


  还记得美剧《权力的游戏》里那个为报家族血海深仇、不断拜师修炼武艺的Arya Stark吗?


  Valar Morghulis凡人皆有一死Valar Dohaeris凡人皆需侍奉


  在小狼女Arya复仇的这条路上,虽一直身处险境,却总能化险为夷,这多亏了几位人生导师(Mentor)的教导和提携,让她不论是武艺,还是心智,都有了很大的提高。你在事业上有导师吗?今天,小编就来带你梳理Arya跟随导师修炼的进击之路,给你三个关于career mentorship的小贴士~


  A mentor may not look like a mentor. Think outside your office and don''t restrict yourself.

  When you picture someone who could be your potential mentor, you likely envision someone who is buttoned-up and middle aged, who has climbed to the top of the corporate ladder. Because of this interpretation, many people feel that they can''t find a mentor, since they don''t know how to approach someone who fits that stereotypical image.

  It''s important to understand that mentors come in all shapes and sizes. They may not be in the same industry as you, or be much older than you, or match the buttoned up visual the word ''mentor'' brings to mind.

  When it comes to finding a mentor, be open-minded. Find someone you can learn from. That person can look like many different things.

  (Arya的第一任导师Syrio Forel, 教Arya使用Neddle的剑术)

  Through the five seasons of Game of Thrones, Arya has a variety of mentors. Most of whom are truly unusual men. Imagine if Arya had been closed-minded, learning only from the strong female knight Brienne of Tarth, who most closely resembles what Arya aspires to be. Arya takes advantage of the ample opportunities to learn from others.


  A coach is a powerful mentor whose lessons withstand the test of time.

  Some people only need to work with a coach for a short period of time in order to accomplish their goals. Others will work with a coach over a much longer period of time to achieve the same. Regardless of the amount of time you spend with a mentor, the lessons you learn from a great mentor should stay with you for a long time. The tools you learn should transform the way you see yourself, and the way you view the world. You may find yourself applying the lessons you learned from an influential coach many years after ceasing a relationship with him or her.

  A great example of a powerful coach from Game of Thrones is Syrio Forel. Syrio was Arya''s first mentor, and an incredibly important coach. Unlike any of the others, he was hired, and compensated for the time he spent with Arya. Originally, her father Eddard Stark hired Syrio to provide Arya with ''dancing lessons''. Although their actual relationship lasted only a very brief time, Arya applied what she learned from Syrio throughout the series. Syrio''s last appearance was in the first season, but by season four, Arya is still practicing the lessons she learned from him -- despite ridicule from her substitute mentor at the time, ''the Hound.''

  (Arya甚至拜敌人桑铎克里冈The Hound为师)

  Syrio made an incredible impact on Arya -- not just from the fighting moves she learned from him, but also the confidence he instilled in her, as well as the lessons he taught her about life and death. A good coach or mentor should provide you with powerful tools that last beyond the duration of your coaching relationship.

  (Arya的终极导师-无面者Jaqen H''ghar)


  There should be mutual respect between you and your mentor -- but it''seven better if your mentor sees something special in you.

  Because mentor relationships are often inherently unequal, there should some sort of common ground that you have with your mentor. Mentors are generally not receiving any benefit from this relationship. The most rewarding mentor you could hope to work with is one who recognizes your potential. This gives your mentor leveraging power in the future. Being the one who discovered you, they can guide you, and may be able to have a leg up on hiring you in the future -- or use your connections for themselves.

  (Tywin Lannister对Arya赞赏有加)

  This is vividly illustrated in Arya''s relationship with Tywin Lannister, the richest man in Westeros and her family''s enemy. Arya and Tywin are each looking for someone to listen to them. There is an immediate mutual respect between the two in recognition of their intelligence, which is present from the beginning of their relationship. Tywin compliments Arya on her intellect when she tells Tywin that she thought it was safer to travel dressed like a boy. Indeed, Tywin takes an almost delight in Arya''s brainpower, consistently praising her for her sharpness. Tywin admires this trait in Arya even more because of her young age and gender. This commonality allows them to develop a close relationship.

  (Tywin Lannister)

  Additionally, Tywin seems to provide a sort of support and encouragement to Arya -- one of the most beneficial things that can be offered by a mentor to his protégé. When Arya expresses her admiration for the legendary female warrior Visenya Targaryen, Tywin seems impressed and inspired. Such affirmation from a man like Tywin would likely be more than welcome for Arya, who has likely not felt acceptance since the losses of her father and her original mentor, Syrio Forel.

  Tywin recognizes that Arya''s ambitions are not baseless, and that she has the potential to be a great warrior. Discovering this brings him satisfaction.

  Even if you''re not aspiring to be a great fighter, there is much to be learned from Arya Stark and her careful selection of mentors and coaches throughout Game of Thrones.

  (Jaqen H''ghar)

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