


1.    Daniel Tedesco, Recent Fulbrighter in China
Updated Jun 7, 2016
Originally Answered: What is the best way tolearn Chinese?
When I started learning Chinese, I took a bunchof classes. I took tests, made flash cards, memorized lists of vocab words,wrote thousands of characters. After a year, I realized how slowly I waslearning and decided to go my own way. I started using some of the techniquesbelow, but didn't realize the best ways to learn until I was already prettyfluent. If I had to start over, this is how I would do it:
I wouldn't spend a minute in formal classes.Don't pay thousands of dollars to sit silently in a room with 30 other peopleand listen to a teacher for six hours a day. If you're going to spend that timelearning Chinese, then spend it actively.


From the beginning, I would find 2-3 Chinesestudents to tutor me every day each day (probably still less expensive thanenrolling in a school). I would spend the entire six hours reading dialogues*aloud* from Chinese language textbooks. If I got caught up on a word orsentence, I would ask the tutor to explain and then move on. This teaches youto read, speak, and listen all at once. Skip everything else in the book. Nofill-in-the-blanks. No 听写. No lists of vocabularywords. No flash cards. If a word is important, you'll see it again. Mostimportantly, with this method, every time you see a word will be in context of actualusage and *you* will be using it.When you get through all the dialogues in abook, get a new book. Get a slightly harder one.


In your down time, watch TV and use WeChat(China's major messaging app).You probably have Chinese friends. Add them onWeChat. They definitely use WeChat. Talk to them all the time. They're probablyinterested in learning about where you come from and your perspective on theworld. Tell them. Force yourself to type in Chinese. It will be incredibly slowat first, and you might need to look up every other word. That's fine. You'llimprove quickly, because your brain will want to make communication easier foryou. (This assumes you don't need to learn how to *handwrite* Chinesecharacters. Realistically, unless you're a tattoo artist, you will probablynever need to.)


Start with children's TV shows online. But spendthe entire time listening and reading the subtitles (Chinese TV shows almostalways have subtitles). I suggest 喜羊羊与灰太狼. When you get goodenough, stop watching cartoons. Watch the news and Chinese movies. Keep readingthe subtitles, though. It will be hard. You will think there is no light at theend of the tunnel. There will be weeks when you wish you never started learningChinese. But, if you do these things every day (no cheating), you will becomefluent in 6 months or less.


2.    Kevin Dewalt, Startup founder (5), Investor(25+), and mentor (a lot). Now working on SaaS.
UpdatedSep 28, 2012
OriginallyAnswered: What is the best way to learn Chinese?
Long Answer…
I asked this Quora question when I arrived inChina and was struggling to learn Chinese.  I've recently turned thecorner and can now have day-to-day life conversations with Chinesepeople.  Although I'm nowhere near the level of proficiency I desire, Ihave found a process that is working for me and feel bit more qualified toanswer my own question. I moved to China in the Spring of 2012.  It was ahard landing for me, much harder than I expected.  In America I spentabout 6 months studying part time with software products like Memrise,Chinesepod, and Anki flashcards as well periodic lessons with 1-1 tutors. I continued this practice in China, and by May of 2012 I was intenselyfrustrated with my progress.


Chinese people had a hard time understanding evenbasic words I was saying and I understand almost nothing of what I heard. Fortunately my hours using Memrise had given me a good grasp of pinyin andknowledge of about 1,000 characters, so at least I could use SMS to communicateas a last resort.  But overall I realized that if I didn't find a betterapproach to start rapidly improving I was on the road to becoming anotherWesterner who tried to learn and gave up. Out of sheer frustration I startedreaching out to people like Daniel Tedesco (see his answer) and others foradvice.  I took Benny Lewis ('fluent in 3 months') to dinner andgot his advice.  I was shocked at the wide range of opinions, somestrongly held.  Some of the advice was helpful, some (like 'just geta Chinese girlfriend') was useless to happily married me.  


Every Westerner I met who was'fluent' (1) spent at least several months studying Chinese fulltime, and (2) spent massive amounts of time speaking 1-1 with native Chinesepeople. Of course this doesn't mean that software products, classrooms, andstudying part time don't help - I just didn't meet anyone who had used themsuccessfully. So in early June I decided to give myself a 3-month deadlineof getting to basic efficiency or give up.  I stopped taking meetings inBeijing, stopped work on any other projects, and dedicated myself full time, 7days a week to learning Chinese.  


I increased my 1-1 time with Chinese teachersfrom ~8 hours/week to ~25.  I found two great teachers(one from a school in Beijing http://www.livethelanguage.cn/,one referred by another American expat) and worked with them 1-1 for 3-6 hoursper day, 7 days/week.  These 3-hour sessions were exhausting at times. Outsideof class I got stacks of spoken Chinese textbooks with MP3 recorders.  Ispent hour after hour listening to MP3s, reading dialogs, and asking myteachers for help whenever I didn't understand a word or grammar. Whenever I could listed to the MP3 at full speed and read and understand theentire dialog I would move on, never going back, always moving on to the nextdialog.  No flashcards, no textbook exercises (unless part ofspeaking with my teachers).  


I started watching episodes of 喜羊羊与灰太狼 per Daniel's advice.  I could not (and still can't) follow thedialog at full speed, so my teacher would transcribe the dialog for me and Iwould study it as well.  With my teacher I would explain the entireepisode to her, ask questions, and attempt to use the new words and grammarfrom the episode.  When I could watch it at full speed and understandeverything I would move on.  Sometimes I would have to see the same wordmultiple times before getting it. Since I never hand write English, I decidednot to learn how to write Hanzi characters except 一 、二、三 :-).  But I did type Hanzi everyday, typing out homeworkassignments, creating my own fictional dialogs, and writing stories. Every day I read them with my teacher, get errors corrected, and talk aboutthem.


I looked for every daily life opportunity tospeak Chinese.  Before going to get a haircut/buy something/to arestaurant I would write out fictional dialogs about what I planned to do, thenI would read and discuss them with my teachers.  Then I would go out anduse the language in the wild, making mistakes and stumbling throughit.  I tried (not always successfully) to not use English.  If Itook an evening off and watched an English TV program or spoke English withfriends I found the next day's class particularly tough.  In retrospect,my episodes of progress came when I went into Chinese and never came out forlong stretches of time.
But it has been very hard and many times I just wantedto quit.And...it worked.  By the end August, my 3 month deadline, I wasable to carry out basic life conversations.  I still plan on working1-1 with teachers a few hours a day, reading Chinese, and writing at everyopportunity.  In retrospect, my advice is…


(1).  If life allows it, dedicate 6months, full time, 24x7 to studying and using Chinese when you arrive inChina.  There is so much basic life stuff to organize when you get hearanyway and you can use your time with teachers or students to learn how to usethe bank, get a haircut, etc.
(2).  Find a way to spend 20-30hours/week in one-on-one dialog with native speakers.  Professionalteachers are the best if you can afford it ($5-$20 USD/hour) but you can alsoget students and tutors if necessary.  
(3).  Be patient, be determined. It is so hard but it gets better.


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