

《针灸在世界——世界针灸学会联合会25年图史》The 25 year History of WFAS



1675年,当Herman Busschof创用“moxa(艾灸)”一词后,时隔8年,荷兰莱顿大学医学系的Willem Ten Rhigne又创新出了一个单词“acupunctura(针刺)”。从此,以《论痛风》和《论关节炎》2部著作为标志,一门来自东方的医学——针灸,进入了西方人的视野。


上世纪,世界针灸的发展有个明显特征是行业组织的兴起。在中国、法国、日本、德国、英国、斯里兰卡等国家,一批针灸传播的先驱者利用他们个人的影响力创办了不同类型的针灸行业学会/协会等组织,如1928年中国的承淡安先生创办的“针灸学研究社”,德·勒·富耶1946年创立的“法国针灸学会(Association Fran?aise de l’Acupuncture)”及 “国际针灸协会”, 笹川久吾博士1948年创立日本医学针灸学会(Japan Society of Medical Acupuncture, JSMA)等等,这些行业组织的建立适应了针灸发展需求,推动了20世纪世界针灸的发展。








In 1675, Herman Busschof created the word moxa. Eight years later, Willem Ten Rhigne, a Dutch doctorwho graduated from the Medical School of Leiden University, created another wordacupunctura. Marked by the publication of Het Podagra (The Podagra) and Dissertatio de Arthritide (Dissertation on Arthritis), acupuncture-moxibustion, a medicine from the East, came in to view of the Western world.

Take history as a mirror and we can see the rise and fall. Centuries have past when acupuncture-moxibustion experienced many ups and downs. When we look back at its history, we astonishingly find that the paths of acupuncture-moxibusiontransmission are so similar. The 2 acupuncture heats in the 1930s and 1970s not only have taught us that certain culture and people may bring about opportunities for acupuncture-moxibustion to progress, but also have revealed a fact – the world needs acupuncture-moxibustion.

The most remarkable feature in the development of acupuncture-moxibustion in the last century was the rise of professional organizations. A number of professional organizations in various forms were founded by the pioneers of acupuncture-moxibustion transmission in China, France, Japan, Germany, Britain, Sri Lanka and so on. For example, the Research Institute of the Science of Acupuncture and Moxibustion was founded by Cheng Dan’an in China in 1928; the French Association of Acupuncture (Association Fran?aise de l’Acupuncture) and the International Acupuncture Association founded by DeLaFuye in 1946; and the Japan Society of Medical Acupuncture founded by Kyugo Sasagawa. The establishment of these organizations conformed to the demand of acupuncture-moxibustion development in the 20th century and thus had promoted such development.

The development of acupuncture-moxibustion in the world entered a new era marked by the inclusion of traditional medicine into the agenda by WHO at its 29th World Health Assembly in 1976. Later in 1978, WHO established a department for Traditional Medicine. The 30 years of development from the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978 to the WHA62.13 Resolution on Traditional Medicine in 2009 had proved that a number of traditional medicines represented by acupuncture-moxibustion had been an important part of global health resource which had been playing a significant role in achieving the goal of health for all.

With the rapid development and the increasingly frequent exchange of acupuncture-moxibustion in the world, as well as the strategic call by WHO, a new international professional organization was being born.14-20 December 1982, WHO Western Pacific Regional Committee held the Working Group Meeting on Standard Acupuncture Nomenclature in Manila, Philippines, which was attended by 15 experts from 8 countries including China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Philippines and Vietnam, and also Hong Kong. At this meeting, the proposal initiated by Japanese delegates that a world academic federation of acupuncture and moxibustion shall be established won universal consent, after which a Preparing Committee (originally named as Steering Committee) was founded. Under the help and guidance of WHO and with 5 years’ effort, the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion (WFAS) was finally founded on 22 November 1978 in Beijing, China. The establishment of WFAS,which conformed to the global development of acupuncture-moxibustion, was a benchmark for a trans-regional organization representing the common interests of global acupuncture-moxibustion professions to step onto the arena of history.

Twenty-five years have passed and WFAS has grown to the largest international organization specialized on acupuncture-moxibustion and the sole of its kind in official relations with WHO, having 157 member societies and representing hundreds of thousands of acupuncture-moxibustion professionals in 53 countries and regions. In terms of promoting acupuncture-moxibustion to the world, promoting understanding and cooperation among different countries, strengthening international academic exchanges and enhancing the position and role of acupuncture-moxibustion in global health work, WFAS has been an irreplaceable contributor. Twenty-five years have passed when acupuncture-moxibustion has changed a lot in the world – it has taken root and grown in more than 180 countries. This demonstrates the powerful attraction of acupuncture-moxibustion itself, but couldn’t have been realized if without the efforts from a large number of acupuncture-moxibustion professionals across the world including WFAS in its unremitting efforts in the past 25years.

This book is a thorough review with text and photos of the past 30 years of WFAS starting from its preparation, from several aspects including the preparation, cooperation with WHO, organizational structure, academic events, exchanges, technical consultation and service, member societies and cultures. We hope that this review will help promote capability improvement and all-round development of WFAS on one hand, and expand publicity and influence of WFAS and its academic events on another hand.

Finally, at the time when this book is ready to go to press, our acknowledgements go to: State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and China Academy of Chinese Medical Science for their full support; member societies and members of the Executive Committee of WFAS, Dr. Andrée Nakajima-Guilien (wife of former WHO Director-General Hiroshi Nakajima), and Ms. Li Ping (wife of former WFAS President Wang Xuetai) for their support and help; Xi’an TCM Hospital for Brain Diseases, Beijing Golden Huahan New Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou Medical Supplies Co., Ltd., and Wuhan Chinese Moxibustion Technology Development Co., Ltd., for their great help. Meanwhile, due to difficulties in information collection as well as time limits, imperfections in writing and editing are almost certain. We value any comments from our readers.

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