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《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》特别指出,“信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响,必须予以高度重视”。要全面提高高等教育质量,提高人才培养质量,提升科学研究水平,必须加快教育信息化进程。一方面要加快教育信息基础设施建设,另一方面要“加强优质教育资源开发与应用”。而实现这一切的基础,就是“强化信息技术应用。提高教师应用信息技术水平,更新教学观念,改进教学方法”,同时鼓励学生利用信息手段主动学习、自主学习,增强运用信息技术分析解决问题能力(教育部 2012)。



 Mark Warschauer  教授 专家简介

Parsing CALL's future

To consider developments in computer-assisted language learning (CALL), it’s useful to parse each word of the phrase.  The first word, “computer,” refers to the device used. Imagine how much change there has been in digital hardware since the days of the huge mainframe computers when CALL was first conceived in the 1950s.  Today, our students have access to a wide range of digital devices, from desktops to laptops to tablets to smartphones. Software has evolved as well to incorporate cloud-based tools, mobile apps, and online resources such as blogs, wikis, and social media sites.  CALL has thus evolved from focusing principally on a computer to incorporating a wide range of digital media inside and outside the classroom.

Now let’s consider the word “assisted”. What exactly are the ways that digital media can assist language learning?  In early days, we thought of the computer as a tutor, providing drill-and-practice activities to learners.  That can still be accomplished today, and in much broader ways.  Students can practice vocabulary on their smartphones anyplace and anytime.  Automated writing evaluation software can give students feedback on their essays. Intelligent tutoring systems can provide learners the types of exercises and questions suited to their exact level. Later, we began to think of the computer as a stimulus, encouraging communicative engagement among learners.  Certainly the vast amount of video, imagery, audio, and text of every conceivable genre available online can stimulate communication more than ever before. Finally, we thought about the computer as tool, and what a powerful tool it has become—for reading, writing, conducting research, and communicating with people all over the world. Probably the best conception of digital media today is as an environment oreco-system, encompassing a broad range of resources, tools, and contexts that enable people to live and learn in a language.  Indeed, for many non-native speakers of English around the world, digital media provides the principal environment in which they use English, more so than face-to-face or paper-based communication.

This leads to the next point, that of “language.” The information revolution of the last few decades has radically transformed what kinds of language that learners around the world need.  On the one hand, the ability to write well has come to the fore, as people all over the world have increased opportunities to participate in business, academic, and civic exchanges involving written communication. At the same time, the importance of interaction among non-native speakers of English is rising in importance.  People in China who learn English might use it as frequently with other non-native speakers from Korea, Japan, Germany, or France, as they use it with Americans or people from Britain. Thus native-like pronunciation fades in importance, whereas practical oral and written skills rise in value.

Finally, what does “learning,” mean? In the early days of computer-assisted language learning, we focused on accuracy.  Then, we started to focus more on fluency.  These are both extremely important.  But I also think that we need to promoteagency, which can be defined as “the satisfying power to take meaningful action and see the results of our decisions and choices” (Murray, cited in Warschauer, 2000b). This can occur through authentic research and writing, project-based learning, and collaborative engagement with other learners or speakers of English across the globe.

This then, is the progression of computer-assisted language learning—from the earlier days of scheduled tutoring, to a future in which active, self-directed engagement in a digital environment allows our learners to master technology and language so as to make their words and voices heard. If we teach our students to not only read and write the word, but to also read and write the world, we--and they--will achieve the power of CALL.

For Further Reading

Kern, R., & Warschauer, M. (2000). Theory and practice of network-based language teaching. In M. Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds.), Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice (pp. 1-19). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Warschauer, M. (1996). Computer-assisted language learning: An introduction. In S. Fotos (Ed.), Multimedia Language Teaching (pp. 3-20). Tokyo: Logos.

Warschauer, M. (2000a). The changing global economy and the future of English teaching.TESOL Quarterly, 34, 511-535.

Warschauer, M. (2000b). The death of cyberspace and the rebirth of CALL. English Teachers' Journal, 53, 61-67.

Warschauer, M. (2004). Of digital divides and social multipliers: Combining language and technology for human development.  Information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning of foreign languages: State of the art, needs and perspectives (pp. 46-52)Moscow: UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education.

Warschauer, M. (2011). Learning in the cloud: How (and why) to transform schools with digital media. New York: Teachers College Press.

Warschauer, M., & Grimes, D. (2007).  Audience, authorship, and artifact: The emergent semiotics of Web 2.0.Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 27, 1-23.

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 董剑桥  教授 专家简介


  1. 云时代网络环境下多媒体学习具有移动、自主、多元的泛在化特点,这与高校现行的“绑定式”(场所绑定、课时绑定、教材绑定、教师绑定、考试绑定)内部管理机制是相悖的。因此,不能脱离当下高校管理体制谈信息化英语教学模式改革问题。

  2. 技术应用设计应该服务于教学设计而不是等同或替代教学设计;借助技术学习不能代替学习本身。最有效的设计充其量也只能是通过适应认知规律、而不是改变认知规律来提高学习效率。

  3. 技术语境下的自主学习需要良好的元认知能力支持。任何人要掌握一门外语,都要经过长期艰苦的学习和实践,不存在“多快好省”。技术应用只解决方法与途径问题,不解决学与不学的问题,更不解决教与学的省力问题。

  4. 学媒效用问题的学术争论由来已久,两种极端的倾向即是教学应用的泛技术化倾向与技术排斥主义,应引起足够重视。

  5. 英语教育师资培养的专业化问题:几乎所有外语教师的教育技术应用均来自无师自通的钻研,或不成体系的亚规格培训。所以,必须从源头上解决外语师范教育的培养模式和专业化标准问题,同时建立完善的高校外语教师入职标准和可持续发展的在职培养机制。



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 胡加圣  教授 专家简介


CALL 的研究目的和发展思路,应该打破单纯技术辅助的角色定位,进行符合教育技术学理论思想的生态化整合改造,发展成为既能体现信息技术的辅助和促进作用,又能适应学者主体地位、符合教育学规律的新型外语教育技术,促进教学实践效果的大幅度提升。CALL 不能也不应该取代外语教育技术,而是应该成为教育技术学体系里的一个重要研究方向和一块重要研究内容。CALL的研究实践,换言之就是外语教育技术实践研究的主体内容。外语教育技术学的主要目的,是为计算机辅助外语教学寻找到一个合理的学科位置,不仅提升CALL的学科地位,也是为了丰富外语教学的学科理论体系。

世界CALL 研究给中国外语教育技术的启发也有几个方面:第一是其积极吸收和消化各种教学与学习理论,第二是积极关注技术在外语教学中的具体应用,第三是把CALL 研究和教育技术研究结合起来,进行跨学科的研究。CALL 在中国,必将成为一门既有理论体系又有实践基础的新兴学科。

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