

Communist People’s Party Candidate Pledges Allegiance to Marxism
ASTANA – Turgun Syzdykov, the official candidate of the Communist People’s Party of Kazakhstan (CPPK) in the April 26 early presidential election, presented his election campaign platform on March 31.
Turgun Syzdykov meets with Munai Mash workers in Petropavlovsk.
“The CPP of Kazakhstan is a voluntary association of citizens who support the communist idea. We operate on a scientific and ideological basis of Marxism-Leninism as a single materialist theory of social development,” said Syzdykov in an article placed by his campaign in the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper.
The purpose of the Marxist-Leninist theory is to identify conditions and provide ways to create social equality through communist socio-economic formation, the most appropriate approval of the “truly humane organisation of mankind,” he said. The CPPK is committed to actively cooperating with the international communist movement, said Syzdykov.
According to the candidate, the CPPK will pay particular attention to “the negative impact of Western culture and values.”
“The crisis of Western culture caused the formation of consumer society structures in European countries. The flaws of the West are mostly visible in the cultural sphere, since consumption as a social phenomenon is largely based on a system of values ??and ideas that reduce the sense of life to the satisfaction of material interests. Western culture has become a business and its supreme principle is purely material values,” the platform reads.
“Morality becomes a matter of legal technology. That is why the Western belief in the universality of the local culture suffers from three drawbacks: it is wrong, it is immoral and it is dangerous,” Syzdykov stressed.
According to the candidate, the cinema can serve as “the most striking example of the degradation of modern Western culture”. It is based on violence and depravity and has become the leading art that can influence all the spheres of life.
The case is the same with literature, which “has lost the leading role in Western culture and tries to follow the trends of the cinema and promote violence and general inactivity,” said Syzdykov.
Self-centered individualism is the characteristic behavioural feature of the followers of new Western traditions, notes the CPPK campaign.
Syzdykov is also against fast food, calling it the ugliest form of the manifestation of vulgar individualism in daily culture. The use of such food can have a negative impact on the generational genotype. Hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, soft drinks and other similar products contain a lot of fat, sugar and calories, he claimed.
“In general, the entire West suffers from obesity, high blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases and problems with vision, hearing and the musculoskeletal system,” he said.
According to Syzdykov, it is no wonder that Western food giants keep their recipes for fast food production in strict secret. The reason is the use of forbidden and inedible products in the production process, he claimed.
Western societies must objectively admit that the fast food problem has reached the same level as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, the communist candidate said. The only difference is that, unlike tobacco and alcohol, a fast food packet does not warn of health dangers, he noted.
“In the future, current trends of the fast food industry and Western entertainment industry will lead future generations to serious problems associated with obesity, incurable diseases, cultural dead end and so on,” Syzdykov concluded.
Syzdykov collected 98,384 valid voter signatures in support of his candidacy. The law requires at least 93,012 signatures. This has allowed him to become one of the three official candidates for the presidency.
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