

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:云海的鲸 转载请注明出处

The European Union is moving to enact adirective to double Europe’s current renewable energy by 2030. This isadmirable, but a critical flaw in the present version would accelerate climate change, allowing countries, power plants and factories to claim that cutting down trees and burning them for energy fully qualifies as renewable energy.


Even a small part of Europe’s energy requires a large quantity of trees and to avoid profound harm to the climate and forests worldwide the European council and parliament must fix this flaw.


European producers of wood products have for decades generated electricity and heat as beneficial by-products, using wood wastes and limited forest residues. Most of this material would decompose and release carbon dioxide in a few years anyway, so using them to displacefossil fuels can reduce the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere in a fewyears too.


Unfortunately, the directive moving throughparliament would go beyond wastes and residues and credit countries and companies for cutting down additional trees simply to burn them for energy. Todo so has fundamentally different consequences because the carbon released intothe air would otherwise stay locked up in forests.


The reasoning seems to be that so long asforests re-grow, they will eventually reabsorb the carbon released. Yet eventhen, the net effect – as many studies have shown – will typically be to increase global warming for decades to centuries, even when wood replaces coal,oil or natural gas.


The reasons begin with the inherent inefficiencies in harvesting wood. Typically, around one third or more of eachtree is contained in roots and small branches that are properly left in theforest to protect soils, and most of which decompose, emitting carbon. The wood that is burned releases even more carbon than coal per unit of energy generated, and burns at a lower temperature, producing less electricity –turning wood into compressed pellets increases efficiency but uses energy andcreates large additional emissions.

其原因始于木材采伐固有的低效率。通常情况下,每棵树有三分之一或更多的部分是树根和小树枝中,这些树枝恰好留在森林中以保护土壤,其中的大部分树枝会分解释放碳元素。当生产相同单位的能量时,燃烧的木材比起煤会释放更多的碳,而且木材燃烧时的温度更低,产生的电力更少 - 将木材转化为压缩颗粒可以增加木材利用率,但是这会耗费能源并产生大量额外的排放。

A power plant burning wood chips willtypically emit one and a half times the carbon dioxide of a plant burning coaland at least three times the carbon dioxide emitted by a power plant burning natural gas.

Although regrowing trees absorb carbon,trees grow slowly, and for some years a regrowing forest absorbs less carbonthan if the forest were left unharvested.

Eventually, the new forest grows faster andthe carbon it absorbs, plus the reduction in fossil fuels, can pay back the“carbon debt”, but that takes decades to centuries, depending on the forest type and use. We conservatively estimate that using deliberately harvested woodinstead of fossil fuels will release at least twice as much carbon dioxide tothe air by 2050 per kilowatt hour. Doing so turns a potential reduction inemissions from solar or wind into a large increase.


Time matters. Placing an additional carbonload in the atmosphere for decades means permanent damage due to more rapidmelting of permafrost and glaciers, and more packing of heat and acidity intothe world’s oceans. At a critical moment when countries need to be “buyingtime” against climate change, this approach amounts to selling the world’slimited time to combat climate change under mistaken claims of improvement.


The effect on the world’s forests, carbonand biodiversity is likely to be large because even though Europe is a largeproducer of wood, its harvest could only supply about 6% of its primary energy.For more than a decade, the increased use of biomass has been supplying roughlyhalf of Europe’s increase in renewable energy. To supply even one third of the additional renewable energy likely required by 2030, Europe would need to burnan amount of wood greater than its total harvest today. This would turn alikely 6% decrease in energy emissions by 2050 under the directive through solar and wind into at least a 6% increase.


Europe’s own demand for wood would degrade forests around the world, but if other countries follow Europe’s example, theimpacts would be even more dangerous. Instead of encouraging Indonesia andBrazil to preserve their tropical forests – Europe’s present position – themessage of this directive is “cut your forests so long as someone burns themfor energy”. Once countries are invested in such efforts, fixing the error maybecome impossible. To supply just an additional 3% of global energy with wood,the world needs to double its commercial wood harvests at great costs to carbon and wildlife.


Neither a requirement that forests bemanaged sustainably nor any other “safeguards” in the various working draftswould stop this. For example, the directive would ban wood if harvests undermined “the long-term productivity capacity of the forest”. Although thatsounds good, preserving the capacity of trees to grow back still leaves morecarbon in the air for at least decades. Restricting wood harvests to countrieswith net growing forests – another idea – would still take carbon that forestswould otherwise add to their storage and instead put it in the air without meaningfulglobal limits.


The solution is to restrict eligible forest biomass to its traditional sources of residues and waste. Legislators willlikely be able to vote on such an amendment in the parliament’s plenary.


By 1850, the use of wood for bioenergyhelped drive the near deforestation of western Europe even at a time when Europeans consumed relatively little energy. Although coal helped to save theforests of Europe, the solution is not to go back to burning forests. Asscientists, we collectively have played key roles in the IPCC, in advising European governments, and in forest and climate research. We encourage European legislators and other policymakers to amend the present directive because thefate of much of the world’s forests is literally at stake.


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