

访谈个案:Roberto interview excerpt

The transcript material below has been excerpted from an interview with Roberto in which he describes his views on multitasking with his laptop in the classroom.

Interviewer: Is there any value added, or do you multitask because there‘s no other added value to that time in that classroom?

Roberto: Well you know a lot of people would say that, you know, well you need to respect the professor, you‘ve got to pay attention, you‘re paying for the class, so you know, and on and on and on, the number of reasons against what I do is just numerous. But the way I see it is that I try to take advantage of every single minute of the day. And if I‘m able to multitask to the point where I can learn something, and then switch back and forth, I believe that the information that‘s coming into me is multiplied exponentially. During one class period while everyone may have just learned instruction in the class, I‘ve learned the instruction in the class plus anything else I‘m doing in that moment. . .

Interviewer: Can you describe a class situation where you multitask?

Roberto: Well if there‘s like a group active discussion, a project, and you know, you‘re making decision, there‘s no way to multitask because if you do you‘re going to lose focus. You have to follow the discussion when there‘s a lot of questions being asked of you, or that involve you. But in a class where, let‘s say, there‘s a one hour lecture schedule, and most of the material is within a book that you can learn in like 10, 15 minutes on your own, then during parts of the lecture when I‘m like, do I really need. . . what‘s the word, it‘s not, parts of it are redundant, . . . I‘m sure it‘s a learning technique, repeat to learn, but once I feel like I‘ve satisfied my learning potential and the professor repeats it again, I would dive into an email program.

. . .

My view of college is different than a lot of people, and I know a lot of people are offended by my view of college.

Interviewer: Have you found that, in talking to people?

Roberto: Yeah, well yeah. Some people are like, oh no that‘s not what college is about, it‘s about education, you know, you‘ve got to respect the professor, you should give your undivided attention, you‘re distracting other people, it‘s just, I mean. . . I don‘t know, to me, I see it from the real world in, while everyone else sees it from in to out, towards the real world.

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