

形意拳 十二形 Chinese boxing imitating various animals 12&nbs

1、龍形 /國術教材全集陳泮嶺傳授






















6、雞形 雞腿、雞步,是形意拳的要素之一,也是形意拳特點之一,所以雞形在形意拳中很有分量。


陳師在模範農場傳授雞形,起初僅練?形啄米式兩個,轉身左劈拳,來回相同。另有套子四把,或稱雞蛇合形。陳師曾面囑云:『雞蛇合形,以前實是雞形。以後編教材時,還是將牠(雞蛇合形)作雞形。』所以本章雞形,就是以前被稱為雞蛇合形的。不過既將雞蛇合形作為雞形,則其中的蛇形動作,雞稱其動作名稱「剔翎手」,方合實際。但在本篇中,既不稱蛇形,也不稱剔翎手,雞稱其動作名稱為「回身挑掌」 , 於此說明 , 使讀者能了然 !


( 一)鷂形概說


















龍和蛇相似,但龍形夭矯,蛇形蜿蜒。常山之蛇,擊其首則尾應,擊其尾則首應,擊其腹則首尾皆應。少林五拳,以蛇形練氣,駢中食二指如蛇吐信。本篇蛇形拳之形和意,亦不能超出此範圍。如八卦的蛇形掌,甚至說太極拳也由「鵲蛇相爭」而引起動機,但無論何種拳術,形式雖殊而 ? 絡卻是相通的,形意拳何能例外。









10、 鳥台


形意拳中取鳥形的有鷂、燕、駘、鷹四種。(雞,雖屬鳥類,但已失去鳥性,所以不計)鷂、燕、鷹,皆人所熟知,惟 鳥則不明。考有關形意拳的著述,竟無能說出 鳥的形狀如何;查字典,卻沒有這個「」字;曾舉以問陳師,師云:「是蠻荒原野中的一種兇猛的鳥。」但仍無法作具體的說明。到底怎樣去認識這個 形呢?衹有在 形的動作中去尋求了。

形也是雙手的動作,在形意拳裏還有虎形和馬形。虎形雙手在左或右繞圈,馬形是正面分向左右繞圈。 形兩手繞轉,剛好和馬形的運動方向相反。馬形是從下分,繞上; 形是從上分,繞下。 形和鷂形運動相類似,但鷂形是單手衝擊,而 形卻是雙手衝擊。至於 形的步法,則和炮拳、虎形、馬形相類。







按 形雙拳衝出時,有用立拳、左右相對、距離約十至二十公分。陳師所授,則由立拳繼續向前衝出,右拳斜向左,左拳斜向右,由立拳變為陰拳,兩腕相疊,兩臂交叉。由交叉而上舉,分開繞回腰間,是由合而分;再由腰間衝出又交叉相疊,是由分而又合。如此一分一合,形神俱妙!



12、熊 ~鷹熊合形概說




四肢百骸、伸之為陽、縮之為陰。陽者,鷹勢也;陰者,熊勢也。起鑽落翻象鷹,頭頂項 ? 象熊。進取象鷹,防守象熊。在每一式中,不離陰陽,不離攻守,不離起鑽落翻及頭頂項 ? ,所以每一式中,不離鷹熊。十二形中,以龍虎為首,以鷹熊合形為最後,實含有「壓軸」的用意,且取「鷹熊」為「英雄」的諧音,也含有傲然自負「技藝非凡」的心理。




















形意十二形拳: 龍形、虎形、猴形、 馬形 、鼉形、 雞形、 鷂形、燕形、蛇形'鳥台形. 鷹形、熊形、動態影像  ~點進去看看! http://youtu.be/j_lIRWHLkQk

