

My analysis of an public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection
After watching the public service advertisement on animal protection,I was profoundly touched by the scenario of the advertisement.As the video unfold,a famous actress,Li Bingbing,who had been shut down and ultimately passed away,finally changed into an elephant ,which was been shut and was on the verge of death.However,that was just a movie!But what if this wasn't  a movie?Will our human be killed?
Although it was just a spectacle in the movie,the information behind the advertisement and the spot were all subtly linked together.Perhaps only in one day when the animal change into a man while the human change into the animal and being killed,can we come to conscious of how significant to           protect animals,how stupid the human previously do.To some extend,this advertisement convey the
information to us.
Being in favour of collecting polish ivories,a lot of people look up and down at any cost nowadays,
which  get rise to some desperadoes to hunt the elephants for their ivories.In fact,not only the elephants are massacred in cold blood,but also the sharks,the antelope,and other rare animals.However,when the buying stops,the killing can too.Thus,only everybody refuse to purchase the ivories,the shark tin ,the coat that make of the fur of rare antelope,and so on, can we contribute an own strength to protect the animal ,protect our mother nature!
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My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection
My Analysis of an Pubil Service Advertisement on Animal Protection
My analysis of an public service advertisement on animal protection
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal protection
My analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection
My analysis of a public service advertisement on animal protection
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