



A tiny American town is staking its future on Chinese foodies.

LITTLE CRANBERRY ISLAND, MAINE — The long journey from this remote island of free-spirited fishermen to the most populous country in the world began, as it does most mornings, at just about sunrise. Bruce Fernald, a sixth-generation fisherman, loaded his 38-foot fiberglass boat with half a ton of bait and set out in search of Maine’s famed crustacean: the lobster.

One by one, Fernald checked the 800 traps he had placed along 30 square miles at the bottom of the Gulf of Maine. He quickly hauled each wire cage onto his boat, reached a gloved hand inside and plucked out the lobster lurking within. The young ones, the breeders and the crusty old ones were thrown back into the water. The rest were dropped into a saltwater tank to keep them alive and energetic on their 7,000-mile trip to China.

“Just do everything you can to not stress them out,” Fernald, 64, said of his cargo. “The less stressed they are, the more healthy they’ll be, just like people.”

Little Cranberry, an island of 70 inhabitants, and China, a nation of 1.4 billion people, increasingly find themselves connected by the shifting currents of the world economy. The rise of China’s middle class has coincided with a boom in Maine’s lobster population, resulting in a voracious new market for the crustaceans’ succulent, sweet meat. Exports of lobsters to China, nonexistent a decade ago, totaled $20 million last year. The bright red color of a lobster’s cooked shell is considered auspicious, making it a staple during Chinese festivals and at weddings.

The lobster’s tale is a testament to the complexities of the global marketplace — and a reminder that the line between economic winners and losers is not always clear. China has played the villain from Wall Street to the presidential campaign trail, blamed for plunging stock markets, the downfall of developing nations and the disappearance of blue-collar jobs, including in Maine, where the closure of lumber and pulp factories have left thousands of workers unemployed.

Yet the reality is more nuanced. Even as foreign competition has devastated parts of the U.S. economy, China ranks among the biggest international customers for a vast array of other industries, from ginseng to airplanes to pork. Maine lobsters are just a tiny sliver of the $116 billion in annual exports to China, a figure that has nearly tripled in the past decade.


Thunder Cats
2:43 PM GMT+0800
it's not because their palette change, the real reason is because they wouldn't eat the damn counterfeit crap they manufactured in their country such as egg yolks, rice grain, vegetables, you named it. Thanks to American that made them rich, they can afford the expensive imports real ingredients while they export all the counterfeit crap to the rest of the world. Better think twice before buying any food ingredients coming from China.
2:29 PM GMT+0800
Make a deal; they can buy all the lobster they want if they stop eating cats, dogs and endangered species
2:26 PM GMT+0800
We export healthy lobsters to China but import fish and shrimp from breeding farms from SE Asia that are toxic due to the over antibiotics they give them. 
We should be selling our own lobsters to our own American people instead of importing toxic fish and shrimp..

PS: Any fish or shrimp you by that says 'farm raised' has a great chance it was from SE Asia.

William Foss
2:20 PM GMT+0800
The US spends 7% of its income on food, the lowest of any industrialized nation on the planet. When another country values our prized 
natural assets like lobster more than we do, what do you think will happen? So enjoy your fake 99 cent hamburger and cancer and the plastic patio set you bought from Costco made in China that will be junk in 2 years and wonder why you have diabetes. Get your priorities straight and eat what we are sending somewhere else.

2:19 PM GMT+0800
Maybe I am missing the point here, but do I sense that the Chinese are being blamed for woes of Maine lobster fishing? No question in my mind that Maine lobster is the best worldwide, but it is being overfished. That is not anybody's fault except the locals who need to cut back what they are pulling in. Yeah, probably means that some lobstermen are going to have to find a new occupation....they wouldn't be the first or the last. Talk to some of the [people in the rust belt.

2:25 PM GMT+0800 [Edited]
You're missing the point. There is a total glut of lobsters (possibly because Cod has been fished out of the North Atlantic). And there is a demand in China. So, sure it's like gold for the locals. They should sell it to the Chinese for $1000 a pound.

Sean Nguyen
1:56 PM GMT+0800
I agree with 
bpai_99, let them eat lobster. It is fine as long as money go to USA.
1:50 PM GMT+0800
Let them eat lobster.
1:50 PM GMT+0800
'But for Fernald’s catch today, he would get just $4.50 a pound'. In China, 'The crustacean sells for roughly $42 a pound'. Wow, I guess there is a transportation cost, but my guess is that there are LOTS of middlemen who are profiting mightily from this lobster business.

Yoshi Hito
2:11 PM GMT+0800
Isn't that the same thing the 'US' does??? 'China' manufacture a widget for a 'buck' and by the time it hits the consumer its $19.99....
Peter Nguyen
1:44 PM GMT+0800
I always wish someday to try lobsters from Maine, but now I'm afraid I won't be able to taste them. If the Chinese buy all the Maine lobsters then at least it's the return of the US dollar back to where they came from. Good for China.
我一直期待某天能吃到缅因龙虾,但如今恐怕没机会尝到它们的味道了。 如果中国买走了所有的缅因龙虾,至少流失的美元回流到了它们的故土。中国好样的。
Stephen Berson
1:42 PM GMT+0800
There are concerns American fisherman should keep in mind which is maintaining a healthy balance. Not to over fish where we end up with a shortage of lobsters for future. Not to lose jobs here at home. Foreign fisherman dont sneak in and steal our lobsters.

1:39 PM GMT+0800
Chinese is not so bad.They give lobsterman a good job.

James McLean
1:29 PM GMT+0800
Hopefully they'll end the sharkfin soup....
1:28 PM GMT+0800
Poor lobsters Chinese savages are eating them up just as they ate up American workers.
1:22 PM GMT+0800
Hopefully it'll replace the Chinese obsession over shark fin soup.
1:39 PM GMT+0800
If they are eating the rest of the shark as well, there is no problem. I've eaten shark steaks myself. My guess is that most sharks are killed both for their meat and the fins. Because of the Chinese, the fins are of higher value, but the steaks of sharks can be sold and feed huge numbers of people as well. 

Frederick Kiel
1:10 PM GMT+0800
I wonder how the Chinese cook their live lobster. I went to college in Maine, and for best taste, you plunged them live head first into boiling water. People mumbled they didn't have nerves, or few nerves, but I was never too comfortable with it. Tasted damn good, though.

1:28 PM GMT+0800
Knowing the Chinese, they cook it right, no matter what the recipe.
alice c. palmer
1:00 PM GMT+0800
I hate when our seafood goes to Asia. Asia will destroy the oceans if you let them. China town in NYC is always breaking the local fishing regulations to get fish to market. 
It should be illegal to export fish and lobsters to other countries. Ocean life went thru hell the last 30 years in US waters . We don't have enough fish to feed the world. The world depleted their fish stocks and wanna take ours.

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