


高三英语unit10The trick.


Three students are searching the roomof  Linda bell who has disappeared.One of them is worried about her.

I'm sure She'll just turn up.I guess she'sgone to visit some friends in another town.

Yes, that's possible, but we can't besure.Something may have happened to her.She might have had an accident.

It seems she has in class on Fridayafternoon. But no one has seen her since.

Her clothes are here or at least most ofthem.So I don't think she's left the college.And her papers and books are allover the desk.So it looks as if she meant to return.

I'm worried that something has happened toher.It's not like her to have missed two days of classes.

Can you find her purse?If she's gonesomewhere, she will have taken it.

I can't find it. There are just a few loosecoins at the back of the drawer.

What about her money belt?She usually wearsthat round her middle when she goes out.

I can't find that either.

Just a minute.She's taking the bag thatusually sits on Top of the cupboard .Obviously she's gone somewhere to stay.

In actual fact, I think you're right.And Ican't find her passport anywhere.So she must have taken that too.

It looks as if she's gone away for a fewdays.

The trick.

Bill banks was extremely worried.In hiscase, he had an unfortunate computer program for a new type of defense satellitewhich he was taking to Japan.He has picked it up from a research station in thedesert the day before.Now he was in cairo, the capital of Egypt.Once again, hepaused in front of a shop window as though he was admiring something, thenglanced over his shoulder before continuing down the  street.The two menwere still following him that was certain.Bill recognized the one with abeard.He was sure they wanted to catch him before he could get to theairport.What can I do? He asked himself.Surely there was somewhere in cairowhere he could escape from them.Ah he said aloud. He had had a suddenthought.He stopped in front of another shop window and thought carefully for afew  seconds.Now...What was the name of the hotel he had stayed in thelast time he was in cairo?Which floor  had he stayed on?In a flash heremembered everything and a plan began to form in his mind.He held out his handand stopped a taxi.Pyramid hotel, he said to the driver.

On his arrival, he went straight to thecounter and spoke to the clerk in uniform behind it.He appeared calm. Butinside his heart was beating wildly with fear.I'd like a room for one night.Hesaid and showed the clerk a little drawing that he had done in the taxi.Theclerk was very helpful and was able to give bill exactly the room herequired.Bill did not go up to his bedroom immediately.The two men had followedhim to the hotel in another text. And well now watching him through the glassdoors of the hotel entrance.Bill had a look around.There was only one entranceto the hotel.The two men could see him leave the hotel, or they could followhim upstairs, break into his room and steal his case.Bill felt a little saferdownstairs.Outside the entrance is due to police officers with guns.In the longpassages of this hotel, it might be dangerous to walk alone.He might beattacked and have his case stolen from him.

He walked over to one of the telephonesand called his friend Mick miles.Make this is important.I'm being followed.Canyou come at once to pyramid hotel?How quickly can you get here? Good, when youarrive, go to the clerk at the desk. Ask for me by name but  don't say myname aloud.Just should collect a piece of paper with my name driving onit.Don't go to my room.Telephone my room from downstairs.Listen don't sayanything and don't repeat anything.That's very important.I will tell you whatto do.Bring your passport with you and lots of money.You are going to Japaninstead of me.

Bill walked around the ground floor ofthe hotel and bought a magazine from the bookshop.He glanced at his watch onceagain and then looked at the front Entrance.All said a taxi was driving up tothe hotel, it stopped and a tall fireman with the sunglasses  got out..Billsmiled to himself and began to feel less anxious.Then he walked up to thecounty and spoke to the clerk.Please can someone show me to my room?i’d prefersomeone large,he thought to himself.They took the lift to the fourth floor andwent to the to room4 11.Bill entered the room had a look around and smiled,this was perfect.

The man with a beard smiled tohimself.This was perfect.Right now he had two men outside the hotel. He had twomen inside the entrance,two on the stairs. And he was sure to make a lot ofmoney.

The moment he entered the room,Billfixed the chain across the door.Then quickly and quietly he pushed a tableagainst the door.Someone knocked at the door and he felt afraid for amoment.Just then the telephone began to ring.

One hour later.Make was all right at theairport waiting to get on the aircraft Japan.This was a strange adventureindeed.He had never been to Japan before. But now he had the chance.He put hishand instead in his case and felt the flat box containing the computer program--Itwas safe with him.He wondered whether bill had managed to escape.And what acurious hotel it was.It was perfect for a trick like this.

The two men forced open the door of room411.Broke off the chain and pushed the table to one side.They found themselvesnext to a bathroom at the bottom of a flight of 12 stairs.They run up thestairs into the room.The room was Empty.Was this a trick?.That was nowhere to hide.Thewindow was open, but it was not possible to climb out of the window because itwas too high.They turned around and stood in the middle of the room ,completelyastonished.12 more steps that up to another door, on the other side of whichwas room 511.They looked at each other and shook their heads.The man with thebeard was going to be very unhappy.

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