

费正清与海肖尔教授稻田课幻灯片 – 书格
001:Chinese, A.D. 1362, Yuan, Ni Tsan
002:Chinese, 14th C., Yuan, Wang Meng
003:Yuan Shih-K'ai
004:Liao Chung-K'ai
005:T'ien-Kung K-W p.266:Hand crossbow
006:舊拓高湛墓誌銘 (書苑二卷第九號)
007:Stone Age white pottery, Szechuan
008:Government school near Peking
009:Rapids, Yangtze Gorges
010:Forbidden City, Peking, China
011:Examination enclosure at Nanking
012:Stone Age pottery, Szechuan
013:Great Wall
014:Pei Hai Park, Peking, China
015:A torter general, Prince Ch'ing, Li Hung Chang
016:Hall of classics
017:Coffin maker
018:A Western man standing on a platform in a railway station in Japan
019:Great Plain - Honan
020:Stone Age stone tools, Szechuan
021:Nest of dinosaur eggs adhered to under side of rock. George Olsen exposed this prehistoric nest. Now set in Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
022:A Western man standing in front of the carriages
023:House wife cooking for family
024:Rebels at Hanyang
025:Examination cells and examiners
026:Blind beggar
027:Waterfront houses
028:Stone Age pebble axes, Szechuan
029:Temple of Bravin
030:West Lake, Hangchow
031:A group of farmers picking up the poles and walking on the trail along the river
032:Sunset, Hong Kong
033:On the edge of a river, a Western man sitting on an elephant, several local people standing next to them
034:Stone Age celts, Szechuan
035:Forbidden City, Peking, China
036:President Taft, HK
037:Pei Hai - Peking
038:Two men in front of old trees, the man on the left sitting on a rock, the man on the right standing
039:Lithie industries, Szechuan (Stone Age)
040:Tsinan-A Scholar in Kinder Garten of East Suburb
041:Sun Yat-Sen
043:A gentleman sitting on a chair on the deck of a ship
044:Wang Yang-ming
046:Two styles of sacred writing used by Nashi priests (Upper, pictographici , lower, still undeciphered)
048:Forbidden City
049:Famine victim - Hopei
050:Ta Cheng Gate:Confucian Temple
051:Lung Wha Pagoda
052:Stone Age stone tools, Szechuan
053:X-Ray of bound foot
054:Late Stone Age pottery, Szechuan
055:A man in the castle in Middle East
056:A Western man in a suit standing on the street, facing the camera, a donkey carriage and two small shops behind him
057:Buddhist temple。
058:Four girls in an alley
059:Peking Wedding, 1931
060:Sung Tze-Wen (T.V.Soong):Reconstruction in China
061:Chinese, 14th C., Yuan
062:A waterfall :Chinese Painting, Unknown artist, Boston Museum
063:Moonlight on China Sea
064:Stone Age pottery:Basketry pattern. Szechuan
065:Stone Age stone tools, Szechuan
066:Meeting of Sun & Japanese, 1898, Miyazaki, Sun, rear center
067:Stone Age pottery:Basketry pattern. Szechuan
068:Chinese Christian and non-Christian demographics
069:Night view of Hong Kong
070:Landau:1955:Dance, Peking
071:Stone Age stone tools, Szechuan
072:Prae - En route Pitsanuloke
073:Quin San, Kiangsu
074:A village near by the snowy mountains
075:Chiu Chin
076:Tomb of 72 heroes
077:Feng Yü-hsiang and Chiang Kai-Shek, C. 1928
078:Private courtyard
079:Quiet Canal, Soochow
080:Sun Yat-Sen, 3rd tour route, 1903-05
081:Street vendor
082:Canton - Cured patient at Hospital
083:View of farmhouses
084:Here huge bones of the Baluchitherium unearthed..
085:Sunrise at Sea
086:1st Gate to ascent of hill of Longevity
087:Chinese, mid 15th c. ,Ming:Tai Chin
088:Lanchow, Kansu; ... in foreground
089:Chien Tang, Chekiang
090:Mrs IDE - A.K.A., Mrs. Archer H.E.F
091:Wu Men from Tai Ho Men
092:Forbidden City, Peking
093:Sun Yat-Sen and wife, ca. 1915
094:Ink brush
095:Canal in Chekiang
096:Shanghai - South Gate - boys tag of war
097:Chinese Painting by Shen Chou:Landscape:Farmer and wife gazing at autumn moon. Boston Museum
098:A man and boy in a boat under tree:distant hills across water
099:Thunder Peak Pagoda across West Lake
100:Rebel Recruits at Hankow
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