

高三英语unit14 roots

高三英语unit14 roots

Junior into the unknown.

kunta wondered why the white people haddone this to him.Born a Free man,  he was now in chains,Heavy ironchains  around his feet and hands were fixed to a metal bar that ran roundthe hall about 10 centimeters off the ground..He was just able to lie down onthe ground, but could not stand up.

He SAT in the darkness and listened to thepeople around him.One man had a head wound and was in pain..Another ,whoselanguage ,kunta understood, was crying softly to himself.kunta knew it was themiddle of the night,for through the small open window high in the wall he couldsee stars.He could also hear night insects and the sound of waves on the shore.

Printer had been seized in the forest andthen hit on the head with a hard object.When he woke up his hands and feet hadalready been tied together.What shocked him most was that the men who carriedhim wear black.He reasoned with them and try to persuade them to set himfree.But they would not listen to him.When they came to the river, a white manwas waiting in the boat for them.There was an argument about money,So it seemed,in a language that kunta did not understand.Finally kunta was thrown into thebottom of the boat and covered with an old smelly cloth.The man took him in theboat to the castle on the coast where he was now have a prisoner.

Another thing which is shocked kunta wasthat women will held in the castle too.He could hear their crying alsochildren's voices.What was to become of them all,he wondered.For all his life,he had known that people suddenly disappeared from their villages.He had knownthat it was not safe to travel alone in the forest near the coast.But why didwhite people want to catch africans and put them in chains?Would they be killedor even eaten?The situation seemed hopeless and he knew his life was in danger.

Worse was to come.A few days later, abovethe 140 black people we are taking and put on a tall sailing ship waiting offthe cost.Once on the boat, they were taken below and the trees were fixed totwo bars that ran the length of the ship.Their feet were fixed to one bar andtheir hands to another bar.Does they lay on hard wooden board, unable to standup or  move around.

The sea journey lasted over 60 days andnights.They had rough weather and kunta’s  back bled, from rolling over onthe hard wooden boards.Many of the men fell sick with fever.They signed andcried out for more water, but food and water will only given out once aday.Once in a while, sailors came down ,kunta thought, to carry sick menupstairs for treatment.When the ship finally arrived in a port, the woodencover was opened wide and kunta could see in daylight for the first time acrossthe part of the ship where he had been chained.About a 3rd of the people who hadbeen chained up below at the beginning of the journey were missing.


There is a journalist and writer living inAmerica whose name is Alex haley.In his youth, his father and grandfather oftentold him stories aboutTheir family history..A long time ago, one of hisancestors who lived in Africa went into the forest to cut out a tree to make adrum.He was caught ,put in chains and sent to america as a slave.On hisarrival, he was sold to a farmer and walked in the fields.He tried to escape,but was followed and caught.The farmer cut off part of his foot to make sure hecould not run away again.

When he became a writer, highly made up hismind to find out more about his ancestors.I want to find out more about myroots”he said.He did a lot of research and traveled around the USA looking forInformation about his ancestors.In this way, he was be able to find out wherethey lived, how much children they had and where they died and were buried.Hecollected letters and made copies of people's dairies.

But Halley was not satisfied.He did notknow from which part of Africa his ancestor had come.All he knew was that hisAfrican ancestor told his son and grandson the world in his own language forriver and guitar.

One day, Halley met an African who was fromgambia, a small country on the west coast of Africa.This person recognize thewords for river and guitar, and so Halley thought that his ancestor must havecome from gambia.

His newspaper provided him with some moneyin order that he made trouble to get there for his research.The moment hereached the country. He studied his research.He discovered that there was agroup in the east of the country that shared the same family name--Kinte.So hetraveled there to find out more.

In gambia, as in most parts of Africa,there were few written records of families history.All the stories of families,heroes,wars and journeys are passed down from generation to generation.A few peoplein each group are given the task of remembering the group's family history,that goes back over centuries.

One of these men was found and he became totell the story of his family group.After speaking for about half an hour hecame to a sad part of the family history.One day, a young man named kunta kintewent off into the forest to cut down a tree as he wanted to make a drum.He wasnever seen again.Halley jumped up and cried ,”that was my ancestor.”He hadfound his family and his roots at last.

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