



“The mouth is really very very significant, because that is where the first activitylanded; your lips started the first activity. Surrounding the area of the mouthis the beginning of all activity: you breathed in, you cried, you startedgroping for the mother’s breast. And your mouth remains always in a franticactivity.


“Wheneveryou sit down to meditate, whenever you want to be silent, the first thing is toshut the mouth completely. If you shut the mouth completely, your tongue willtouch the roof of your mouth; both the lips will be completely closed and thetongue will touch the roof. Shut it completely – but that can be done only ifyou have followed whatsoever I have been saying to you, not before it.


“Youcan do it – shutting the mouth is not a very big effort. You can sit like astatue, with a completely shut mouth, but that will not stop activity. Deepinside the thinking will continue, and if thinking continues you can feelsubtle vibrations in the lips. Others may not be able to observe it becausethey are very subtle, but if you are thinking then your lips quiver a little –a very subtle quivering.


“Whenyou really relax, that quivering stops. You are not talking, you are not makingany activity inside you. And then don’t think.


“Whatwill you do? – thoughts are coming and going. Let them come and go; that’s notthe problem. You don’t get involved; you remain aloof, detached. You simplywatch them coming and going – they are not your concern. Shut the mouth and youremain silent. By and by, thoughts will cease automatically. They need yourcooperation to be there. If you cooperate,they will be there; if you fight,then too they will be there – because both are cooperations: one for, the otheragainst. Both are sorts of activity. Simply watch.


“Butshutting the mouth is very helpful. So first, as I have been observing manypeople, I will suggest to you to first yawn. Open your mouth as wide aspossible, tense your mouth as wide as possible and yawn completely; it evenstarts hurting. Two or three times do this. This will help the mouth to remainshut for a longer time. And then for two or three minutes, say gibberish,nonsense, loudly. Anything that comes to the mind, say it loudly and enjoy it.Then shut the mouth.


“Itis easier to move from the opposite end. If you want to relax your hand, it isbetter to first make it as tense as possible. Clench the fist and let it be astense as possible. Do just the opposite and then relax – and then you willattain a deeper relaxation of the nervous system. Make gestures, faces,movements of the face and distortions. Yawn, say two or three minutes ofnonsense and then shut the mouth.


“Thistension will give you a deeper possibility to relax the lips and mouth. Shutthe mouth and then just be a watcher. Soon a silence will descend on you.


“Bepassive...just as you sit by the side of a river and the river floats by, andyou simply watch. There is no eagerness, no urgency, no emergency. Nobody isforcing you. Even if you miss, there is nothing missed. You simply watch, youjust look. Even the word watch is not good, because the very word watch gives afeeling of being active. You simply look, not having anything to do. You simplysit by the bank of the river, you look, and the river flows by. Or, you lookpassively at the sky and the clouds float.


“This passiveness is very very essential; that is to be understood, because you robsession for activity can become eagerness, can become an active waiting. Then you miss the whole point; then the activity has entered from the back dooragain. Be a passive watcher.


“Thispassivity will automatically empty your mind. Ripples of activity, ripples of mind-energy, by and by will subside, and the whole surface of yourconsciousness will be without any waves, without any ripples. It becomes like asilent mirror.”

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