诺(AgnoloBronzino)。布龙齐诺这个绰号可能和他黝黑的肤色或他常用的肖像画主题有关。
根据同时代的学者乔尔乔·瓦萨里(GiorgioVasari,1511-1574)记载,布龙齐诺是拉法利诺·德尔加博(Raffaellino delGarbo,1466-1527)的第一个学生,14岁成为意大利佛罗伦萨画派风格主义画家蓬托尔莫(Pontormo,1494-1557)的学徒。蓬托尔莫对布龙齐诺的艺术风格产生了决定性的影响,他们合作了许多重要的作品。1539年,布龙齐诺首次接受Medici的邀请,参与科西莫一世和那不勒斯总督的女儿托雷多的伊莲诺拉(Eleonoradi Toledo,1522-1562)的婚礼绘画的创作。此后,他成为公爵的官方宫廷画家,在科西莫一世美第奇的宫廷里度过了他的大部分职业生涯。1563年,以科西莫宫廷杰出艺术家为主的佛罗伦萨美术学院成立,布龙齐诺是创始人和核心成员。


Artist Bronzino (1503–1572) 
Italian: Ritratto di Laura Battiferri, moglie dello scultoreBartolomeo Ammannati
Portrait of the poet Laura Battiferri, wife of sculptorBartolomeo Ammannati
Italiano: La donna tiene in mano, un "petrarchino" (ilCanzoniere del Petrarca), alludendo la proprio nome (Laura)
Date 1550-1555
Medium oil on panel
Dimensions Height: 83 cm (32.6 in); Width: 60 cm (23.6in)
Current location PalazzoVecchio  Loeser Collection


Ammannati, Laura Battiferri Degli, and Victoria Kirkham. LauraBattiferra and Her Literary Circle: An Anthology. Chicago: U ofChicago, 2006. Web.
Benson, Pamela, and Victoria Kirkham. Strong Voices, WeakHistory: Early Women Writers & Canons in England, France &Italy. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan, 2005. Print.
Jaffe, Irma B. Shining Eyes, Cruel Fortune : The Lives andLoves of Italian Renaissance Women Poets. New York: Fordham UP,2002. Print.
Kirkham, Victoria. "Creative Partners: The Marriage of LauraBattiferra and Bartolomeo Ammannati." Renaissance Quarterly 55.2(2002): 498-558.JSTOR.org. The University of Chicago Press, Summer2002. Web. Oct. 2014.
Stortoni, Laura Anna, and Mary Prentice Lillie, eds. WomenPoets of the Italian Renaissance: Courtly Ladies and Courtesans.New York: Italica Press, 1997. Print.
^ Irma B. Jaffe with Gernando Colombardo, Shining Eyes, CruelFortune: The Lives and Loves of Italian Renaissance Women Poets(New York: Fordham University Press), 205. Pamela Joseph Benson andVictoria Kirkham, Strong Voices, Weak History: Early Women Writersand Canons in England, France, and Italy (Ann Arbor: The Universityof Michigan Press), 186. Victoria Kirkham, “Creative Partners: TheMarriage of Laura Battiferra and Bartolomeo Ammannati,” RenaissanceQuarterly 55 no. 2 (Summer 2002): 499, 502.
^ Irma B. Jaffe with Gernando Colombardo, Shining Eyes, CruelFortune (New York: Fordham University Press), 205, 206. VictoriaKirkham, “Creative Partners,” Renaissance Quarterly 55 no. 2(Summer 2002): 503.
^ Irma B. Jaffe with Gernando Colombardo, Shining Eyes, CruelFortune (New York: Fordham University Press), 206-208, 217.Victoria Kirkham, “Creative Partners,” Renaissance Quarterly 55 no.2 (Summer 2002): 513, 516.
^ Pamela Joseph Benson and Victoria Kirkham, Strong Voices,Weak History (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press),179-181.
^ Pamela Joseph Benson and Victoria Kirkham, Strong Voices,Weak History (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press), 189.Victoria Kirkham, “Creative Partners,” Renaissance Quarterly 55 no.2 (Summer 2002): 537.




布龙齐诺 诗人劳拉巴蒂费里像 ortrait of the poet LauraBattiferri 意大利佛罗伦萨旧宫


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