

Key to Unit 1
Extended Reading Skills and Practice
1. The ability to delay reward.
2. D) Extended Writing Skills and Practice
1. 1) simple sentence 2) compound sentence 3) compound sentence
4) complex sentence 5) simple sentence 6) complex sentence
1) Part-time jobs are useful for full-time students because they not only earn money but also gain career experience.
2) Old people are unlikely to assume physically demanding tasks although there are many jobs that are especially suitable for old people such as consultants, doctors and psychologists.
3) I like tea while my sister likes coffee.
4) More people who have received higher education should earn more money.
5) Study hard and you will make a remarkable progress.
6) There are too many examinations nowadays for college students which are too difficult.
Review and Test (1)
Part I
(略) Part II
1. Y 2. Y 3. NG 4. N
8. his major
9. public institutions 5. N 6. N 7. Y
10. deciding which students to accept
Part III
11-15 DBADC 16-20 ADDBC 21-25 ADCAD
26-30 ADCBD 31-35 DBDCD
(36) focused (37) emotionally (38) distant (39) disease
(40) cancer (41) retirement (42) crossed (43) increasingly
(44) you can make a number of important changes in your current lifestyle
(45) We know much more about how to keep healthy today than our parents
(46) And this new knowledge can be passed on to our children
Part IV
47-51 HMJEF 52-56 BOGNL
57-61 DBCDB 62-66 CDACB
Part V
67-71 ACBBD 72-76 DABBC
77-81 ACCBD 82-86 DBACD
Part VI
87. having interest
88. looked back
89. change their minds
90. filled with admiration
91. shares what she has with others Key to Unit 2
Extended Writing Skills and Practice
Practice for Number of Nouns
1. buses foxes boys days zoos trees deer fish cities leaves
lives milk feet horses mice
teeth women brooms juice water
people branches families oxen countries
1) children 2) women teachers 3) Germans; Germany
4) Chinese; Germans 5) milk
Practice for Articles
1) a; an; the 2) a; an 3) An; a 4)The; the; a 5) a
6) the 7) a; The 8) The; the 9)The;the; × 10) a 2.
1)-5) B ACCA 6)-10) CBCAD
Review and Test(2)
Part I
Part II
1. Y 2. Y 3. NG 4. Y 5. N 6. N 7. N
8. self-reliance
9. half a million
10. doubtful
Part III
11-15 BCABC 16-20 DACAC 21-25 DBDBA
26-30 ADCBC 31-35 ADCBD
(36) reflections (37) waking (38) recognize (39) biological
(40) action (41) unfamiliar (42) emotional (43) indoor
(44) women in the workplace dream about bosses and colleagues
(45) angry people act out their anger in their dreams
(46) Creative people often use their dreams to solve problems
Part IV
47-51 DBALK 52-56 OMJEC
57-61 BACDC 62-66 ADCBC
Part V
67-71 CACBD 72-76 ACBDC
77-81 CACAD 82-86 CCDBB
Part VI
87. was released from prison
88. is committed to
89. worthy of doing
90. ran into someone
91. the pursuit of happiness Key to Unit 3
Extended Reading Skills Practice
Exercise 1:
desire; naturally; escape; diversity ; respect; establishing; characters
Exercise 2:
taken up; check out; a wealth of; range; held across; activities; meet up with
Extended Writing Skills and Practice
1) have met 2) are phoning 3) would return 4) will have lived
5) has been 6) hadn’t locked 7) carries 8) have spent
Review and Test (3)
Part I
(略) Part II
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. A
8. offers geared towards students
9. contact the Student Union
10. second-year student of History
Part III
11-15 AADBB 16-20 BCCAC 21-25 CAADB
26-30 DCBBD 31-35 CAABD
(36) leisure
(40) fond (37) varies (41) afford (38) hobbies (39) adventurous (42) entertaining (43) academic
(44) students usually will feel more relaxed
(45) invest their leisure time in studying
(46) spending leisure time studying is a pleasure of mind
Part IV
47-51 CKDGL 52-56 BNIAO
57-61 DBCAC 62-66 BCCAA
Part V
67-71 BCACB 72-76 DCADA
77-81 ACABB 82-86 BDDBC
Part VI
87. he got the negative answer
88. it is important to keep well-balanced life
89. hung out in the street
90. spelling problem can also be related to the disorder
91. he denied knowing anything Key to Unit 4
Extended Reading Skills Practice
Topic Sentence: Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health.
