

高三英语,​Unit 18 Office equipment.

高三英语,Unit18 Office equipment.

The office.

Offices cannot work properly without 30important pieces of equipment.One of the first jobs when you start work in anoffice is to learn how to use every piece of equipment.Once you have done this,you will quickly become a useful member of the team.It is better to ask forhelp at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone isrushed off their feet.

The fax machine.

The fax has greatly changed office work,especially in China.When you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, themachine reads writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters intoelectronic signals.It then sends these signals down and ordinary telephone lineto another fax machine, which changes the signals back into the shapes ofletters.You can imagine how useful this is, particularly in countries likeChina and japan, which is writing characters not letters.It is also useful forsending pictures, designs, maps, and so on.

对不对?Thinkingof fact is more expensive than posting a letter but much quicker.For example,you can send information abroad india but mainly a letter that take a week.Also, if you want to send a light to an office abroad that is in a differenttime zone, you can send a fax and it will be received even though the office isnot open.There are two other points to consider. First, remember that a fax canbe read by anyone.So be careful what you send. Fucking. Do not start fixingevery day. It is much cheaper to post or EMAIL a long report than to fax it.

The photo copies

.This makes copies using a mirror, a rollerand special black powder.Modern machines can make the copy bigger or smaller,light or dark and copy on to both sides of the paper.it can copy a long reportand sort the copies and pin them together.There is a new type of machine whichcan produce color copies.All machines are slightly different,so you need ashort lesson when you start work in a new office.

The word processor

This combines a typewriter, keyboard a printerand a computer..When you have a letter, the writing appears a screen in frontof you and is recorded onto a computer disk.When you have finished the letter,you make any changes you wish check it, and print it..If it is a long report,it is easy to make changes to the text.Then instead of spending, maybe fivehours typing the report again, you can print the new copy in one minute.

The answering machines

.This is a telephone with a tape recorder,when there is no one in the office, you can leave the answering machine on sothat people who call you up can leave a message.When you return to the officethe following morning or after the holiday, you can listen to the messages andtake any necessary action.

My offices Use answering machines to giveInformation.In March a railway station, a bus company or a cinema, which manypeople need to dream to find out times of trains buses of the films.Telephonenumber of your Information service in the newspaper.Instead of having someoneout in the phone all day, people can ring up the railway station and listen tothe a tape recording of Information.What is more, this is Information line,operate 24 hours a day.

What caused the fire?

A navy ship was in the port in scotland forrepairs.It was important to carry out the work quickly. So an extra team of menwill asked to work on the repairs one in.They have to work inside the ship,cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plates, drilling holes, layingelectrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.

The cheap studied work on a new sectioninside the ship near the front. One man was told to fix up an airline to preferto compress the air for the machines they were using.It took him some time toconnect the long rubber pipe to the air supply pipe that run round the port,Butat last it was done and as a result work was able to progress much faster.

After three hours, the man stopped for ameal break.When work continued one month lead a secret as he was walking, butfinding it had a strange taste. He put it out.Another my lead a secret, but itwon't strangely and so he too put it out.Half an hour later. Another man strucka match for a cigarette and this time the whole of the inside of the shipcaught fire.As quickly as they could the men ran to the steps and up into theopen money of them with their clothes on fire.They were puzzled by severalthings.It appeared that a fierce fire had taken place inside the ship ,butwithout damaging the walls.there had been fuel on the ship. But this did notappear to have caused the fire and little smoke was produced.The men who hadbeen working on the repairs mentioned the curious way their cigarettes burnedand tasted.The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused thefire.The question was, which one?It must have been a gas that could burn butthat would not explode.,a gays that did not smell strong, and a gays that didnot kill people.

The man who had fixed up the airline wasalso questioned. He explained that he had tried to fix the airline to thesupply line that ran round the porter but could not, because the fittings didnot match.So he had gone to the stores and had obtained a fixture that fittedboth the tape on the supply line and the end of the airline.Once he had donethis, he had been able to turn on the supply.

They need them knew that they haddiscovered the cause of the fire.The man had connected the airline to a supplyline of Oxygen., not compressed air.All city is widely used in ship repairs forcutting and joining metal plate, or pipes.Where the men had been walking insidethe ship, the airline had been giving of oxygen.Once the oxygen content of theair  had risen to 25%, it was ready to burn.The 3rd person who lit  amatch started the fire.

It was noticed that there were no signs ofwarning  on the supply lines that ran round the port.After the accident,all the lines and taps were clearly marked and new people joining the workforcewere given a talk on safety before they started work.

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