


Increasing human lifespan risks turning huge numbers of people into walking zombies because experts are not close to solving the problem of dementia and brain cell loss, a leading scientist has warned.


Labs across the world are trying to tackle the causes of ageing, and have recently made important breakthroughs in understanding why cells grow old and die, and how to stop the process.


Likewise improvements in treating diseases like cancer, and advances in vaccination and nutrition, mean populations are living longer than ever.


The oldest person to have ever lived, Jeanne Calment, died at the age of 122, and scientists now think that 120 is around the maximum age humans could live to, unless they embarked on a hugely restrictive diet which could push the window to 180.

世界上最长寿的人Jeanne Calment于122岁去世,科学家们现在认为120岁是人类能活到的最大年龄,除非他们开始严格控制饮食,否则这一数字可能会达到180岁。

But Mauro Giacca, Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences at King’s College London, said keeping the body alive for longer is pointless unless we can learn to tackle neurodegeneration and work out how to regenerate brain cells.


“Why do we age? The short answer is we just don’t know,” he told a symposium at The Francis Crick Institute in London. “There are more than 30 theories about why humans age. It’s probably a patchwork of different problems.

“我们为什么会变老?简短的回答是,我们只是不知道。” 他在伦敦弗朗西斯克里克研究所的一个研讨会上说,“关于人类为什么会衰老的理论有30多种。这可能是各种问题的拼凑。”

“If there was a world where we were vaccinated and free of disease would we live forever? Absolutely not.It is likely there is a biological clock which sets human life around 120 and we are programmed not to live longer than that.”


“But the probability of undergoing dementia is increasing with the passing of age and the risk we are facing as we trigger regeneration, and recover limbs, is if we don’t find a way to regenerate the brain we will increase the number of perfectly functioning bodies but with poorly functioning brains.”


Around 850,000 people in Britain are currently living with dementia a figure that is expected to hit one million by 2025.


Yet although billions of pounds has been spent trying to a drug to halt or reverse dementia, there is still no therapy, and several pharmaceutical companies have now pulled out of research because of ongoing setbacks.
Scientists are divided on what causes ageing and what can be done about it.


Theories of why humans grow old include the ‘free radical theory’ which suggests that as mitochondria - the cell batteries - burn up oxygen as a fuel they also produce unstable compounds which rampage through the body damaging important molecules and proteins.


However despite many claims that anti-oxidants could prevent ageing, no studies have shown they actually make a difference.


Ageing may also be caused by senescence, when a cell goes dormant, unable to replicate but still alive so it is not cleared out by the body’s waste system. Growing older may also be price of tumour suppression, killing off cells before they have the chance to become cancerous, some scientists believe.


The only proven way to prevent ageing is to restrict calories to around two thirds of usual intake, which has been shown in animals to extend lifespan by around 50 per cent. For humans that would mean potentially living to 180.


“There are people who follow this regime, but it’s very difficult. Our brain is wired to search for food and eat as much as it can,” added Prof Giacca.”


Nobody even knows why some animals live longer than others. There is a theory that bigger animals live longer, but it doesn’t always hold true, and we don’t know why it would be.


But what we do know is that we lost 80,000 neurons every day, and we haven’t yet found a way to regenerate them, so a person who reaches 80 or 90 has already lost about 10 to 15 per cent of their brain, which is why they think and move more slowly.


“And that’s before diseases like Alzheimer’s where you have accelerated neuron loss, so if you don’t deal with those problems you could end up with a healthy heart but a head that is stupid.”



There's a difference between living your life and just being alive. When you're unable take care of your basic needs, it's time to go. Who wants to be fed, diapered, bathed etc like a helpless baby? Everything alive has to die.


Great to know! But just look at the what's going on in the world out there - you don't have any choice but to conclude people's brains are committing suicide.


The Divine     7 hours ago
We WILL increase human lifespan AND we will also enhance intelligence even in a population that stays alive for a very, very long time. It gets even better than that.


I have read an article written by an American scientist. Every 150 years after death, people are born again. The professor's research comes from comparing the genes of modern humans with the large data of well-preserved corpses. Genes resemble 99% of two people every 150 years, and this theory conflicts with modern atheism in quantum mechanics. But the professor's research is very rigorous, a large number of data as the basis for the final conclusion.


According to the biological principle of nature, the life span of mammals is 5-6 times of its growth cycle, and that of human beings should be about 120 years. The growth period of a person is marked by the age at which the last tooth grows, that is, about 20 to 25 years old. Therefore, people's life span is 100 to 125 years old. Normally, it will not be shorter than 100 years old, nor longer than 150 years old.


At present, the average age of human beings is far below this theoretical level. It is mainly caused by our living habits and living environment. Previously, human beings had no industrial pollution and faced mainly natural disasters. But with the rise of industry, the environment we live in has been destroyed, which has also affected human health. At the same time, we should also see that the development of industry and the progress of science and technology have brought incomparable benefits to mankind.


Then you will have plenty of 'body donors'. If we don't severely reduce the population expansion rate, we are all going to starve before increasing life span becomes a problem.


You don't ave to be old to be a zombie just look at all the folks glued to their cellphones!


Many issues with man are those created by man.


Hahaha we already have them, theyre called Liberals and watch CNN


Can you imagine a world where Trump is forever your immortal President? Think I'd rather have a dose of Alzheimer's


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