



When they had rounded the curve of the dusty road that hid them from Tara, Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump of dogwood. Stuart halted, too, and the darky boy pulled up a few paces behind them. The horses, feeling slack reins, stretched down their necks to crop the tender spring grass, and the patient hounds lay down again in the soft red dust and looked up longingly at the chimney swallows circling in the gathering dusk. Brent’s wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.


“Look,” he said. “Don’t it look to you like she would of asked us to stay for supper?”
“I thought she would,” said Stuart. I kept waiting for her to do it, but she didn’t. What do you make of it?”


“I don’t make anything of it But it just looks to me like she might of. After all, it’s our first day home and she hasn’t seen us in quite a spell. And we had lots more things to tell her.”


“It looked to me like she was mighty glad to see us when we came.”
“I thought so, too.”


“And then, about a half-hour ago, she got kind of quiet, like she had a headache.”


“I noticed that but I didn’t pay it any mind then. What do you suppose ailed her?”
“I dunno. Do you suppose we said something that made her mad?”
They both thought for a minute.


“I can’t think of anything. Besides, when Scarlett gets mad, everybody knows it. She don’t hold herself in like some girls do.”

“Yes, that’s what I like about her. She don’t go around being cold and hateful when she’s mad—she tells you about it. But it was something we did or said that made her shut up talking and look sort of sick. I could swear she was glad to see us when we came and was aiming to ask us to supper.”

“You don’t suppose it’s because we got expelled?”
“Hell, no! Don’t be a fool. She laughed like everything when we told her about it. And besides Scarlett don’t set any more store by book learning than we do.”
Brent turned in the saddle and called to the negro groom.



1.halt vi. 跛行, 犹豫, 畏缩, 停止 vt. 使...停止

The soldiers halted for a rest.

2.rein [rein] n. 缰绳, 统驭

The horse responds to the slightest pull on the rein.
只要缰绳稍稍一拉, 这匹马就有反应。

3.swallow n. 燕子

There are many swallows flying in the sky.

4.ingenuous adj. 坦白的, 正直的, 天真的

She is too ingenuous in believing what others say.
她太天真, 轻信别人的话。

5.expel [iks'pel] vt. 驱逐, 逐出, 开除

He was expelled from the school.

6.saddle ['s?dl] n. 鞍, 车座, 山脊, 拖具

The saddle galled the horse's back.

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