


【导读】 “无人机”是一种装载摄像机和信息传输装置的遥控小型飞行器,越来越多地运用在新闻采集领域。利用无人机进行的拍摄成本低廉,风险小,轻便灵活,可以说无孔不入。但随之而来的法律问题特别是关于隐私权的争议也颇让人伤脑筋。


Drone journalism


Eyes in the skies


Drones often make news. They have started gathering it, too



Mar 29th 2014 | From the print edition


Those magnificent reporters’ flying machines



THE news footage is striking: fires burn on the streets of Kiev; scorched banners flutter on buildings; madding crowds stumble through the chaos below. It is also strange: although aerial, it does not look as if it was shot from a helicopter. The camera flies right up to burning buildings; people on the ground so near that you can pick out the colour of their clothes. In fact it was taken by a drone, a small, remote-controlled flying machine fitted with a camera and a transmitter. Though the word suggests an unmanned military craft of the sort Americans use to kill their enemies in Afghanistan, drones have civilian purposes, too. Their ability to go where cameramen cannot means that newsgathering, increasingly, is one of them.



In the past few months drones shot the most revealing footage of the protests that toppled Viktor Yanukovych, its corrupt president. They have also offered a bird’s-eye view of civil conflict in Thailand, Venezuela and elsewhere. They let journalists capture scenes that previously would have put their lives in danger, and made it harder for governments to lie. Journalists used drones to cover protests in Bangkok in December, filming clashes without having to dodge police tear gas and water-cannon, or lumps of concrete hurled by protesters. Drone footage published online to get around the Venezuelan government’s control of traditional media has contradicted official estimates of low numbers at anti-government rallies.



Drones are helping journalists overcome logistical hurdles, too. They have recently been used to cover fires raging in the Australian bush, and floods in southern England. “[Drones] give you a unique, airborne perspective that you can’t get any other way,” says Thomas Hannen of the BBC’s Global Video Unit. Their relative cheapness (basic models cost a few hundred dollars; fancier ones a few thousand) means that shots that once required a helicopter or a complicated set-up of gantries and wires are now achievable on a tight budget. And their usefulness will only grow as cameras get better and batteries last longer.

   无人机也可帮助新闻记者克服后勤保障的困难。他们最近被用来采访澳大利亚丛林肆虐的大火,以及英格兰南部的洪水。英国广播公司全球视频部的托马斯·汉嫩认为:“(无人机)给你独一无二的,空中的视角,这是其他方式无法企及的。” 其相对便宜的价格(基本型需数百美金;发烧级需几千美金)意味着:曾经需要动用直升机或布置全景悬臂架和导线的拍摄,现在即使经费紧张也可完成了。并且其效能只会随着摄像机性能的提高与电池的续航能力延长而增长。


The rules governing drone journalism are tighter in America than elsewhere, says Matt Waite of the Drone Journalism Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Only hobbyists and the government can use them; commercial entities are banned. That does not, of course, mean that they are not used for newsgathering, just that the only footage available is shot by amateurs. When a building in Manhattan collapsed on March 12th, for example, drone footage shot by a passing local soon turned up on news sites.

   内布拉斯加州立大学林肯分校的无人机新闻实验室马特·韦特认为:无人机拍摄的管控条例在美国最为严格。只有业余玩家和政府允许使用,而盈利性实体则不行。当然,这并不意味着无人机就不能采集新闻,只是说只有业余人士拍的视频才被政府允许。比如: 3月12日曼哈顿的一幢房子倒塌,路过的当地人用无人机拍的视频很快就出现在新闻网站上了。


Britain allows commercial drone flights, provided the machines do not stray far from their pilots on the ground. But getting permission to use the machines in heavily populated areas is difficult, so they have mostly been deployed in the countryside. Australia is more permissive: Fox, a television network, has used a drone to cover cricket matches.



America’s Federal Aviation Administration says it plans new, less restrictive rules. But as drone-assisted journalism becomes commonplace, other legal fights are sure to flare up. One about privacy looks inevitable, since today’s laws were written when reporters moved in just two dimensions. The walls celebrities build round their houses will be useless once every paparazzo has a $500 flying camera.



From the print edition: International 

本文原文出自《经济学人》杂志社                 翻译:沈竹 校对:韦永睿

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