1st, dragon shape/China country technique teaching material complete works Chen Panling teaches The dragon, is four works the head, is one kind of mystical animal, is extremely noble and the big authority's symbol. The coiling'twisting 2 proud soars, unpredictable, the Chinese boxing imitating various animals takes “the dragon shape” is heads of the 12 shape, obviously its importance. In the Chinese boxing imitating various animals carriage, every twists the waist, to open the body, to the coiling'twisting 2 proud be lively, the empty spirit does not stagnate, takes as an example in “the dragon”. In 12 shape's Long Xing, on a left right rudder the trace gets up, gets up like bends down the dragon to ascend to heaven; Even spatial downward divides falls, falls like the thunderclap hammering place; The trace kicks forward drills the fist right, just like bleeding heart glorybower. Hangs the body when airborne, drills, tramples, throws, seizes, fingernail of the exhibition four limbs like dragon shape; When its about falls to the ground, two like dragons must. Its shape but meets its Italy likely, namely thinks “shape Italy” the fist. The carriage looks at the waist vigor, the carriage take the waist as the control. The waist is expensive “the pine”, the pine namely empty, empty then works; Must “supple”, is supple and is loose, only then can the coiling'twisting 2 proud. Prohibited that fills the chest, the drum abdomen, so that the waist hard body is dull. The leg, is the skill at martial arts foundation. That one kind of skill at martial arts, has not paid great attention the legs and waist, if wants the foundation to be stable, must many work hard from the legs and waist. But this “dragon shape” twists on the body the trace, solid exercises legs and waist's ingenious method, if can 夠 go to practice repeatedly many times, then how knew its effect. 2nd, tiger shape The tiger, is kings of the hundred beast. Takes the tiger shape in the skill at martial arts very many, also expresses one kind of biggest authority in the symbol. Tiger's overwhelming power, stems from the manner, what is of very practical use in outside is a lackey, sends outside from the roar. The brave fighter wrestles the thing, as soon as soon as for throws, raises. Throws friendly the animal, has the tiger to have the leopard, the potential which the tiger throws is fierce, the leopard throws the potential lives, “throws the vigor” in the shape fist, namely access method throwing in the tiger. In the Chinese boxing imitating various animals knee hits: “the knee hits several people to be unclear, the seeming brave fighter leaves the timber crib, transfers with the body is not stopping the potential, about clearly dials willfully good.” , in the Chinese boxing imitating various animals buttocks tail hits: “the buttocks tail hits, takes off and lands does not see the shape, the seeming brave fighter sits lies in the hole. ” this arranges “the tiger shape”, is really one throws the potential, Chen Shichang shouts is “the tiger throws the child”. Step with Yu Baoquan, but the arrow step coordinates to throw the potential to greatly be farther; The technique from divides the fist, but the tiger shape is a double wedge. Divides the fist is divides, the tiger shape is throws, by divides changes throws, by throws changes grasps. Tiger shape's turning around, must pay great attention the carriage, the implication knee hits and the buttocks tail fighting method. With tiger Xiao, what is different is the manner and the impressive and dignified manner. Therefore practice tiger shape, also cannot practice the tiger class dog, also cannot copy tiger Xiao? . Shape Italy! Shape Italy! It cares again.
3rd, monkey shape Apes and monkeys's wisdom, is only inferior to the humanity; But quadrumana life in wooded mountain, it lively agile? Is the humanity. In the skill at martial arts, has takes the monkey shape specially the monkey boxing, from becomes a gateway, obviously its importance. In Chinese boxing imitating various animals monkey shape, then takes the carriage which it dodges, transfers, prances; As well as tricky, takes the technique which, picks, buckles; On gouges out an eye, gets down kicks cloudy, throws the chest. Although its movement not very many, however monkey shape utilization, roughly ready. Moreover the top three groups advance on, all aims at people's strategic point, Chen Shichang is called “the extreme methods”, abstains the scholar to know do not use, by against raises hand to offend somebody! 4th, Ma Xing Ma Chengqi the thoroughbred horse, the number fine horse, has leaps the happy heart, has the hissing sound wind generally. Thoroughbred horse foot? Leaps, has collapses potential of the cloud row of electricity; The Japan good great distance, has shrinks Shan Tuishu energy. Therefore takes Ma Xingwei the fist, should with the black horse thoroughbred horse fine horse, not probably look like the lame donkey nag. In Chinese boxing imitating various animals Ma Xing, takes it? Leaps raises the hoof. Chen Shi gives, for both hands rise. Useful single-handed about trades, seeing of according to the author, both hands rise, the single-handed rise is complete, but both hands rise, may have meaning of the diverse, divides the host auxiliary shape. When application, then does not arrest single both hands, as soon as the skill turns namely hits, did not need the major rises and falls. 