


高三英语,Unit20.  Gandhi

 Gandhi:His life.

He was called Bapu”,Meaning father.,Becausehe was the father of the indian nation of the 20th century.Even before indiawon independence from its british rulers, it was clear that gandhi was the keyfinger and leader in the struggle of 380 million indians to govern themselves.

Mohandas Gandhi was born in India in 1869,and was married at the age of 13, following local Custom.In September 1888 atthe age of 19 ,he sailed to England and after three years’ Study became alawyer.On his return to India, he had the chance to travel to south Africa towork on a law case.This experience was to change his life.

At this period indians living in southAfrica were badly treated by south African whites and very few of them had theright to vote.Gandhi was thrown off a train and later a male bus for insistingon traveling in the white only section.He was so shocked by this lack ofequality and fairness that he formed an  organization leading the Indian.s struggle for equal rights.Hequickly became the leader.

For 20 years can be played an importantrole in working for equal rights or indians.He wrote about socialism innewspapers and started a magazine called indian opinion.When he returned toIndia, he spoke in public about the situation in south Africa.South Africapassed further laws designed to make life difficult for non-Whites.All theindians over the age of eight had to carry the permits at all times.The indiansdeclared that this pass law was unfair.Some of them publicly burnt theirpermits and many of them were put in prison.Other indians were killed Whenpolice officers Fiercely. attacked their political marches.Family as a resultof the unrest among the indian population. The leader of south Africa had togive in.Gandhi won his first Non-violent struggle Against .racialdiscrimination.

Gandhi returned to India in 1950 and washonored as a hero.Over the next 32 years he fought for human rights and therights of workers who were badly treated by their employers.Finally, hedetermined an end to the British rule over India and independence for hiscountry.Because of his revolutionary bills. He spent money years in prison.Hehad a gift for thinking up with of making political points.He encouragedindians to start making their own cotton Cloth and to refuse to buy cloth madein England.Thousands joined him when he LED a March to the coast with thepurpose of making a little salt, when he reached the sea.At that time only theBritish government had the right to sell salt, which was taxed, So gandhiencouraged the whole nation to make their own salt.Following this ,60000indians including gandhi were put in prison.In the end, this political movementsucceeded and Indians. were allowed to make and sell salt.

Many other struggles followed.FinallyIndia. One her independence on august 15, 1947.But gandhi himself was shot fivemonths later by an indian who opposed his views.He died on january 30th, 1948.

Gandhi:his belief.s

Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer,a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights, and a politicalleader.He was a model of a different kind of political leader.The secret liesin the title of the book which he wrote about his early life. The story of myexperience with truth.”嗯,he felt Free to talk about his Failures or his difficulties.Where hemade mistakes, he admitted these willingly .

对,Aboveall he refused to make any personal  gain from his political work.Beforehe returned to India, he decided to live as a poor man and not to possesswealth.When he traveled across India, he Traveled. hard seat,unreservedtogether with peasants and other  ordinary people.If it is, he refused totravel in a week shop. I told you the cat pulled by a bare-footed man.He atesimply,and never ate meat.He shows early in the morning and worked at his willmaking cotton thread.He believed that everyone should be prepared to do heavywork from the leaders to the proposed peasants.

He was interested in all  spiritualmatters, not only in the indian gods.He read many books and paused in his workat six every evening for prayer, even when he was with other world leaders.Oneday a week he would spend the whole day in Silence..All his life he reached outfor the truth of spirits and gods.

Gandhi believed that one should be able to“love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself.”Gandhi hated the Custom.that  had divided hindu society into  separate groups for thousandsof years and his goal was to end this.He became a supporter of the poorestgroup in society who did the lowest paid jobs.Because of his actions. Allhindus were  finally Free to draw water from the same village well, to goto the same temple to pray and and even marry each other.

Gandhi paid great Attention to the equalityof women..Perhaps his greatest belief was in an India, phrase which he called“the fourth of truth.”if an unfair law existed,-- and There were many that hadbeen passed by the British rulers in India and south Africa--It was the duty ofeveryone to disobey this law,but without using violence.People should be readyto go to prison for their belief. But they should never take up arms to fight..

The death of gandhi gave India a chance tomourn and express how he had become” father “Itto all indians.Millions. Watchedthe slow March that took his body through the capital.A further million watchedat the fire, following indian Custom,. turned his body to ashes. 12 days later,millions more indians lined the railway tracks as a slow train took the jarcontaining his ashes 5 84 kilometers to a place by the river.3 million peoplewatched as the ashes of this great man were gently poured into the brown watersof the river that would carry them to the ocean.

At the time of his death. One personpraised him as follows.” Future generations,It may be, will hardly believe thatsuch a person as this walked upon This earth.”The speaker was albert Edison.

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