



In these accomplishments the twins excelled, and they were equally outstanding in their notorious inability to learn anything contained between the covers of books. Their family had more money, more horses, more slaves than any one else in the County, but the boys had less grammar than most of their poor Cracker neighbors.


It was for this precise reason that Stuart and Brent were idling on the porch of Tara this April afternoon. They had just been expelled from the University of Georgia, the fourth university that had thrown them out in two years; and their older brothers, Tom and Boyd, had come home with them, because they refused to remain at an institution where the twins were not welcome. Stuart and Brent considered their latest expulsion a fine joke, and Scarlett, who had not willingly opened a book since leaving the Fayetteville Female Academy the year before, thought it just as amusing as they did.


“I know you two don’t care about being expelled, or Tom either,” she said. “But what about Boyd? He’s kind of set on getting an education, and you two have pulled him out of the University of Virginia and Alabama and South Carolina and now Georgia. He’ll never get finished at this rate.”


“Oh, he can read law in Judge Parmalee’s office over in Fayetteville,” answered Brent carelessly. “Besides, it don’t matter much. We’d have had to come home before the term was out anyway.”




“The war, goose! The war’s going to start any day, and you don’t suppose any of us would stay in college with a war going on, do you?”


“You know there isn’t going to be any war,” said Scarlett, bored. “It’s all just talk. Why, Ashley Wilkes and his father told Pa just last week that our commissioners in Washington would come to—to—an—amicable agreement with Mr. Lincoln about the Confederacy. And anyway, the Yankees are too scared of us to fight. There won’t be any war, and I’m tired of hearing about it.”


“Not going to be any war!” cried the twins indignantly, as though they had been defrauded.


“Why, honey, of course there’s going to be a war,” said Stuart. The Yankees may be scared of us, but after the way General Beauregard shelled them out of Fort Sumter day before yesterday, they’ll have to fight or stand branded as cowards before the whole world. Why, the Confederacy—”Scarlett made a mouth of bored impatience.



1.accomplishment n. 技能,才艺,专长,修养

On professional Accomplishment of Journalist

2.notorious adj. 臭名昭著的

Hitler is a notorious dictator.

3.expulsion n. 逐出, 开除, 驱逐

Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment.

4.indignantly adv. 愤慨地, 义愤地

Newspapers were told I was a liar,” she says indignantly.

5.defraud v. 欺骗

He defrauded the author of his property.


1.Stuart and Brent considered their latest expulsion a fine joke, and Scarlett, who had not willingly opened a book since leaving the Fayetteville Female Academy the year before, thought it just as amusing as they did.

【难句解析】consider...as...意思是“视...为...”;who had not...before是定语从句修饰Scarlett;amusing意思是“有趣的”;


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