Key Words: 1) cancer 2) health 3) cough 4) colds
2. Outline:
Topic Sentence: Television presents a vivid world in front of us.
Detail One: can watch exciting football matches or Olympic marathons
Detail Two: can “travel” to New York or to London
Detail Three: can “go” to a concert
Conclusion: With a TV set, we can take part in many events without leaving the
Extended Writing Skills and Practice
1. 1)-8) DACACABB
2. 1) do—did; am—was
2) has reached—reached; are—were; takes—will take
3) live—lived; are—have been; destroyed—is destroying
Review and Test (4)
Part I
(略) Part II
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A
8. careful 9. reasonable 10.advantage
Part III
11-15 CBCDA 16-20 BCCCA 21-25 ADCBD
26-30 DAADA 31-35 BCBAD
(36) severely (37) balance (38) embarrassed (39) growing
(40) uncoordinated (41) reluctance (42) adjusted (43) subjecting
(44) without bitterness and complaint
(45) nor did he show envy of the more fortunate
(46) when I am envious of another’s good fortune
Part IV
47-51 EIFDJ 52-56 BLHCG
57-61 ABDBC 62-66 CBDCA
Part V
67-71 CABBA 72-76 CDCDC
77-81 DDBBA 82-86 DCBAC
Part VI
87. not until he failed on the exam
88. to choose from
89. As a result
90. Make full use of every chance
91. not keeping up with inflation
Key to Mid-Term Paper
Part I
(略) Part II
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A
8. the kind of courage
9. 34
10. nonviolence
Part III
11-15 DDACC 16-20 BCDAD 21-25 BCBDB
26-30 ADCBD 31-35 DCDAB
36. confusing 37. uncomfortable 38. professional 39. Eventually
40. preparation 41. behave 42. identify 43. observe
44. For example, you will observe how he acts when he is in trouble
45. While you are observing your colleague,
46. By watching and learning from a model
Part IV
47-51 EHALB 52-56 MJDGI
57-61 ACCDB 62-66 BBACB
Part V
67-71 BCACB 72-76 DDCAD
77-81 AACAB 82-86 BDDBC
Part VI
87. passing out flyers to customers
88. has not produced any answers to this problem
89. to hang out with friends or do whatever they want
90. stumbled on a drugs ring
91. because the rain makes much difference to the game
Key to Unit 5
Extended Reading Skills and Practice
Extended Writing Skills and Practice
1) is 2) have 3) are 4) sounds 5) have 6) is 7) are 8) am
Review and Test (5)
Part I
(略) Part II
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C
8. quite homogeneous
9. relationships with consumers
10.the appropriate media
Part III
11-15 DDADB 16-20 DBCCC 21-25 DADBD
26-30 BBACB 31-35 DCABD
36. various 37. expression 38. communication 39. stand
40. mute 41. internationally 42. passes 43. disagreement
44. signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals
45. guide ,warn, and instruct people
46. other systems and techniques also express
Part IV
47-51 FOECK 52-56 AHNBD
57-61 CDCDA 62-66 CDCBD
Part V
67-71 ABACB 72-76 DCBDA
77-81 BDCAD 82-86 BCCAD
Part VI
87. He must have read the material many times
88. we should try to figure out what to do
89. have been committed to improving the quality of their lives
90. we shall have to rely on our own efforts
91. except what related to his research work
Key to Unit 6
Extended Reading Skills and Practice
1. B 2. D
Extended Writing Skills and Practice
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