5th, tuo shape tuo, and the alligator is similar, shouts is vulgarly “? Husband's mother dragon”. The ancient times “yuan, tuo, the flood dragon, the dragon” will list as similar. tuo, is one kind of fierce animal, long may amount to ten meters, with fable in dragon resembling, grows in the rivers and streams, can destroy the Shen ships, injure the human and animals. tuo, although is not the common animal, but in the imagination, takes it a minute wave to break by twisting in hands the wave in the water, swings the shoulder to shake the back, in the pictographic like water tours the dragon, the power and influence is fierce, this is in the Chinese boxing imitating various animals “tuo the shape”. Practices tuo the shape hand, gets up when drills, the hand before the mouth puts out, like tuo water of injection water arrow dragon; Turns when falls, outward the cloud divides, if tuo fingernail of the dragon, divides the wave to break by twisting in hands the wave, but to vanguard. tuo the shape step, about marches forward alternately; tuo shape The body, along with the step about qi the line, swings the shoulder to shake the back, like tuo dragon in water wave tuck dive.
6th, the chicken shape chicken leg, the chicken step, are one of Chinese boxing imitating various animals essential factors, is also one of Chinese boxing imitating various animals characteristics, therefore the chicken shape has the component very much in the Chinese boxing imitating various animals. In the chicken shape's use, most general has “the standing on one leg”, “the golden rooster calligraphy stroke rice”, “the golden rooster to pick out the plume” and so on names and the movement, perhaps slightly has discrepancies, but the intention is invariable. Snake-shaped and picks out the plume movement to be similar, but the usage reality is not same, this is needs to manage other. . Chen Shi in the model farm instruction chicken shape, at first only practices? Shape calligraphy stroke rice type two, turn around to divide the fist left, is back and forth same. In addition has the sheath four, or said that the chicken the snake gathers the shape. The Chen teacher once advised personally the cloud: 'the chicken snake gathers the shape, before the reality is the chicken shape. When posts-edit the teaching material, (chicken snake gathers it shape) to do the chicken shape.'Therefore this chapter chicken shape, was before is called the chicken snake to gather the shape. However already gathers the chicken snake the shape to take the chicken shape, then snake-shaped movement, the chicken said that its movement name “picks out the plume”, only then gathers actual. But in this, also does not call snake-shaped, also did not say that picks out the plume, the chicken said that its movement name is “turns round to select the palm”, in this explanation, enables the reader to understand clearly! 7th, kite shape (one) kite shape generalization The kite, is belongs to the raptatores, the hawk is. In the martial arts take “the turning around, the kite puts on the forest” common as. Turning around, and lists as one of eight types (is not eight types which Chinese boxing imitating various animals called). This kite shape, by 'puts on the forest' primarily. Before putting on the forest, must exercise self-restraint; After putting on the forest, spreads the wings the slanting minute. Turns round with to divide the palm, but includes “the turning around” meaning. Only the kite shape still 衹 had left -like to launch, but not right -like. The author is insensitive, tastes in the practice, turns round from left -like, to meet practices right -like, then Cheng Youzuo has the right. Chen Shimu it, also adds commending! Because in 12 shapes “the monkey shape, the kite shape”, all joins right -like, has left also has the right, chats makes up the original insufficiency, has arbitrarily place of by no means the additions and deletions, wonder the utilization, saves wholeheartedly; But the god bright it, cares about its person. The study gentlemen, must from the change magical powers, not be possible to rigidly adhere to the shape, must extend its Italy, namely so-called “understands”. (two) kite shape abstract This kite shape, the rise and fall, have “exercise self-restraint, put on the forest, to spread the wings” the third-order change. Constituted the left hand in a front small circle, the right hand before an under on great-circle. If practices the right -like kite shape, then the right hand circles a small circle before, left hand before under on circles a great-circle. When takes away the foot, outside two goes around the waist, the movement which the right hand revolves is big. When suspends the foot, the right hand drill leaves, before gathering, the movement to circle a great-circle. When progress, the left palm divides. By takes away the foot to suspend the foot, two go around, on the right fist drills, then becomes potential of the turning around.
