




成百上千的“在那里”的读者十月发来了图片,展示了每一种光谱中的颜色。这里将为你展示最棒的一组图片,大家一起来欣赏一下评审Natalie Mayer选择了哪些图片获得200英镑的奖金,并有机会赢得和Beyond一同享受南非摄影旅行的超级大奖。

Find out how to enter the November competition – the theme is solitude


Sylvia Semal: I was on an organised tour of Patagonia, camping on a slope alongside Lake Pehoe in Torres del Paine national park, Chile. After a restless night in the tent, I couldn't wait to get outside into the early morning light. The view and the conditions were just perfect and I rushed back for my camera to capture the Horns of Paine.

Sylvia Semal:在巴塔哥尼亚(南美一个地区)的旅途中,我在智利Torres del Paine国家公园Pehoe湖旁的斜坡上露营。在帐篷里度过了焦躁不安的一晚后,我实在等不及奔入清早的晨曦中。视角和环境都太完美了,我冲回去拿了相机,抓住了Paine Horns美丽的景色。

Samantha Crimmin: A winter’s morning on the Sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, where there is no light pollution for 900 miles. When I took this, I had been up for a while trying to photograph the Milky Way, and by the time this photo was taken I was running out of night. In this shot, I was trying to get the pre-dawn glow of the sun over the mountains on one side and the stars on the other.

Samantha Crimmin:南乔治亚岛(南大西洋一岛屿)所属南极洲一下的冬天早上,那里没有900英里开外地方没有光线污染。当我拍这张照片时,必须高举相机一阵来拍到银河,花了一整晚我才拍到这张满意的照片。在照片里,我试图捕捉破晓前太阳在山头一侧越过而星星仍停在另一边的美丽景象。

Philip Bird: I arrived at Bryce Canyon, Utah, in pitch blackness on a bitterly cold morning to photograph the sunrise. There's no light pollution there so I had to set up my equipment using a torch. When the sun broke on the horizon, the scene slowly developed into a magnificent sunrise over a forest of hoodoos. Then the 'world's largest pothole' was transformed into one of the wonders of the world.

Philip Bird:我来到美国犹他州的布赖斯峡谷,冒着刺骨寒冷在漆黑的早上拍摄的日出美景。因为这里没有光污染,所以我必须举着手电筒搭好我的拍摄装备。当太阳打破地平线,出现在眼前的景致慢慢变得格外壮丽,透过层层石林,太阳渐渐升起。然后,“世界上最大的洞穴”变成了世界奇观之一。

Chris Mole: Dawn at my local churchyard in Danehill, Sussex. An early morning mist helped the atmosphere, accentuated by the silhouettes of the gravestones.

Chris Mole:塞萨克斯的丹山,我当地的教堂院落黎明时光。一大清早的薄雾帮忙制造了氛围,墓碑的轮廓强调突出了黎明的感觉。

Ralph Whitehead: Before travelling to Rio, the images in my head were from Mario Testino's iconic book about the city. I wanted to recapture some of the glow and effortless sexiness of his shots, as well as capture something instantly recognisable and Brazilian. Leblon beach and the peaks of the Dois Irm?os provided a perfect backdrop to the mesmerising skills of the futev?lei (foot-volleyball) players.

Ralph Whitehead:在来里约旅游之前,我头脑中对它的印象都是从Mario Testino的城市图册中获得的。我很想重新体验他照片里的那些色彩和轻取的性感,并且捕捉到一些巴西元素。莱布隆海滩和Dois Irm?os山顶为技术让人着迷的沙滩排球运动员提供了完美的背景。

Chris Sutcliffe: This is the reflection of trees in a rusting grate in a park near Chiang Mai train station in Thailand. I got there before sunrise to buy tickets and found this abandoned park with an empty swimming pool. I caught the trees in the water for this shot, which is the one that reminds me of my time in Chiang Mai.

Chris Sutcliffe:这是在泰国清迈一个火车站附近的公园拍摄的,锈迹斑斑格栅中的树丛倒影的景象。日出前我赶到这里买火车票,偶然间发现了这个带空游泳池的废弃公园。我拍到了这张树木倒影在水面的照片,这样的景象也让我想起了那段在清迈的时光。

Georgia Hole: This urban silhouette was taken from my window in Fulham, London, during a spectacular sunset.

Georgia Hole:在壮观的日落中,透过伦敦富勒姆的窗外,我拍到了傍晚的城市轮廓。

David Allen: Sommar?y, Norway: polar night dawn … and dusk. In late November, they're virtually one and the same.

