

CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):印尼火山爆发 巴厘岛机场被迫关闭
A very warm welcome to viewers worldwide of CNN STUDENT NEWS.
I'm Carl Azuz at the CNN Center.
First up this Thursday, a volcanic eruption near Bali.
This is a popular resort island in the Pacific island country of Indonesia.
That's key here, because even though this eruption of Mount Rinjani wasn't actually on Bali, the wind blew its volcanic ash toward the island.
And even though the eruption wasn't a major threat to people on the ground, it is planes in the air.
Volcanic ash can melt if it's sucked into aircraft engines.
It turns into a glasslike substance that can cause them or break down.
So, from Tuesday night until today, around 700 flights in the region were cancelled, leaving people stranded, either unable to leave Bali or unable to get there.
Ice in Antarctica, there's a lot of it.It doesn't sound much like breaking news.
But new information suggests it's increasing and that's puzzling some scientists because research over the last 10 years suggested that Antarctica is losing ice and that the melt is contributing to rising levels.
Last year, NASA reported that Antarctic sea ice reached a new record size.
Now, it looks like the continent's ice sheet is growing.
We know that sea levels around the world are rising and current thinking is that part of that sea level rise comes from melting ice in Antarctica.
But one recent study from NASA scientists says that may not be the case.
Is Antarctica gaining ice?Antarctica is a big place, roughly the size of U.S. and Mexico combined.
So, as you might expect, changes in its ice are not uniformed across the entire continent.
Nearly, all scientists agree that ice is being lost from the western part of Antarctica and along its peninsula.
On the eastern side, ice is actually being gained.But where this study is different is they measured that that gaining of ice long eastern Antarctica is outpacing the loss on the western side.
What's behind this addition of ice?
It's snowfalls that started becoming heavier around 10,000 years ago.The scientists know this by looking into ice core data.
Why is this important?
It would mean that Antarctica is not contributing to seal level rise.
Bottom line: there is still a lot we need to learn about how Antarctica is reacting to climate change.
Nine hours a day, that's how much time on average that American teenagers are spending with electronic media, and this doesn't count any media they might use for school.
According to a study by a nonprofit group called Common Sense Media.
Its CEO says this shows that digital technology is the dominant force in teenagers' lives, that they spend more time with it than anything else, including sleeping.
And if you just break out screen times, smartphones, computers, TVs, tables, teenagers spend more than 6 1/2 hours a day with it, and younger kids more than 4 1/2 hours.
Media can affect learning.
Most of those surveyed said they're texting or listening to music while they're doing homework.
And experts say this makes them less effective at their homework.
Social media often factors in, too, and for many, social media seems to correlate with social standing.
The first headline:the more teens look at social media, the more distressed they can become.
Teens check their social media feeds way more than they actually pose something.
Our experts call it lurking.
And the heaviest users in the study told us they check their feeds more than 100 times a day.
Sometimes, I'll catch myself like going on my social media way too much, about 200 times in a day.
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新闻英语听读:Student News 20151105
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