8th, Yan Xing (one) swallow shape generalization In the Chinese boxing imitating various animals, takes the birds to have the kite, the swallow, the inferior horse, the hawk four kinds. The kite, the inferior horse, the hawk three, belong to the raptatores, takes its 慓 fierce nature or the sharp claws, only Yan Xingqu its dexterous. Main Yan Xing, is “the swallow copies the water” the potential. Copies the water to be also called plunders the water, or the named plunders the wave, the significance is the same. The swallow copies potential of the water, must forward the trace to get up, falls when like pastes the horizontal flight. Dragon shape upward vertical, Yan Xing is forward vertical. The chicken shape has the brace palm, Yan Xing also has the brace palm. However the chicken shape is the left hand brace, Yan Xingdu is with the right hand brace. The movement is similar, the intention is respectively different. The chicken shape supports the palm like to shake the plume, Yan Xingcheng the palm like dovetail. Must looking from each shape, not probably looking from some type. 9th, snake-shaped (one) snake-shaped generalization Long Heshe is similar, but the dragon shape coiling'twisting 2 proud, winds snake-shaped. Snake of the dichroa febrifuga, strikes its, then the tail should, strike its should, strikes his/her the abdomen head and tail to be supposed. The Shaolin five fists, by practice breathing exercises snake-shaped, are joined eat two figure of like snakes to spit the letter. Shape and Italy this snake-shaped fist, also cannot surpass this scope. If Eight Diagrams snake-shaped palm, even said that the Taijiquan also “contends with by the magpie snake” causes the motive, although but regardless of what kind of skill at martial arts, form but extremely? Winds is actually is interlinked, the Chinese boxing imitating various animals what can the exception. This snake-shaped, two like snake heads, the finger like snake letter, the arm like snake body, coils around winds, although the snake-shaped strong point, the movement are not to the utmost many, but effect actually, if can the same Eight Diagrams palm and the Shaolin snake boxing, achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, was more wonderful. (two) snake-shaped abstract The snake-shaped movement, may divide into three levels: “opens, gathers, selects”. By opens gathers; By gathers selects; By selects opens. When opens, around two separates in-line like; Gathers, the hand downward drills by on from the bosom, two hand over a business to another, Qu Tuidie body; Selects, sits the hind leg, before, on selects, outside under presses. According to: Shape Italy various fists, are upward drill, only then the snake-shaped hand downward drills; The Eight Diagrams put on the palm, toward the outside puts on by in; The Chinese boxing imitating various animals snake-shaped actually from top to bottom puts on drills, differently in this. 10th, bird Taiwan shape Bird Taiwan shape generalization In the Chinese boxing imitating various animals takes the bird shape to have the kite, the swallow, the inferior horse, the hawk four kinds. (chicken, although is birds, but has lost bird, therefore idea) the kite, the swallow, the hawk, all the human did not know very well, the bird is only unclear. Tests the related Chinese boxing imitating various animals the writings, how says bird's shape unexpectedly incompetently; Looks up in a dictionary, actually does not have this “” the character; Once lifted asks the Chen teacher, the teacher cloud: “is in the wild wilderness one kind of fierce bird.”But was still unable to give the concrete explanation. How to know this shape? 衹 had in the shape movement seeks. The shape is also both hands' movement, also has the tiger shape and the horse shape in the Chinese boxing imitating various animals. Tiger shape both hands in left or go around right, Ma Xing is frontage goes around respectively toward about. Shape two revolve, is just opposite with the horse shape's heading. Ma Xing is from the next minute, winds; The shape is from minute, circles. The shape and the kite shape movement is similar, but the kite shape is the single-handed impact, but the shape is actually both hands impact. As for shape step, with artillery fist, tiger shape, horse shape resembling. Bird Taiwan shape abstract The bird Taiwan shape movement, may divide into three steps: The double arm intersects to raises. The double fist separates circles outward, returns to the waist. The double fist attacks forward from the waist. The above three steps, two circle respectively, starts once again, about carries on. Runs out when according to the shape double fist, sets up the fist, about relative, to be away from usefully approximately ten to 20 centimeters. Chen Shi gives, by sets up the fist to continue to run out forward, right fist slanting toward left, left fist slanting toward right, by sets up the fist to become the cloudy fist, two wrists fold, two arms overlapping. By overlapping raises, retraces the waist separately, is by gathers divides; Runs out again by the waist overlapping folds, is by divides and gathers. As soon as so one point gathers, the relationship of form and spirit is all wonderful! 