David AllenSommar?y, Norway:极夜黎明...和黄昏。在十一月末,景象几乎与现在看到的没什么差别。

Amy Little: This was our last day on Koh Rong Island in Cambodia. It had rained heavily the night before, creating a huge pool of water on the beach whose fantastic reflection of the changing sky made us feel we were standing at the edge of the world. After he grudgingly agreed to a 5.30am start, it took more persuasion to get my boyfriend to perform some early morning acrobatics – but the result was worth it

Amy Little:这是我们在柬埔寨海鸥岛的最后一天。前夜雨下得很大,在海滩上制造了一个大大的水池,变幻的天空倒影在水面上。这样的景象一度让我们觉得站在了世界的边缘。他勉强同意早上5:30开始拍摄后,用了更多说服手段要求我男朋友在镜头中表演一些清晨杂技,但效果证明,这些都是值得的。

Ann Moyle: This photograph was taken at about 4.30am in the Masai Mara national park, Kenya. We were slowly approaching a family of cheetahs playing around a tree when I turned and saw this amazing sunrise. I used a Sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens.

Ann Moyle:这张照片拍摄于肯尼亚马斯马拉国家公园早上4:30。我们慢慢靠近在树下玩耍的印度豹一家,那时我回身看到了无比奇妙的日出。我调用了10-20mm广角镜头拍摄。

Nick Board: On a short break to Washington, we decided to take a closer look at the monument looking down towards the Capitol. A zealous official told me off for mounting my 5D tripod for this long exposure, so this was the last shot I got. It was only later that I noticed the young lady in the foreground who appeared to be having some kind of relationship with the edifice.

Nick Board:在华盛顿做短暂休息的当儿,我们决定从国会大厦俯视近观纪念碑。一位热情的工作人员告诉我们要增大我的5D三脚架来调长曝光,所以你们看到的是我最后一张照片。

Ra Goel: Taken at dawn on a frosty morning as the sun was rising over a river in the small hamlet of Stedorf in north Germany.

Ra Goel:在德国北部的Stedorf小村庄拍摄到的黎明美景。严寒的早晨,太阳映衬着河水升起。

David Cantrille, runner-up: This was taken in September in the Val d’Orcia, Tuscany. We were up before dawn to be in the right position overlooking the valley for the sunrise. The sun’s rays cut through the mist, giving the light and shadow effect.

David Cantrille,亚军:9月拍摄于托斯卡纳地区(意大利)奥尔恰谷。我们在破晓前起床,定好合适的位置俯瞰如初下的峡谷。太阳光划破雾气,洒下了阳光,投下了影子。

Natalie Mayer, judge: With the wonderful natural light and the stunning landscape, this photograph is almost there … what it lacks for me is a little more thought in the composition. It is a shame that the fourth tree is almost clipped off, and there is just a little too much space to the left which, because of the clipped tree, isn't balanced on the right. But the exposure is spot on, enhancing the natural glow of the evening, so the photographer should still feel very pleased with this image.

Natalie Mayer,评审:这张照片和着美妙的自然光线和极好的风景,而对我来说仅仅是缺少了一点点构图上的思考。很遗憾第四棵树几乎要被剪掉,照片左侧似乎留空过多,因为那课未入镜的树使得右侧也不那么平衡。但是曝光准确无误,增加了夜晚的自然光线,所以摄影师仍应对这张照片表示满意。

Gavin Burnett, winner: Rockpool fisherman in Palolem, Goa. I had to be as patient as the fisherman for this shot. I waited for 20 minutes or so for him to throw his net, then fired off four shots. This one is the most dramatic as the net spreads across the sky.

Gavin Burnett,冠军:Goa Palolem的石池渔夫。为了拍到这张照片,我必须和渔夫一样有耐心。我等待了至少20分钟,等到他撒网,我连拍4张。这一张更加具有戏剧效果,就像是渔网在天空中展开一样。

Natalie Mayer, judge: I really like this image. The composition is lively yet extremely well balanced. The exposure has just the right mix of silhouette and detail. And the man is sharply in focus while the net isn't, which leads our eye immediately to the subject. The lovely pink sky fits the theme perfectly. Gorgeous image – you should be proud of this one.

Natalie Mayer,评审:我真的很喜欢这一张。尽管也不是很平衡,但构图很生动。曝光兼顾到了轮廓和细节。渔夫全神贯注而渔网松散,这样使得我们的眼睛立马投向了渔网。可爱的粉色天空很搭配主题。太美了,你理应为此感到自豪。

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