11th, hawk Gathers shape 12, Xiong ~ying Xiong Hexing the generalization Chinese boxing imitating various animals pictographic understanding, although takes the shape many five line of 12 shape, but turns over to it in “the hawk bear” two shapes. The Chinese boxing imitating various animals has the song saying: “hawk Xiong Jing the will, the access method is a fist. The masculine and feminine elements agrees without consultation, source of the shape Italy.” Therefore the Chinese boxing imitating various animals, the reality stems from the hawk bear two shapes, also induces in the hawk bear two shapes. All the limbs and bones, extend it to positive, to shrink it cloudy. Positivity, hawk potential; Cloudy, Xiong Shi. Gets up drills falls turns likely the hawk, the top of the head item? Looks like the bear. Enterprising elephant hawk, defensive likely bear. In each in the formula, does not leave the masculine and feminine elements, does not leave the offense and defense, does not leave drills falls turns and the top of the head item? , therefore each in the formula, does not leave the hawk bear. In 12 shapes, by Long Huwei the head, take hawk Xiong Hexing as finally, the reality includes “the next to last act” intention, and takes “the hawk bear” is “the hero” harmonics, also includes is proud proudly “the technique is extraordinary” the psychology. Practices “the hawk shape” only, with divides the fist movement to be the same, is only divides divides the fist to be lower than, moreover offends including the eagle claw takes meaning. Other practice 12 shapes, also will have “the hawk, the bear” two shapes, will practice separately, Chen Shiyan: “the hawk bear two shapes, originally gather the shape. Separates for the hawk shape bear shape, is the posterity changes, conforms to 12 numbers in order.”Because of hawk Xiong Hexing, although has 12 shapes, but only then 11, if the hawk, the bear two shapes practices separately, then had 12. Zha Yingxing divides fist's distortion, the bear shape as if lacks mobile, enterprising insufficient, is inferior to hawk Xiong Hexing the structure to be precise, but shape Italy is perfect. Actually this “hawk Xiong Hexing”, may also say that is stubborn step divides the fist. Which one is “the hawk”, which one is “the bear”? Chen Shiyan: “flushes lifts upwardly is a hawk, falls turns is a bear downward. Hawk, bear; UK, male. Hero.”The author presses: Chen Shici the word, is refers to the hawk bear two shapes the approximate distinctions. Simpleminded Italy thinks in the hawk has the bear, also has the hawk in the bear. If lift to positive to overshooting, gets up drills likely the hawk, but a top of the head item of vertical stroke is a bear; If falls for the cloudy elephant bear, but Xiong Banger uses the eagle claw, in this hawk to have the bear, in the bear has the hawk? Cloudy to have the positivity, positive has cloudy? “hawk Xiong Jing the will, the access method is a fist. The masculine and feminine elements agrees without consultation, source of the shape Italy.” 12 shape fist formula in verse: Long Xing formula in verse: Long Xingshu searches for the bone energy cloudy, about leaps step uses the supple merit. The double palm puts on the flower to add the rise, two legs replace must be quick. Tiger shape formula in verse: The tiger shape is the positive strength is fierce, jumps the gorge to search for the mountain it energy. Starts running when adds double drills, the double palm holds the gas to throw like the wind. Monkey shape formula in verse: The monkey shape is light and lively vertical light, vigilant climbs agilely energy. Holds in the mouth in the rope Canada to hang India, digs up the pole to add the palm to the throat. Ma Xing formula in verse: Ma Youchui the 韁 vigorous hoof merit, jumps the gorge rate of march like wind. The pubic region hugs was mad that the double fist binds, about double flushes is true feelings. tuo shape formula in verse: tuo the natural most spirit swims, about dials the water is the real shape. Also has drills Italy to add the side to hit, glances right and left to block uses. Chicken shape formula in verse: The golden rooster announces the dawn the independence energy, shakes the plume assuming an awe-inspiring pose battle to be brave. After the independence is first left, right Italy, the rice seizes the rice top carriage line. Yan Xing formula in verse: The bramble finch copies the hydro energy lithely, spreads the wings backward the quick like wind. On the request raises pulls up three copies the water, the complete movement must be light and lively. Kite shape formula in verse: The kite has exercises self-restraint into the forest energy, also has the turning over to drill the day merit. First after exercising self-restraint enters the forest, drills around the day turning over with. Snake-shaped formula in verse: The snake body dials the grass to be light exquisite, expands and contracts encircles pleasant energy. About dials is slanting depending on hits, perverse reason ridge mesozoic. Bird Taiwan shape formula in verse: The bird Taiwan nature is straightest can set upright the tail, the top carriage whereabouts uses the fist line. In spreads the wings to have pulls the type, the modest solid abdomen real road becomes. Hawk shape formula in verse: Hawk Zhang Lie the ruthless capture energy, on resembles divides under the fist to seize the merit. The left right side may the onset and retreat, drill turns picks seizes is true feelings. Xiong Xing formula in verse: The bear condition calm might is fierce, in vulva in positive fluctuation. In binds turns has the horizontal fist, about squint rise from. Hawk bear joint performance Hawk bear joint performance: The hawk bear joint performance fist palm changes, has the hawk to fall the bear to walk nearby two. Drills when raises must fully the meaning, falls when the vigor passes through hao sends. Shape Italy 12 shape fists: Long Xing, tiger shape, monkey shape, Ma Xing, monkey shape, tuo shape, chicken shape, kite shape, Yan Xing, snake-shaped ' Bird Taiwan shape. The hawk shape, Xiong Xing, the dynamic phantom/spot go in have a look!
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